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日期:2018-05-30 04:12

The goal of this project is to generate a "Word Cloud" for Chinese text.

What is a word cloud? Basically, it is an image displaying the most important

components from a text. In English, a word cloud displays words that occur the most

often, once you have excluded frequent words that aren't very meaningful (such as

"the", "and", "is", these words are called "stop words"), and usually after "stemming"

words, which means counting "walk", "walked", and "walking" as the same word, as

well as "shoe" and "shoes" or "foot" and "feet". In other words, the "stem" is the

common component of different grammatical versions of words (note that for

processing Chinese text, stemming is not necessary). You can find many examples of

word clouds by searching the web. We provide one below.

In Chinese, we'll be interested by sets of consecutive characters (we often call them

"tokens" or "words" or in Chinese"词"), and we'll analyze how often they appear.

The first part of this project consists of the following two tasks:

Task 1 (Preprocessing and Tokenization): The first task is to read a text file of

Chinese characters and segment the Chinese characters into words. The program may

repeatedly get one part or a whole sentence separated by a punctuation mark, call a

word-splitting API (see appendix for references) to split the sentence into words,

output the words with a specified delimiter (such as an English character 'a', a

punctuation mark ';', a symbol '|', or white space characters like '\n') except all the stop

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words. Before reading a Chinese text file, your program may need a parameter to

specify the charset used in the text, such as UTF-8, GB2312, GB18030, Big5 etc. In

fact, auto-detecting the charset of a plain text file is still an open problem. We provide

a Java program called FileCharsetDetector (in fileCharsetDetect.zip),

which can help detect the encoding charset of a text file. Please read the ReadMe.txt

to learn how to run the program. The source code of FileCharsetDetector.java

is also given. It might be a working sample to help you deal with charset encoding

problem for Chinese text.

Task 2 (Word Frequency Count with sorting): The second task is to read the

output words from Task 1, count the frequency of each word (i.e., how many times it

appears in the text), sort the words by their frequency (from highest to lowest), and

output the sorted words with frequencies. The encoding charset of the output from

Task 1 can be fixed in one charset (e.g., you can choose to use UTF-8).

Please note that the two tasks are not sequential. They are expected to be done

independently by two different team members as long as there is an agreement on the

output format of Task 1 and input format of Task 2. In this way, when you need to

test Task 2 before Task 1 is done, you can use mock data, possibly prepared by a third

person in your team.

Appendix 1: Chinese Text Processing

HanLP (https://github.com/hankcs/HanLP) is a powerful Java library for Chinese

Language Processing. To use HanLP, you need to perform the following setup tasks:

1. Download data.zip (containing various dictionaries and language models) from

http://nlp.hankcs.com/download.php?file=data. Unzip the file and put the

extracted content in any folder.

2. Download hanlp-release.zip from http://nlp.hankcs.com/download.php?file=jar.

After unzipping, you will see a configuration file hanlp.properties. Modify

the first line of the file to configure the path of the data folder obtained in the first

step. For example, if the data folder is at D:/JavaProjects/HanLP/data, then

the first line of hanlp.properties should be:


3. After modification, put the configuration file in the src folder of your project

(assuming that you are using Eclipse). Eclipse will copy it to the bin folder

during compilation (i.e., the configuration file will be in classpath).

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4. The hanlp-release.zip file also contains a jar file (e.g., hanlp-1.6.3.jar, your

downloaded version may be slightly different, but this would not affect your

program’s correctness). Put the jar file in your project folder and add it to the

project build path in Eclipse (if you cannot see the jar file in Eclipse Package

Explorer after you put it in the project folder, refresh the project). See the

following screenshot for how to add the jar file to build path in Eclipse.

Note that if you compile and run your project from command line, you should also

make sure that the jar file is in classpath when invoking the command javac and

java. Read the following Wikipedia page to learn how to do so:


After the above setup, you should be able to use HanLP for language processing. For

tokenization, please refer to the following demo code:



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For removing stop words, please use the following list of words for string matching:


For more information of HanLP, please read its README file at:


Appendix 2: Team Formation and Project Grading Policy

1. You must work in a team with 2-3 members to finish the project. The ideal team

size is 3. For international students, you are encouraged to team up with Chinese


2. In principle, ALL team members should be from the same lab. If you want to team

up with friends from other labs, please send us an email for confirmation and

make sure all of you can attend the project presentation, which will be held in a

lab session at the end of this semester.

3. Each team will be asked to give a project presentation. Except for medical reasons

(a certificate must be shown in such cases), ALL team members must show up

during the presentation and introduce what she/he has done. Anybody not

attending the project presentation will only receive 50% of the grade.

4. We will consider the following factors when grading your project: (1) the overall

outcome of your project, (2) your contribution to the project, (3) your project

presentation quality, and (4) your team size.

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