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日期:2024-11-06 05:29

MATH 10 Syllabus Statistics

Fall 2024

Course Description : The use of probability techniques, hypothesis testing, and predictive techniques to facilitate decision-making. Topics include descriptive statistics; probability and sampling distributions; statistical inference; correlation and linear regression; analysis of variance, chi-square, and t-tests.

Math 10 Student Learning Outcomes

Students who successfully complete Math 10 will be able to:

a.           Demonstrate mastery of the computational skills necessary to solve problems whose difficulty level is appropriate for a transfer-level class.

b.           Demonstrate the ability to use statistical methods to test hypotheses involving real word scenarios.

c.            Demonstrate an understanding of and ability to use the standard normal curve in analyzing appropriate data sets.

Course Structure

The structure of the course is as follows:

1.    Learning math by watching online video lectures and reading online text

2.    Completing online homework and quizzes according to the timeline

3.    Participating in discussion boards

4.    Communicating with your instructor via the Canvas Inbox and course announcements

5.    Taking your exams with a webcam using Canvas’s HonorLock proctoring service

Course Expectations/Policies

I want to be upfront and honest with you. This course is an accelerated program that requires a significant

amount of time from you. To be safe, you should plan to dedicate 20-25 hours per week to this course. I

understand that you have other responsibilities such as other classes,full-time jobs, and family commitments. However, it's important that you know the facts before investing your time and money in this class.

This course is being taught in an online format. You will be required to complete assignments online using Pearson. You will be responsible for reading the text and watching videos in place of traditional classroom lectures.

This is a 3-unit course,which means you are expected to spend a MINIMUM of 9‐18 hours each week studying and

completing assignments for the course. Be sure that you can make such a time commitment if you wish to succeed in

the course this semester.



The best and quickest way to contact me is via email.  You are encouraged to post your questions to the discussion board. Your questions will be addressed within 24-48 hours. Feel free to  participate in responses to assist  your fellow classmates.  Please send your email with the subject line: Math 10 if you do need to use the email method.   I will attempt to answer all questions sent by email within 48 hours. Furthermore, course announcements and emails are sent through Canvas, which only uses Saddleback email accounts. Therefore, you MUST check your Saddleback email regularly for the duration of the course. I will not be able to respond to emails on Holidays, Fridays, and weekends.

Please read: email etiquette

A little note on email. I do not know about you but when I want to initiate a conversation with someone whom I

know, I start with some form. of greetings such as Hello Tony, Hi Frank, Good morning Sue, Good afternoon

Stacy, and so on. In my culture and generation is highly unusual (and depending on the situation disrespectful) to just start a conversation without any greetings. Basically, your emails to me should not be the same as a text to

your best friend!

Please consider starting with a typical informal greeting like Hi Kia, Good morning Kia or with (a very

unnecessary) formal statement like Dear Professor Shafe. Then state your question or make your statement and you should end your email with your preferred way of signing off.

I reserve the right not to reply back to texts like emails!

Drop Policy

To be considered active in this course, each student must stay current with the timeline. You may get dropped asa no-show from the course if:

A) You do not complete the “Syllabus Acknowledgement” assignments by Tuesday, Oct 22 at 10:00 PM Or

B) if you fall behind the schedule by a week or more Or

C) If your grade in Canvas falls below 40%

Also, if you do not complete the midterm by its scheduled date, you may be dropped.

Discussion Boards  (graded)

Most weeks will begin with a light discussion board topic designed to get students to communicate with each other about math. The intent is for them to take no more than 5 minutes to complete.

To foster the online learning community, everyone must participate promptly. Participant feedback is valuable and    helps enrich our learning experience. You are required to post one (1) initial post to the discussion topic and reply to at least two (2) others to receive full credit for participation. The initial post is due on a Wednesday by 10:00 PM and the two replies are due on the Friday of that week.

Because timely posts are essential for robust and productive discussions, students who submit discussion responses after the deadline may not receive credit for those posts.

Generic, one-line posts do not receive any credit.

“replies” that are done last minute (less than 3 hours before the deadline) may not receive credit. Do not repeat someone else’s post without adding something of your own to it.

Avoid short, generic replies such as, “Iagree.” You should include why you agree/disagree or add to the previous point.

Discussion Board Guidelines

All Discussion boards:

When posting on the Discussion Board in your online class, you should:

Make posts that are on topic and within the scope of the course material.

You area college student. Take the posts seriously and review and edit your posts before sending them. Make thoughtful comments that are respectful to all involved.

Always give proper credit when referencing or quoting another source. Be sure to read all messages in a thread before replying.

Always be respectful of other’s opinions even when they differ from your own.

When you disagree with someone, you should express your differing opinion in a respectful, non-critical way.

Do not make personal or insulting remarks; avoid profanity. Be open-minded.

If you notice an inappropriate comment, please send the facilitatorsan email immediately.

You should do so even if you think the author of the post had good intentions but the post could be misunderstood or  taken the wrong way by another student.

Students do not have to agree with what other people say, but they should accord others a basic degree of respect. Inappropriate or unkind comments will not be tolerated. Comments that include profanity will not be tolerated. A

good general rule of thumb is to ask yourself: “Is this something I would say to my grandmother?” If not, then maybe it is not the best thing to post on our online discussion board.

Note: Use standard netiquette.  Be polite, and use business language.

Online Homework, Quizzes, and On-Time Credits

Each week homework and/or quizzes are assigned via Pearson’s MyLab Math which is due on Sunday at 10:00 PM. Ideally, you should strive for 100% on each assignment, but a minimum score of 45-80% is required before Pearson Math will allow you togo to the next assignment.

In order to be successful in an online math course, it is important to stay disciplined and motivated and keep up with the timeline. Dedicate several days a week to this course and stick to it!

Procrastinating and trying to do all your assignments at once usually results in poor retention and failure to complete the class.

Homework Policy:

While working on homework, Pearson Math will have several help buttons for you and will provide feedback as you go. It will let you know if you got a question corrector if you need to try again. You get three attempts at each

problem before it is marked wrong. If this happens, you can generate a new ‘similar exercise’ to solve for full credit.

You may submit homework at anytime and return to it later with your problems and answers intact. Just make sure     you click the ‘Save’ button anytime you update your work so that you will get credit for it. There will be homework for each section covered and also a cumulative review at the end of each chapter. The five Homework with the lowest

grades will be dropped. To foster learning, you may not get any credit if you attempt all or the majority of the weekly assignments in the last 48 hours before the due time. All assignments are due by Sunday at 10:00 PM.

Late homework will not be accepted regardless of the circumstances.

Quiz Policy:

In this class, there are four quizzes for you to assess your learning. The problems for each quiz are randomly chosen from the relevant chapters. While working on a quiz, you will have no help buttons and no feedback. Once a quiz is  submitted, you may review it and utilize the help buttons to get feedback. Also, you may retake any quiz twice, and only the best score counts. The lowest quiz score will be dropped.

There are no makeup quizzes regardless of the circumstances.

Keeping an organized notebook of work:

Each student is encouraged to keep a notebook in which homework and quizzes are worked out on paper before being entered into the computer. Keep it organized by section number and problem number. These notebooks may be useful for review.


There are two midterm exams and a final in this course. These exams must be proctored to ensure that you are the one taking the exams and that you can perform. the work without help from a tutor, the internet, and soon.

The exam dates/times are listed on the syllabus. All exams must be completed by their scheduled date in the timeline or a score of zero will be received on that exam. There will be absolutely NO make-up exams regardless of the

circumstances. NO Exceptions. Each testis about 120-150 minutes but I strongly suggest you reserve at least 6 hours for each test, just in case. Iwill not be responsible nor you will get a second chance for a test because of technical matters such as LockDown Browser issues, MyLab problems, Internet connection, etc. It is your responsibility to have everything ready and operational.

NOTE: If there are concerns in regard to the integrity of the test your instructor may require you to participate in a live web session where you will be asked to explain how you arrivedata random sample of your correct answers.

Online Proctoring (Zoom/Respondus) NOT COMPATIBLE WITH CHROME OS

Exams for this course will be administered through Respondus (an online proctoring system). The proctoring system requires students to have a computer with a LockDown browser, a web camera, and a microphone. Monitoring students during a testis necessary for maintaining the integrity of the course. Respondus is the tool that our department has agreed to use and it will be used during exams. NO EXCEPTIONS

There will be no exceptions or extensions to this grading policy. The due date for an assignment is not the date you

should begin working on it, but rather, the last possible date for submission. If you choose to work on an assignment near its due date, you assume all risk and responsibility for any issues you may encounter--technical or otherwise. All

assignments, quizzes, etc. are available for you to work on from the very beginning of the course, and you are responsible for managing your time. There will be absolutely NO EXTENSIONS on the deadlines for homework, quizzes, exams, or final exam for ANY reason.

Exam Policies:

1.   A valid California, U.S., or Saddleback/IVC College ID will need to be presented.

2.   You will be required to scan the room with your webcam to show that you are alone and that you only have the allowed materials.

3.   At the end of the exam, you will be required to holdup your worked-out problems on scratch paper to the webcam.

4.   When your instructor reviews your exam session, if any part of it is incomplete due to technical issues (i.e.,

submittal of the exam is not recorded or the picture of ID is not clear), or if there are concerns in regards to the  integrity of the test your instructor may require you to participate in a live web session where you will be asked to explain how you arrived ata random sample of your correct answers.

5.   If any student is found to have violated any exam policies, a score of zero will be received on that exam.

All exams must be completed by their scheduled date in the timeline or a score of zero will be received on that exam.

For each exam

You will have to let the Respondusscan the entire room and the testing area.

You will get zero credit if your entire test session is not monitored or fail to clearly scan the testing area at the beginning of the test.

You cannot use more than one computer/laptop and/or a monitor.

You cannot leave the monitored test area during the test. Bathroom breaks are not permitted. You may not use any apps, or unauthorized websites during the test.

You may not wear a beanie, hat, earbuds, or headphones, or cover your ears. You may not be in a crowded area and /or interact with others during the test.

You are not allowed to wear headphones/earbuds or listen to music while taking the test. You may not take the test in a dark or a low-light environment

When prompted you must clearly show a valid ID. You may use up to 5 pieces of scratch paper.

For each exam, students ARE allowed to have:

1) A non-graphing scientific calculator.


Course grades are based on homework, quizzes, tests, and online discussion participation.

Homework and quizzes must be completed online using Pearson. Assignments will be due every Sunday night at 10:00

pm—NO EXCEPTIONS OR EXTENSIONS. There will be absolutely NO make-up exams regardless of the circumstances. NO Exceptions.

Grade categories are assigned as follows:

Online Interactive Assignments                7%

Online Homework: 14%

Discussions Boards:                                5%

Quizzes: 30%

Midterms: 28%

Final Exam: 16%

Total                                                         100%

Grades are assigned according to the following scale:

A 90‐100%

B 80‐89%

C 70‐79%

D 65‐69%

F 0‐64%

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