FC308 Practical Programming Assignment - Part1
Module Title : Information Technology
Module Code : FC308
No: |
Topic |
Pg. No |
1 1.1 1.2 |
Algorithm Task1- (fill in the name of tasks) Task2- |
2 2.1 2.2 |
Technical Overview Task1- Task2- |
3 3.1 3.2 |
Python Code with Comments Task1- Task2- |
4 4.1 4.2 |
Testing Task1- Task2- |
5 |
Evaluation and Summary |
6 |
References |
Task 1: Simple Interest calculator
Provide a comprehensive algorithm of the program , you also provide a pseudocode demonstrating the working of your code
Example of algorithm/ pseudocode for the python program
Students have to provide a fully functional algorithm
Consider a following example of a flow chart
Similarly, for task 2 , provide the above details
Note: Flow chart and Algorithms are mandatory
Task 2: High score manager
Consider the following technical overview for the game developed in Python:
Users may design and play their own interactive stories using the "Create Your Own Adventure" program, which is a Python-based text adventure game. The application is broken up into three sections: user registration and login, part one of the story involves creating an inventory, and part two involves playing the adventure.
To achieve its functionality, the software makes use of a number of programming methods. Iterative loops, which repeatedly carry out a set of instructions, are one important approach. The software use for loops to repeatedly run over several game components, including the scenarios in parts one and two of the adventure and the inventory items available to the player.
The software also makes use of selection statements, such as if-else statements, to assess circumstances and carryout certain instructions in accordance with the results. This method is heavily utilized throughout the software to manage user input, verify user credentials, and control the result of various game events.
The usage of sub-functions, which are tiny functions that are called by the main program to carryout particular duties, is another significant programming method. The program has three sub-functions that are called by the main program based on user input: login, register, and difficulty.
The application manipulates and stores data using a variety of different data structures. For instance, the application utilizes a list called "Player inventory" to store the user's chosen products and a "User data" dictionary to record user credentials. Lists are also used by the application to hold the many options and scenarios that the user can select from.
The data structures used by the application are carefully selected to provide effective data storage and retrieval. For instance, dictionaries are used to store user data as they make data retrieval based on keys quick and easy. Since lists make it simple to manipulate and index data, they are frequently used to store inventory items and game scenarios.
Function |
Specification |
Data Structure |
register(): |
Runs a while loop to request the user for a username and check to see whether it already exists in the User data dictionary. Requests a password from the user and adds the new user's credentials to the User data dictionary. The json module is used to dump the User data dictionary into the filename given. Returns True when the registration was successful. |
Uses a while loop to check user’s input. The usernames and passwords of registered users are stored in User data. The json module is used to read and write data to a file. |
Uses a for loop with 5 iterations to process over the login attempts. The user is asked |
login(): |
to provide their username and password that was previously created. Checks to see if the given username and password match those of an existing user. If the credentials are correct, the function produces a message indicating a successful login and returns True. If the credentials do not match, an error message is printed along with the amount of attempts remaining. If the limit number of tries is reached, the program prints an error message and quits. |
Uses a for loop to limit the login attempts. The usernames and passwords of registered users are stored in a dictionary called User data. Conditions are used to validate user input and regulate program flow. To quit the program, use the exit() function. |
difficulty(): |
Uses a while loop to be repeated until the user inputs a valid input. The user is prompted to choose a difficulty level: 1 for easy, 2 for medium, or 3 for hard. Checks for valid input from the user and returns the time limit for the specified level. If an invalid choice is entered, an error message is printed and the cycle is continued. |
Uses a while loop to check user input. Conditional statements are used to regulate program flow. The input() function is used to obtain user input, and the int() function is used to transform the input to an integer number. |
menu(): |
Displays a greeting message to the user. A while loop is used to repeatedly remind the user to select an option until they decide to exit the game. Displays the user's available choices. Uses if-elf statements to carry out the selected choice. Print statements are used to deliver useful messages regarding the story to the user. |
Uses if-elif statements to run various programs dependent on the user's selection. To execute certain actions, the functions login(), register(), Play_Story1(), and Play_Story2() are used. The dictionary User data is used to hold registered users' usernames and passwords. |
In the example above, the user has explained the many functions used in the program, as well as loops and if else statements. Students can take a different approach to creating the technical overview by providing images of important fragments of code and explaining how the while loop, if else, for loop, or function works in that segment of the code.
Students have to provide technical overview for task 1 and task 2 separately
Task 1
Write technical overview
Task 2
Write technical overview
In section of the report copy paste your code
No Screenshots Only copy paste!!!
Task 1 Code:
Task 2 Code:
Task 1:
Testing for Development
Describe the development process for your code. Give several screenshots of your code starting from a simple code with no difficult functions, followed by different versions or upgrades of your code and how you built it into a final version, such ashow you added functions and while loops to make the code better.
Testing for Evaluation
In this area, you must provide various screenshots of output, such as one demonstrating a correctly running program, as well as different output examples, such as when you give a negative input,the software should display invalid input and ask you to enter the amount again.
Similarly give screenshots of different variations of the output.
Follow the same for Task2
Task 2:
Testing for Development
Testing for Evaluation
a short (no more than one page) and accurate reflection of how well you think the
solution works and what improvements are needed or could be made. The evaluation
should use the testing that was carried out to evaluate the functionality of the programs created.
Task 1:
Task 2:
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