FIN411 Advanced Investments
Semester 2 2023/2024 Group Coursework 1 (15%)
Due date: Week 9 Friday 26th April 2024
. Coursework 1 (CW1) is worth 15% of your final grade.
. Each group will comprise 3 to 4 students. The group will receive a score out of 15%. The group members will decide on individual member scores, such that the average score equals the group score. Put simply, I assign the mean, and group members assign the volatility.
. Each group will nominate a captain, who will email me the name and student number of each group member ASAP. On the due date, each group captain will:
o Hand in a hardcopy of the assignment report.
o Email me a softcopy of the assignment report, as well as an Excel file that contains the data, calculation, graphs etc.
. The assignment report should be written in Times New Roman, 12-point font with
1.5 paragraph spacing. LIMIT: 15 pages, including figures and tables.
Portfolio sorting
The aim of this assignment is to expose students to portfolio sorting, which is an essential tool for Investments. CW1 allows students to address empirical issues in beta estimation, different sorting approaches, as well as sample construction.
The group assignment can be a US study, China study, or even an Australian study. For Chinese stock market data, CSMAR (China Stock Market and Accounting Research) would be your first choice. It is a very comprehensive database that should cater to most Masters dissertation topics, across Corporate Finance, Investments, and Financial Markets. The other database that specializes more on Financial Markets would be the WIND Financial Database.
In Workshop 3, I will do a simple demonstration to access the CSMAR database from the library website.
Section 1: Data, sample and descriptive statistics (7%)
a) Collect daily prices for N=100 stocks, across at least 7 different industries, for T=6 years, as well as a suitable index to proxy the market portfolio M.
b) Justify your choice of type of stocks in your firm sample, your chosen sample period, and your chosen index to proxy the market portfolio M.
c) For each stock, use the full sample to compute the average return and volatility as a proxy for (μi, σi). You can use simple functions in Excel, but you would need to annualize both the mean return and volatility. How do you annualize (μi, σi)? Hint: σi is proportionate to JTrading time, so to annualize daily σi , use √252.
d) Using (μi, σi), perform a simple quintile double-sort 5x5: Assume N=100; Sort N on μi into 5 groups, then within each group, further sort on σi into 5 groups. You should have 4 stocks in each of 25 groups, for N=100.
e) For each of the 25 portfolios, generate an equally-weighted daily return and compute the annualized (μP, σP).
f) Plot the location of your 25 portfolios on the (μ, σ) space.
Section 2: Empirical methodology to form beta portfolios (8%)
g) Run a market model regression to estimate each stock’s βi,t on a 1-year rolling window. For T=6 years, and each stock i = 1,2, … 100, you would have 6 estimated beta βi,t for each stock, or 600 estimated betas in total.
h) At the end of Year 1, quintile-sort N on βi,t using breakpoint-sorting: Compute estimated β interval = [βMax 一 βMin]/5 to derive breakpoints; Sort N using these
breakpoints to form. 5 β-sorted portfolios = [βP(L), 2, 3, 4, βP(H)]
E.g. [1.5-0.5]/5=0.2. Beta breakpoints = {0.7,0.9,1.1,1.3}
i) Hold the 5 β portfolios to the end of Year 2. At the end of Year 2,
a. Compute each portfolio’s equally-weighted return and beta.
b. Update the beta for each stock i using Year 2 data.
c. Repeat h) to rebalance the β portfolios, and hold to the end of Year 3.
d. Repeat i) until you reach the end of Year 6.
j) Plot the CAPM’s SML using your chosen M, based on the approach in Cochrane (2011). Use the equally-weighted return and beta of each of the 5 beta portfolios from Years 2-6 (5-year horizon) to plot their location on the same diagram.
k) Discuss the position of the 5 portfolios, relative to one another, and to the SML.
Focus more on the location of βP(L) and βP(H) .
FIN411 Advanced Investments
Semester 2 2023/2024 Group Coursework 2 (15%)
Due date: Week 13 Friday 24th May 2024
. CW2 is worth 15% of your final grade.
. The group details, peer-review process, submission process and formatting requirements are the same as CW1.
. The group captain will email me a copy of the assignment report, as well as an Excel file that contains the data, calculation etc by 24th May 2024. A hardcopy is not required.
Double-sorting and portfolio strategies
CW2 requires students to empirically test the Capital Asset Pricing Model by comparing the β portfolios from CW1, against commonly used portfolio strategies, using the same sample (N and T) for CW1.
Section 3: Empirical methodology on forming size portfolios (7%)
l) At the end of Year 1, quintile-sort N on each firm’s market capitalization Ln(ME), where ME= Market value of Equity is end of Year 1 share price x No. of ordinary shares outstanding.
m) Use breakpoint-sorting: Compute size range = [Ln(ME)Max - Ln(ME)Min]/5 to derive breakpoints; Sort N using these breakpoints to form 5 size-sorted portfolios = [sp , 2, 3, 4, Bp], where sp and Bp denote the Small and Big portfolio respectively.
n) Hold the 5 size portfolios to the end of Year 2. At the end of Year 2,
a. Compute each portfolio’s equally-weighted return and beta.
b. Update the Ln(ME) for each stock i at the end of Year 2.
c. Repeat m) to rebalance the size portfolios, and hold to the end of Year 3.
d. Repeat n) until you reach the end of Year 6.
o) From the same CAPM’s SML figure in CW1, use the equally-weighted return and beta of each of the 5 size portfolios over Years 2-6 (5-year horizon) to plot their location on the figure. Don’t mix with beta portfolios; Plot size portfolios relative to the SML
p) Discuss the position of the 5 size portfolios, relative to one another, and to SML. Focus more on the location of sp and Bp .
Section 4: Empirical methodology to form beta-size double-sorted portfolios (8%)
In Sections 2 and 3, you have formed portfolios by single-sorts on beta and size. This section combines the work you have done to construct double-sorted β portfolios that are controlled for size.
q) At the end of Year 1, quintile-sort N on Ln(ME), as before. But now, within each size quintile, further sort firms on β into quintiles. After this, gather firms within each β quintile, across the 5 size quintiles. Denote as [βP(L)|size, 2, 3, 4, βP(H)|size].
r) Hold the 5 β portfolios to the end of Year 2. At the end of Year 2,
a. Compute each β portfolio’s equally-weighted return and beta.
b. Using the updated β and Ln(ME) for each stock i at the end of Year 2, repeat q) to rebalance the β portfolios, and hold to the end of Year 3.
c. Repeat r) until you reach the end of Year 6.
s) In the same CAPM’s SML figure in CW1, use the equally-weighted average return and beta of each of the 5 β portfolios over Years 2-6 (5-year horizon), plot their location on the figure, TOGETHER with the 5 β portfolios from Section 2.
t) Discuss the relative positioning of the two sets of β portfolios, relative to one another. What can you say about the two pairs of portfolios βP(L) Vs. βP(L)|size and βP(H) Vs. βP(H)|size?
Bonus Section: Empirical methodology on forming MOM portfolios (5%)
u) At the end of Year 1, quintile-sort N on each firm’s total return over the past 1-year (PR1YR). Use breakpoint-sorting: Compute range = [PR1YRMax 一 PR1YRMin]/5 to derive breakpoints; Sort N using these breakpoints to form 5 momentum (MOM) sorted portfolios = [LP , 2, 3, 4, wP], where LP and wP denote the Loser and Winner portfolio respectively.
v) Hold the 5 PR1YR portfolios to the end of Year 2. At the end of Year 2,
a. Compute each portfolio’s equally-weighted return and beta.
b. Update PR1YR for each stock i at the end of Year 2.
c. Repeat u) to rebalance the PR1YR portfolios, and hold to end of Year 3.
d. Repeat v) until you reach the end of Year 6.
w) From the same CAPM’s SML figure in CW1, use the equally-weighted return and beta of each of the 5 PR1YR portfolios over Years 2-6 (5-year horizon) to plot their location on the figure. Don’t mix with beta or size portfolios; Plot PR1YR portfolios relative to the SML
x) Discuss the position of the 5 PR1YRsize portfolios, relative to one another, and to SML. Focus more on discussing Lp and p portfolios.
Some comments and advice
CW2 is a continuation of CW1. And if you plan to undertake an Investment/AP topic for your Masters dissertation, your potential topic could be a continuation of CW2.
Quintile-sort requires a large N. As you construct your sample for CW1, you need to think about CW2 as well, and gather the required data for both CW1 and CW2 in one step. To have to go back to adjust/expand sample, is very inefficient and time-consuming. At the data collection stage of research, the rule-of-thumb is to collect as much as you can, in terms of both i) the types of trading variables and/or financial statement variables and ii) the time-series of the variables. Eventually, your empirical analysis would only focus on a subset of the raw data. This is more efficient than finding out at a later stage of your empirical analysis that you have missing data. Do remember this for your Masters dissertation.
Standard portfolio analysis involves cross-section and time series. It may appear to make sense to focus on CW1 and beta portfolios, from Year 1 to Year 6, and then repeat for other sorting criterion in CW2. But this is not correct; If you can do Year 1 and 2 for CW1, you can do Years 3-6. It is better to focus on whether your sample allows you to perform the required analysis for Year 1 and 2, in the sections of CW2 i.e. size, double-sort and MOM. This way, you can detect what data do you need at the data collection stage of the assignment. Once you are satisfied you can undertake Years 1 and 2 across all sections, then focus on completing CW1.
The choice of a proxy market portfolio is an issue. Make sure you can justify your choice of M e.g SSE-Composite for Shanghai listed stocks, SZE-Composite for Shenzhen listed stocks, or CSI300 (or CSI500) if your sample firms mixes between SSE and SZE listed stocks.
Variance is proportional to time e.g. A monthly variance of 0.8% is 9.6% pa. σi is proportional to the square-root of time. If you are annualizing daily σi , use trading days (252) rather than calendar days (365).
I assume you can use at least one of the statistical software e.g. SAS/Matlab/STATA/Eviews/R to run regressions and estimate beta.
Lastly, if you are unsure whether your sample is adequate to perform the required empirical analysis for this assignment, I am happy to comment on your sample before you proceed.
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