Complex Corporate Issue (ACCT3009) SEM1, 2024
Major Assignment: Video Presentation (30%)
To be completed individually or in a group of up to 3 students
Value: This assessment task accounts for 30% of the final mark.
Required: Record a video presentation on an assigned Complex Corporate Issue related topic (30%): The topic is listed at the end of this document.
a) Each student must present & appear in the video for at least 4 minutes & total length of the video should not exceed:
if 1 student: 6 minutes;
if a group of 2 students: 10 minutes; or
if a group of 3 students: 15 minutes.
b) Video submissions must be made in MP4 format and uploaded through Echo 360 for submission. Only 1 submission per group (1 video file submitted per group).
Additional details on how to submit your work are available on Blackboard.
Video Presentation
Your video presentation must include the following as a minimum, however use your creativity as to how and when these points are covered:
1. Introduction
a. Introduce each group member
b. State your topic & companies that you have selected
c. Outline the structure of your talk & who will do what
2. Elements that relate to the topic
a. Discuss the elements that are essential to the topic
b. Refer to your references
3. Application of the elements
a. Apply what you have discussed to each of the companies you selected
b. Do the comparisons between the companies
c. Discuss the similarities and the differences
4. Conclusion & opinion
a. Sum up the key points of your talk
b. What is your conclusion
c. Give your opinion
d. Say “goodbye”
· Be selective – you chose what is important and how you compare your companies
· The time limits are part of the assignment requirements – if you exceed the time permitted you are likely to be penalised
· The right amount of detail is what will fit in the time you have
· Look at the marking guide - addressing your topic is only part of the marks
· You are expected to reference your work correctly, both during the video and at the end of the video. Referencing is evidence of good research, failure to reference is plagiarism and an indication that you have not properly researched your assignment.
Marking note:
Like all presentations you will be marked on your presentation skills as well as your research, analysis and the content of your video. Presentation skills can be supported by video editing techniques or simply on how you present yourself. If you simply sit and read you will not achieve high marks. You need to make your presentation interesting – just as you would if you were presenting in class.
Material to help you
· The marking guide and marking rubric with the explanation on the allocation of marks is available on Blackboard.
· Various instructions on how to use editing software can be viewed on YouTube and written manuals for most editing software are freely available online.
· Search online for other guides and assistance.
· Your tutor will help you if you have any questions about your topic but the choice of software and recording devices you use is up to you and although we may demonstrate some video editing packages for you we cannot teach you how to use them.
· A number of video cameras are available for use by Bentley students on a short term basis. These can be loaned from the School of Accounting reception area by students currently enrolled in the unit. You will need your student card as collateral for the loan of a camera.
1. The soft copy of your video (1 video submission per group) must be submitted in MP4 format through Echo 360 in accord with the submission guidelines released on Blackboard.
Late submissions may be subjected to penalties (please refer to unit outline for more details).
1. How do I decide what topic I should use for my video?
The topic question appears at the end of this document. You may choose which company or companies you wish to consider for the topic. Note that it will be easier to demonstrate good research and quality content if you select an in-depth topic that is unique to your group.
2. What device should I use to record my video?
You can record your video using any device capable of recording in MP4 format; this includes your phone, pad, video camera or webcam. The video must be downloaded from the device before submission. The video cannot be marked from your device.
3. What software should I use to record my video?
There are multiple software which you can use to record your video and your computer screen (which shows the presentation slides, diagrams, etc). You can use any software that you are familiar with.
If you are already familiar with Zoom, check out this video for how to use your ppt slides as background while you record your video:
4. What editing software should I use to edit my video?
You can edit your video using any video editing software you wish but you must produce the final version in MP4 format. You are not expected to purchase editing software as there are many freely available. Some free packages you could consider are:
- Wondershare
- Windows Movie Maker (functionality is a bit limited in Movie Maker)
Have a look at this website for other ideas and a critique of free editing software:
5. I used a free editing package and it has placed a “watermark” on the final version of my video – what do I do?
Nothing – as long as your tutor can still see & hear what you have done through the water mark then you will not be penalised.
6. Will the teaching staff explain to me how to use the editing software?
No. We do encourage you to use editing software as it is a useful skill but we cannot provide support for editing software. If possible sample videos will be shown in lectures to help you with presentation skills and to show you the benefits of editing, but it is up to you to learn how to use the software you choose.
7. How do I get help on using editing software?
Some material is provided in Blackboard and a demonstration may be provided during the lecture but you will need to find other resources to help you. Depending on the software you have chosen to use there is usually learning videos and other resources available through u-tube, the product vendor’s website, or other internet sources.
8. How do I get help on the topic I have to present?
Your tutor will be able to help you with your topic. However, do not expect your tutor to do your research for you. Your tutor will be more helpful if you demonstrate you have made an effort to research your topic before you ask for help. At the University level you should be able to research a topic with minimal assistance from your tutor.
9. What format should I submit my video in?
MP4 - if you submit in another format and it does not run on your tutor’s computer then it cannot be marked. If you wish for some reason to submit in another format then you must check with your tutor first to test for compatibility and get permission. It is your responsibility to ensure your submission can be viewed and marked.
10. My video requires a special viewer or application to be downloaded to enable it to be viewed – is this OK?
NO – your video must be capable of being viewed without your tutor having to download any additional software.
11. What do I hand in?
You submit the following - ONLY ONE PER GROUP:
- The electronic copy of your video in MP4 format uploaded through Echo 360. Instructions on how to submit through Echo 360 are available on Blackboard.
12. How do I submit my work?
Your electronic copy of the video should be submitted in MP4 format through the Echo 360 system – make sure you keep a backup copy of your work! Don’t forget if your work is misplaced or cannot be played it is your responsibility to provide a backup copy. Complete instructions on how to submit through Echo 360 are available on Blackboard.
13. Can I choose my own group for the assignment?
Yes – but there can be no more than three per group. Other members of your group can be selected from students enrolled in the unit either online or internally. If you do not find yourself a group you will be required to complete the assignment by yourself. Online students may join any group.
14. What if I have problems with my other group members?
If there are issues in your group you are expected to resolve them as soon as they occur. If you are unable to resolve them consult your tutor immediately. Do not leave issues unresolved until the assignment is due. It will then be too late to resolve them. Your group should have regular progress meetings and be aware of any problems early in your assignment preparation.
15. What if I have problems with my other group members and we can’t resolve the problems?
If problems persist and cannot be resolved then the group is dissolved and you will be required to complete your assignment by yourself and submit individually. Extensions will not be granted if you have problems with your group.
16. What if I am in a group and one member applies for an extension due to illness or other issue?
Extensions will only be granted in extenuating circumstances as you have from week two to work on the assignment – do not leave it until the weekend before it is due.
If you are granted and extension it can only be granted to the person suffering the illness or personal issue. Any other members of the group will need to submit on time whether individually or part of the smaller group. The person granted the extension will be required to submit individually in accord with their extension.
17. Can some of the group do the video and other group members do the research or script?
No – all group members must participate in all parts of the assessment equally.
18. Do I need to actually appear in the video?
Yes – each member of your group must be shown & speak in the video for at least 4 minutes each. You may be replaced on screen for a reasonable time by effects or diagrams etc. If you do not appear and speak you have not presented and you will be awarded no marks.
Video Presentation
Sustainability or CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) reporting involves companies and organisations demonstrating their corporate responsibility through measuring and publicly reporting on their economic, social and environmental performance and impacts. It can be delivered through the company's annual report, a stand-alone sustainability report, a triple bottom line report or an environmental or social impact report.
Students are to select THREE companies (Two companies if you are doing the assignment by yourself) from the Top 200 companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. (Please note, if you selected the companies in another unit or previous semesters, you cannot select those companies again. You have to select different companies for SEM 1, 2024, ACCT3009).
Students should review the most recent annual reports along with the disclosure on the company website and any supplementary reports, including reliably sourced information in the media and rank the companies in terms of their sustainability (CSR) reporting. Students should also make a decision as to which company has demonstrated the better CSR reporting of its activities, based on the disclosures and fully justify the decision with examples and comparisons.
Students should consider what constitutes Good CSR reporting and whether the companies have disclosed enough information (Voluntary and Mandatory information) to allow them to be compared and ranked. In addition, students should consider the company size, political visibility, and image of the company and how this may influence CSR related disclosures.
Note: Under no circumstances are companies to be contacted direct by students.
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