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日期:2021-11-26 09:26

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Web Development I (ISYS1001)

Session 3, 2021

Assignment 1: Submission of Continuous Assessment Tasks, Topics 1 - 3

Unit Objectives: 1 - 3

Due Date: Week 4, Friday 26 November 20219.

Weight: 15% of overall unit assessment

Expected Time to Complete: 10 Hours

1. Task Description

Most topics of the study guide contain continuous assessment tasks that form part of your


You will complete the continuous assessment tasks for Topics 1 to 3 as your submission for

assignment 1. In addition the continuous assessment for topic 3 will have to be uploaded to your

account on the infotech server. For your convenience, I have included all of the continuous

assessments as an appendix of this document.

2. Marking criteria

The following marking criteria should assist you in completing your assignment. Please make sure

that you address each of these items in your assignment. Have a look at the marking spreadsheet

provided in the Assignments folder of the MySCU site for additional information.

Correct submission:

 1% - All continuous assessment tasks must be present in properly submitted zip

file. See section 8 “Assignment Submission”.

Continuous Assessment to be marked (Topic 1 - 3)

 Assessment 1 - 3%.

 Assessment 2 – 3%

 Assessment 3 - 4%

 Assessment 3 uploaded to the infotech server – and working properly – 4%.

Each of the assessments will be marked for the following:

 Meets all listed criteria and validates (as per the continuous assessment task)

 Source code readability, accuracy (development).

3. Advice

You will need to start this assignment in the first week of semester. By working through your tutorial

exercises each week, you should have more than sufficient time to complete the assignment by the

due date.

4. More information

All written works for continuous assessment must be word-processed. Drawings and diagrams should

be word-processed or images inserted into a word document. Files created in non-university standard

programs cannot be accepted, as the marker may not be able to view them.

If you need more information about completing this assignment, then you should contact your lecturer

or your tutor.

5. Original work

Your assignment must be your original work. Assignments form a major part of course work.

Exchange of ideas can be considered educationally valuable; however, excessive collaboration will be

regarded as plagiarism, which is a University offence. For example, the copying of significant parts

of a document, even if subsequently modified, is plagiarism. Such academic dishonesty will be

penalised in accordance with the University's rules and regulations.

You must not copy material from books, magazines, internet sources or other students’ assignments.

Of course, you may include direct quotes from any source, but these must be small (e.g. one sentence

or one paragraph) and must be properly referenced, using the Harvard Referencing Style.

The assessment process may require some students to attend an interview in order to explain aspects

of their assignment.

Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. If plagiarism is found, students may receive zero marks on that piece

of assessment item.

6. Identification

There is no need to hand in a hardcopy of this assignment. Ensuring that your name is in the filename

of the handed-in file will be sufficient identification.

7. Retain duplicate copy

Before submitting the assignment, you are advised to either photocopy or retain electronic copies of

original work. In the event of any uncertainty regarding the submission of assessment items, you may

be requested to reproduce a final copy.

8. Assignment submission

Time: Week 4, Friday 26th November 2021.


Internal, Online, Sydney/Melbourne/Perth: submit via "Submit Assignments “folder" (on


IBS and GXUST: as directed by local tutor.

File Naming conventions:

One zip file only with a filename = YourFirstInitialLastName_ISYS1001_Ass1.zip

IMPORTANT NOTE: do not include any spaces or hyphens within your filename as MySCU

seems to reject files with special characters including spaces and hyphens.

For assignment 1, click on the "Assignment Submission” folder in the MySCU site. Upload

your assignment to the Assignment 1 submission item. You will upload your zipped folder of

the continuous assessments 1-3 on or before the due date. Make sure you wait for the

upload to be complete - many students end up rushing this and as a result submit a

corrupted file.

9. Penalty for late submission

All assessment tasks submitted during the study period will normally be marked and returned within

two weeks of the required date of submission (provided that the assessment materials have been

submitted by the due date).

If you need an extension/special consideration for an assignment you will need to fill in the "Special

Consideration for Assessment" form. If the requested extension is for more than 48 hours you will

need to include some documentary proof of the reason you need the extension (i.e. doctors certificate

etc.). Remember that extensions will not be granted on due dates of the assignments (except in

exceptional situations) - get your request in before the assignment is due.

To streamline and improve the special consideration process, new eForms have been developed that

will enable students to submit an application electronically via MyEnrolment for:

 Special Consideration for Assessment (extension and marking)

 Special Exam Application

Extensions within 24 hours of submission or following the submission deadline will not be granted

(unless supported by a doctor’s certificate or where there are exceptional circumstances – this will be

at the unit assessor’s discretion and will be considered on a case by case basis).

A penalty of 5% of the total available grade will accrue for each 24-hour period that an assessment

item is submitted late. Therefore, an assessment item worth 20 marks will have 1 mark deducted for

every 24-hour period and at the end of 20 days will receive 0 marks.

Students who fail to submit following the guidelines in this Unit Information Guide will be deemed to

have not submitted the assessment item and the above penalty will be applied until the specified

submission guidelines are followed.

10. Marks and Feedback

All assessment materials submitted during the semester will normally be marked and returned within

two weeks of the required date of submission (provided that the assessment materials have been

submitted by the due date).

Marks will be made available to each student using MySCU Gradebook. Feedback comments will

also be available through the Gradebook.

11. Appendix

This contains all the continuous assessments associated with this


Topic 1 Continuous Assessment

During this session your major assignment (see Assignment 3 specifications)

will be to build a personal portfolio website to demonstrate your

life/business/IT skills. Each of topics of the study guide will bring you closer to

being able to produce this website. This topics continuous assessment forms

part of your assignment 1, due in week 4.

Create a new folder for your assignment 1 continuous assessments and name it

with your name and ISY10209_Ass1, e.g. bsmart_ISY10209_Ass1. This

will be your work folder for assignment 1.

Create another folder named ‘documents’ inside your work folder. This will be

your documents folder for Assignment 1.

You will be required to submit your work folder to your tutor as part of your

assignment 1. See the assignment folder on MySCU for additional information.

For this first continuous assessment:

1. The first file you will create is a Word document (.doc or .docx)

containing a concept map for your electronic portfolio (see Assignment 3

for details). You may use any software you like for the concept map or

even use pencil and paper (scanning the result and inserting it in the

document). The concept map should show all the possible things you want

on your web site. Save this file in your documents folder as: - your name

and CA1_ConceptMap e.g. bsmart_CA1_ConceptMap.doc(x).

2. The second file you will create is a storyboard for your Assignment 3

(look it up In the Assignments folder of the MySCU website) homepage

(templates for the storyboards are also located in the Assignments

Resources sub-folder of the Assignments folder of the units MySCU

website). This will also be submitted as a Word document. Whereas you

do not have the experience with designing much HTML yet, you will

have some ideas as to how you wish the home page of your electronic

portfolio to look. This file should be saved as: - your name and

CA1_storyboard e.g. ‘bsmart_CA1_storyboard.doc(x)’ in your documents

folder. The storyboard should include:

• a sketch (or diagram) of the home page;

• a list of pages that it will link to;

• a description of the content on the home page (including text,

graphics and any other content); and

• page details, author, date, title, version etc.

3. Additionally, you will create an HTML page with the following content:

• The document type definition

• A title e.g. ‘Bill Smart CA1’ – follow this convention for the titles

of CAs 1-7.

• At least 3 paragraphs introducing yourself, the course you are

studying, what you hope to achieve during and after your studies.

Be sure to include your full name as part of the text, or in one of the

headers if so desired.

• Multiple headings (<h1>...</h1>, <h2>...</h2> etc.

• All three types of lists examined in this topic (demonstrating your

knowledge) with at least 1 list contained within another list (nested

lists), for example an ordered list within an unordered list.

• A hyperlink to an external site (opening in a new tab/window so

users are still on your site - see the creating a HTML5 webpage


• An email link.

Your page must validate with no errors.

The file name of your webpage should be your first initial, surname, and CA1 (e.g.

bsmart_CA1.html) and saved inside your work folder.

Additional video resources are available to assist you. See the How-to Video's

folder in the MySCU site for this unit. Of particular use to you in this topic are:

 How-to Build a simple HTML5 webpage.

 How-to validate a HTML5 webpage

On the textbooks companion website located at:


Are several VideoNotes that will be of assistance to you they are:

 Evolution of the Web

 Your First Web Page (using HTML5)

 HTML validation (using HTML5)

Topic 2 Continuous Assessment

During this session your major assignment (see Assignment 3 specifications)

will be to build a personal portfolio website to demonstrate your

life/business/IT skills. Each of topics of the study guide will bring you closer to

being able to produce this website. This topics continuous assessment forms

part of your assignment 1, due in week 4.

Save all the files for this exercise to the related folders, you created in CA1. You

will be required to submit this to your tutor as part of your assignment 1. See the

assignment folder on MySCU for additional information.

1. Copy the HTML page in your work folder that you have previously created

in CA1. Save this file as: - your name and CA2 (e.g.

bsmart_CA2.html). This will be your new home page for this

continuous assessment (remember to change it’s title too).

2. Create a new folder in your work folder and name it css. Place all your

external CSS files in this folder. Name your external CSS file for this

continuous assessment ‘styles_CA2.css’. You will need to link to this file

(within your HTML) using a relative addressing e.g.


Demonstrate the use of all types of CSS (inline, document level and

external) on your HTML page that is: inline, embedded and external. Use

the CSS to create the following (all must be included):

a. At least two different text colours;

b. At least two different background colours (one applied to the

entire webpage);

c. At least two different font-weight, -style and -size;

d. At least one font-family with four fonts listed (serif or sans-serif)

e. Three differently aligned paragraphs

f. At least two different text-decorations

g. At least one class selector and one id selector

h. Change the bullet type on your unordered list to squares

i. Change the numbers on your ordered list to roman numerals

j. Use at least one div and one span.

3. Make sure to validate your HTML and the external CSS file

Note: Do not use a black background for your HTML page. Black backgrounds

are difficult to read which in turn makes it difficult to mark (or print as you will

find). Any pages with a black background or any background that makes the text

difficult to read will receive a poor mark.

Additional video resources are available to assist you. See the How-to Video

folder in the MySCU site for this unit. Of particular use to you for this topic are:

 How-to implement CSS Part 1

 How-to implement CSS Part 2

On the textbooks companion website located at:


Are two VideoNotes that will be of assistance to you they are:

 CSS External Style Sheets

 CSS Validation

Topic 3 Continuous Assessment

During this session your major assignment (see Assignment 3 for details) will

be to build a personal portfolio website to demonstrate your life/business/IT

skills. Each of topics of the study guide will bring you closer to being able to

produce this website. This topics continuous assessment forms part of your

assignment 1, due in week 4.

Save all the files for this exercise to folder you created in CA1. You will be

required to submit this to your tutor as part of your assignment 1. See the

assignment folder on MySCU for additional information.

1. Copy the HTML page in your work folder that you have previously

created in CA2. Save this file as: index.html. This will be your new

home page for this continuous assessment. This name has been used as

when it is uploaded to the infotech server it automatically open when the

site is opened in a browser (due to the design of the server) so instead of

entering the entire address (including page name) only the site address

need be entered to the browser.

Copy the CSS file in your css folder that you have previously created in

CA2. Save it as : - styles_CA3.css. You will need to link to this file using

a relative address e.g. css/styles_CA3.css.

Create another folder inside your work folder and name it ‘images’. Place

all your image files in this folder (including your background images).

You will need to link to these files using relative addresses e.g.

images/example.jpg from a web page or in the case of background

image referenced in your css file ../images/example.jpg.

2. Find several images (.jpg, .gif or .png - either your own or copyright free

from the Web) to use in enhancing your web page from CA2 (note at

least three images MUST be used). Display the images on your HTML

page and make sure to include the src, alt, height, and width attributes. At

least one image should be a thumbnail link (optimized in kilobyte and

physical size for page) to larger version of the image. You may reuse

these files in subsequent CAs if you wish by using relative addresses

(Note: your images should be in a folder of their own labelled images -

use relative addressing in your web pages).

3. Use background-image on your HTML page using CSS. Make sure that

the text on your page does not merge with (or become lost in) the


4. Add a hyperlink to the bottom of your index.html page, this link should use

the absolute address of your website as both the text and target e.g.


This will assist with marking the on-line portion of your assignment.

5. Create a navigation bar similar to the textbooks Figure 4.11 or 4.21 (or if

so desired you can use images for the hyperlinks). Create two additional

HTML pages that you will include in your assignment 3 to link to/from

your page to e.g. ‘bsmart_CA3_resume.html’ and


The content for these pages may be developed later however they should

at minimum, use the same external CSS file and have an identical

navigation bar (allowing navigation between each page in this continuous

assessment). Additionally, all pages must implement the same

background. They also at minimum should display the same background

image you may reuse these files in subsequent CAs if you wish.

Placeholder links (in the navigation bar) to any pages you have not yet

created should use a null link e.g. href=”#”. This is actually a link,

which directs the browser to the top of the current page.

6. Validate all of your HTML and CSS.

7. Upload your index, resume and web_skills HTML pages to the infotech

server. You will also have to upload the folders css and images (they

should only contain the appropriate files). Does it work as expected?

Make sure to view the result in several browsers (Fire Fox, Internet

Explorer, Safari, Opera or Chrome).

This Continuous Assessment completes your assignment 1. Be sure to read the

instructions for handing in your assignment 1 they are located in the Assignment

folder of MySCU site for this unit. Below is a screenshot of how the contents of

your work folder might look upon completion of Assignment 1.

You will need to submit the entire folder (as a zip file) to MySCU as part of your

assignment 1. Be sure to read the instructions for handing in your assignment 1

they are located in the Assignments folder of MySCU site for this unit.

Additional video resources are available to assist you in completing this

continuous assessment.. See the How-to Videos folder in the MySCU site for this

unit. Of particular use to you for this topic are:

 How to Deal with Images

 How-to implement CSS Part 3

 How-to debug and good coding style

Of particular use to you for handing in your assignment 1 is:

 How to Zip Files (If you don't know how)

 How to FTP to Infotech

On the textbooks companion website located at:


Are two VideoNotes that may be of assistance to you they are:

 Optimize an Image for the Web

 Rounded Corners with CSS


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