Department of Computer Science
Summative Coursework Set FrontPage
Module Title |
Applied Data Science with Python |
Module Code |
Type of Assignment (e.g., technical report, set exercise, in-class test) |
Set exercise 2 of 2 |
Individual or Group Assignment |
Individual |
Weighting of the Assignment |
50% |
Word count/page limit |
Approximately 1,500 words, excluding code, code comments, captions and tables. |
Expected hrs spent for the assignment (set by lecturer) |
20 |
Items to be submitted |
A single .zip archive, containing: 1. All final project code. 2. One fully executed Jupyter Notebook file (.ipynb), displaying code, figures, and explanations (as Markdown) 3. One HTML file (.html), exported from above Jupyter Notebook. |
Work to be submitted on-line via Blackboard Learn by |
Monday, 27 January 2025, 12:00 noon |
Work will be marked and returned by |
Friday, 14 February 2025 |
1. Assessment classifications
This coursework assesses your ability to:
• acquire and be able to apply statistical, programming, and machine learning techniques in Python for data science tasks;
• evaluate, select and use state-of-the-art Python tools and platforms for solving data science problems;
• design, implement, and execute solutions in Python for data science problems; and
• evaluate data science solutions in Python, including their outcomes, efficacy, constraints, and uncertainty.
You will gain credit for:
• preparing and submitting required files as requested;
• successful implementation of the requested coding tasks;
• writing efficient, functional code;
• providing thoughtful, clear, well-structured written analysis.
Your assignment will be marked according to the marking schemes provided below. The schemes are designed so that the collectively weighted assignment mark will correspond to the following qualitative master’s degree classification descriptions. The table below describes what is typically expected of the work to obtain a given mark.
Classification Range |
Typically, the work should meet these requirements |
Distinction (>=70%) |
Outstanding/excellent work with correct codes and results. An outstanding work should demonstrate coding proficiency with high efficiency and based on advanced techniques. Written analyses demonstrate exceptional understanding and application of the related concepts and techniques, with focused attention to details of the results. The work exhibits originality and includes critical analysis. |
Merit (60-69%) |
Good work with mostly correct results: most work has been carried out correctly. Some tasks have not been carried out or are not completely correct. Coding with average efficiency. Written analyses show a strong understanding of the subject, with clear application of sensibly chosen concepts and techniques. The work includes some critical evaluation and broad generalization of the results. |
Pass (50-59%) |
Achievement of the minimum requirements. Some significant part of the assignment is missing and/or has partially correct results. Coding lacks efficiency. Written analyses meet the basic requirements, demonstrating adequate understanding and applications of key concepts, but the work may lack depth, contain technical errors, omit specific discussion of the results, or include improperly selected techniques. |
Fail (<50%) |
Incomplete solutions to limited part of the assignment. Most tasks have not been carried out with sufficient accuracy. Results may not be correct or technically sound. Coding is inefficient. Written analyses do not meet the required standards, demonstrating insufficient understanding. Work ignores consideration of specific results and is missing key components. |
2. Assignment description
Data Description
The data for this coursework are available in a single file on the CSMAD Blackboard space, under the Assessment heading, Coursework 2 of 2. You MUST use this version of the datasets. The archive is organized as shown:
└── data/
├── traffic/
│ ├── DailyStandard_Report_1_19078_01_01_2021 … .csv
│ ├── ... intermediate files ...
│ ├── DailyStandard_Report_1_19124_01_01_2024 … .csv
│ └── TRIS+-+User+Guide+r3.pdf
└── weather/
├── 03761099999_2021.csv
├── 03761099999_2022.csv
├── 03761099999_2023.csv
├── 03761099999_2024.csv
├── CSV_HELP.pdf
└── isd-format-document.pdf
Vehicle Traffic Data: traffic/
The traffic directory contains eight CSV files. These Daily Standard Reports describe the flow of traffic past two Motorway Incident Detection and Automated Signalling (MIDAS) observing stations on the M4, south of Reading. Most column headers are self-explanatory. To clarify other column headers, those with cm units record the count of vehicles of a size (length) within the stated range, those with mph ranges are missing, Avg mph is the recorded average speed of vehicles, and Total Volume is the count of all vehicles during the preceding 15 minutes.
The TRIS+-+User+Guide+r3.pdf file describes datasets from which the CSV data is sourced. While this is included largely for informational purposes, you will need to reference the definition of Day Type for some portions of this coursework.
Weather Data: weather/
The weather directory contains four CSV files. These describe common weather observations at a location near those of the above MIDAS observing stations. The definition of the data in these files is NOT made obvious by the column headers. Instead, elements of this coursework will require that you use the CSV_HELP.pdf and isd-format-document.pdf files to understand and decode the existing data representations. Make special note that you will need to choose between FM-12 and FM-15 report types.
Source: cdc:C00532/html
Coursework Task: Analysing and Predicting Traffic Flow Using Regression and Time Series Models
In this coursework, students will develop a data science project aimed at predicting traffic flow using historical traffic and weather data spanning multiple years with high- frequency observations. The coursework emphasizes the application of multiple regression formats and time series models to forecast traffic patterns. You will process encoded weather data, select appropriate predictors, and handle data preparation and analysis through custom Python modules. This will enable you to critically interpret results and develop a deeper understanding of analytical tools and Python programming concepts.
Note : The models are NOT required to exhibit excellent performance, but they need to be sensibly constructed and evaluated.
Key Objectives:
1. Decode and pre-process (e.g., set regular time intervals, handle missing
values, identify trends, etc.) the weather and traffic datasets provided. You will likely not need all of the weather data.
2. Briefly explore the data to demonstrate understanding of its contents (e.g., statistical reporting and a few visualisations, maximum 5).
3. Select relevant predictors for modelling, justifying your choices based on data exploration and domain knowledge. Hint: this will likely involve feature engineering (e.g., to represent cyclical characteristics).
4. Apply regression and time series models of multiple types and designs to predict the sum of the number of vehicles passing the two sites combined; these model types are limited to those described in the module. Design sensible testing targets (e.g., a chosen time horizon, data splits).
5. Thoroughly evaluate the performance of the models with appropriate metrics. Note features of particular importance in prediction.
6. Compare the above models to additional implementations that include a representation of the Day Type to explore the effect of its inclusion.
7. Present findings with textual, tabular, and visual code outputs.
8. Explain and justify the chosen methodologies and results through markdown annotations in aJupyter Notebook, ensuring you tell a coherent story about the process of your analysis.
Technical Code Requirements:
1. The submitted notebook will have minimal amounts of code necessary to execute the analysis.
2. Analysis code will reside in self-designed external modules or package directory to promote exploration of code reusability and modularity. Only the code necessary to operate the module code and display results will be shown in the notebook.
a. In terms of code, an exemplary submission might import your coded module(s) and execute individual functions to load, clean, and prepare the data, display statistics and explanatory data visualisations, engineer features, select predictors, specify model parameters, train models, and display model performance results.
3. Modules, classes, methods, and functions will include complete and explanatory docstrings. The existence of these should be demonstrated at least once within the notebook via use of the help() function.
4. Code should be commented to enhance code readability and explain complex logic or important steps.
5. Code should contain at least 3 instances of formal error handling; many specific applications are possible and acceptable (e.g., try-except blocks for data loading or model fitting errors).
Written Requirements :
1. Organise the notebook into clearly defined and logically ordered sections.
2. Provide any necessary instructions for setting up the environment and dependencies, possibly including a basic requirements file.
3. Provide a description of your external module/package organisation and how their elements relate to the larger analysis.
4. Explain where and why formal error handling has been incorporated to enhance your code’s robustness.
5. Before execution of code in a notebook cell, include a statement describing its purpose and intent. This may also include justifications for chosen methodologies, where applicable.
6. After execution of code in a notebook cell, describe its outputs and discuss their implications for your analysis.
7. Following any series of related actions (e.g., execution of multiple models), provide a critical comparison of their features, strengths, and weaknesses.
8. Conclude the notebook with a recap of the key insights gained from the analyses, highlighting the effectiveness of different modelling approaches, acknowledging any data or methodological limitations, and suggest potential future improvements.
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