1. 简介(Overview)
简介: 以下简称驴行)是一家优秀的的旅游网站,帮助旅行者发现每次旅行中的更多精彩。该网站向用户提供根据旅游信息和相关预定服务(包括各城市景点、酒店、美食、旅行者游记等),提供超过650万个住宿、景点和餐厅信息,汇集众智帮助旅行者选择吃住玩乐。通过该平台,用户可查看各城市热门景点信息,搜索酒店、餐厅等信息,注册后可通过该平台预定酒店和餐厅,此外,用户在旅行期间或旅行结束后可随时发布旅游游记,和所有旅游爱好者共享旅游体验和旅游指南,认识更多朋友,另外用户也可通过该平台召集小组游,集结拥有相同爱好的旅游爱好者一起组团旅游。
Introduction: Donkey Kong Website is one of themost excellent travelling websites that helps travelers to explore more anddiscover more in each trip. The website provides users with travellinginformation (such as information about scenic spots, hotels, food restaurants,traveller notes, etc.) and concerned reservation services. Users are able tosearch and view details of popular scenic spots, hotels, restaurants throughthe platform, and then make reservations for hotels and restaurants afterregistration. Besides, users are free to post travelling notes at any timeduring or after a trip so as to share their travelling experience with otherpeople sharing the same interests, give them guidance and make more friends,moreover, a user can also launch a group travelling to call on people with thesame interests to travel as a group.
2. 项目技术选型(Project Skill Combo)
· Database& Web Application: PHP + MySQL
· DevelopmentIDE: Net Beans / Dream Weaver [Free tochoose]
· FrontEnd: HTML-5 / Java Script/ jQuery
· UIFramework: Bootstrap
· CrossPlatform Application: jQuery Mobile
n 在某些查询中添加数据分页功能
Add the data paging functionality insome of the queries
n 请在所有需要发送异步请求的功能里使用Ajax
Use Ajax anywhere where aasynchronous request is needed
在景点页面通过Web 服务显示当前城市的天气信息。
Show weather information about thecurrent city through using web services.
3. 数据字典设计(参考示例)
Data Dictionary Design(Example forReference)
字段名称 Field Name | 数据类型 DATA TYPE | 是否为空 IS NULL | 默认值 DEFAULT VALUE | 说明 Description | 备注 Remark |
USER_ID | VARCHAR(50) | 否 |
| 用户id | PK,大小写英文和数字 |
| 密码 | MD5加密 |
Here is just a formatfor reference, please complete database table design on your own, and put themall in one excel file.
4. 功能需求(Functionality Requirements):
There must be a login form thatallows a user to log in either as a student or as an administrator, andredirect the user to either a student page or an administrator pagecorrespondingly, thus handling different operations.
1. 管理员登录后可进行如下操作(Administrator Functionality):
Changeadministrator password
Manageregistered users, including adding a new user, modify information of a user,delete a user, view details of a user, and disable a user. Once a user isdisabled, the user needs to apply for account unfreezing through sending amessage or an email to the administrator side.
Managedetails about scenic spots, hotels, etc, and implement CRUD operations on thesame.
Verifyand approve applications for group travelling, users interested can not applyfor one group traveling unless the activity gets verified and approved.
Deletetravelling notes, for example, delete a note reported by other users, and senda notice or an email to the user who published that note.
vi.查询功能(Search Requirement)
Pleaseimplement data paging for the result retrieved unless only a single record isretrieved
Pleasesend ajax requests for querying data and display result on the same page unlessyou have a need for displaying data on a different page
1) 按照关键字、城市检索美食店、景点、酒店信息,显示列表后可对每项信息进行修改、删除和查看详情,并可根据一些条件,如好评,对检索的结果列表进行排序。
Searchfor information about restaurants, scenic spots, hotels based on a keyword or acity, administrators are able to implement CRUD operations on the listretrieved, and sort the same based on some criteria such as rating of thehotels, restaurants or scenic sports in the result list.
2) 按照关键字、作者、发布日期、日期范围检索游记,并对检索出的游记进行查看、禁止浏览、删除等。并可根据作者、发布日期等进行排序。
Searchfor travelling notes based on such criteria as a keyword, an author, apublishing date, or a date range, and view details, disable or delete a note inthe list. Result list can also be sorted based on author name or publishingdate.
3) 按照用户ID、名称、等级(根据注册天数更新等级,等级自行定义)检索用户,向用户发送通知给指定用户以及删除指定用户等。
Searchfor a user or users based on user ID, or user name or rating of a user (Eachteam decides how to rate a user on your own, rating shall be updated based onthe number of days passed after registration), administrators can also sendnotices to specified users or delete selected users.
4) 查询被举报的游记的信息,并对其进行处理,如发送通知或邮件给发布用户或直接删除游记。
Searchfor notes reported by users and deal with the same, such as sending a notice oran email to the user who published that note or deleting a note directly.
5) 查看被举报的用户的信息,并对其进行处理,比如暂时禁用其账号,并发送通知或邮件给用户。
Viewusers reported by other users, and deal with the same, such as disabling a useror send a notice or a email to that user.
6) 查看组团游申请,并对列表中显示的每个申请进行处理,如批准或不批准,并发送通知或邮件给发起人用户。
View applications for grouptravelling, and implement operations on each application, such as approving ordisapproving, and send a notice or email to the user who launched the activity.
vii. 退出登录
Log out
2. 用户可进行如下操作(Student Functionality):
i. 根据关键字检索酒店、美食店、景点、游记的信息以及对酒店、美食店、景点、游记等点赞或取消点赞、查看评论、发布评论和删除评论,检索的列表可根据一些条件进行排序查看,如游记按照发布日期和点赞数进行排序,酒店可根据价格等排序,美食店可根据好评、类型等排序,景点可根据等级和点赞数量等进行排序等,所有的检索都可根据点赞数进行排序。并可预订酒店和接受预订的美食店
Search for hotels, restaurants,scenic spots by entering a keyword, implement such operations as liking ordisliking an item, view details, publish comments or delete your own commentsfor an item, the result list can be sorted based on some criteria, such assorting notes by publish date, sorting hotels by price, sorting restaurants byrating or type, sorting scenic sports by rating, etc, all kinds of search canbe sorted by the number of likes. And then a user can reserve hotels orrestaurants.
ii. 注册成为正式用户,并进行登录
Register as a normal user, and login thereafter
iii. 查看和修改个人信息(等级信息不可更改,等级根据成为用户天数自动更新)及密码
View personal profile and modify thesame, including updating personal information and password, the ratinginformation of a user is not allowed to be modified and should be updatedautomatically according to the number of days passed after registration.
iv. 发布、修改和删除游记
Publish, modify and delete atravelling note.
v. 举报包含不当言论的游记或行为不当的用户
Report a user who behaves improperlyor a travelling note that contains illegal contents to the administrators.
vi. 申请组团游,列出团游标题、景点、时间长短、费用、人数限制、出行方式、入住酒店、截止日期等。发布后可查看和更新申请状态,并可在其他用户申请后查看申请用户列表,用户在团泳结束后可对本次体验进行点评和删除评论. 只有管理员审核通过该申请后,其他用户才可申请加入团游。
Launch a group travelling byproviding such details as title, scenic spot, duration, budget, number limitedfor participants, transporting tool, hotel to check in, deadline, etc. The userwho publishes an application can view or update the status of the applicationand check the list of applicants, and people involved in the activity isallowed to comment on the trip and delete their comments if they want, pleasenote that a trip can not be applied for by other users unless the applicationgets approved by the administrator side.
vii. 退出登录
Log out
3.首页要求(Home page requirements)
i. 首页提供导航菜单,方便用户到不同页面查看和检索不同类型的信息,如酒店、景点、美食、游记、组团游。
The homepage shall provide anavigation menu that guides the users to different pages and makes itconvenient for users to search for different information, such as hotels,scenic spots, food restaurants, notes and group travelling activities.
ii. 首页提供用户登录和注册的链接
Provide users links for logging andregistration on the home page.
iii. 首页提供用户检索功能,方便用户根据关键字检索景点、美食店和酒店检索
Provide users with the functionalityof searching for information by entering a keyword on the home page.
iv. 首页显示几个最热门旅游城市和各城市至少6个最热门景点的链接
Show at least 6 hot scenic spots ofseveral hot travelling cities on the home page.
v. 首页显示热门游记的链接
Show links of the top severaltravelling notes on the home page.
vi. 景点页面显示当前定位的城市,以及热门城市和对应城市的景点推荐,首先显示当前城市的热门景点推荐和景点搜索功能
Show the city of the currentlocation on the scenic spot page, and list recommended or hot scenic spots from the several hottest cities, thefirst city should be the current city where a user stays.
vii. 美食页面显示当前定位的城市,并显示当前城市的热门小吃或店家推荐,以及其他热门城市的美食推荐
Show the city of the currentlocation on the food page, list the most popular food or restaurants of thecurrent city, and also food recommendations of other cities.
viii. 游记页面显示热门游记,并提供基于关键字的游记检索以及基于指定条件对游记列表排序,如按照评价数量、好评、发布时间等
Show some of the most popular orbest rated travelling notes on the note page, and provide users with thefunctionality of sorting notes based on some criteria, such as the number ofcomments or likes, date of publish, etc.
5. 备注:可自行添加其他扩展功能
Remark:Studentscan add on to the project by implementing more extra functionality.
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