Assignment 2
1. The site has the following areas:
a. Home
b. Catalogue of products
c. Membership (Sign up, login, and logout)
d. Trolley with checkout
e. Admin area to be accessible only to an administrator
1 网页必须有下列部分:
2 Different access levels for different user types:
a. Public user: has not signed up or logged in to the website.
b. General Member: requires a log in that is created upon sign up. This is the default level for a newly signed up user.
c. Administrator: logs in as an administrator.
1 公共用户:还没有注册或者没有登入页面的用户
2 一般会员:在注册之后,需要登入。这是新注册用户的默认级别。
3 管理会员:需要管理员登入。
3. Membership Section contains login/logout and sign up:
If not a member yet, the user needs to sign up first. Once the user is logged in, they
must be kept logged in until they log out.
Following a successful login, more options such as “My Trolley” or “Admin” are
displayed as relevant to their user type. An admin option is not displayed for a
general member, for example.
不是会员的用户需要先注册。 一旦用户登入,直到他们登出之前,都需要保持登入状态。
4. All pages must contain the following sections:
a. Header section: This is to contain a relevant title of each page. For example, if the
page is ‘Catalogue page’, the title of the page is to be ‘Catalogue’.
b. Navigation section: Available links are displayed according to access level.
c. Main content section: This is to contain the relevant information for each page.
d. Footer section: Your name and student number.
1 标题板块 每个页面都应该有对应的标题 分类页==》分类
2 导航板块 根据不同的访问级别,要有相应的连接
3 主要内容板块 各个页面相应的信息
4 页脚板块 名字和学号 YILIN WEN 453481
Check Point in Week 10 Tutorial
You must present your progress to your tutor in your assigned week 10 tutorial (week
commencing Monday 8th May) after completing the following:
New members can sign up;
Existing members can sign in and out;
The header, footer and navigation sections are functioning (do not need to be
completed); and
The tables in the database have been created.
2017.05.12 必须完成:
Further information is as follows:
Home page
access level: all
Home page of the site
Catalogue page
access level: all
Information about the products for the site goes here.
*Note : You may have combined home and catalogue. This is acceptable.
Membership – Signup
access level: all
Users must join the site if they wish to proceed to purchase
A Form containing the following input elements and each element should be
validated when the user enters something in each field:
(Every field should have the appropriate label)
o [Required field] Username –To be valid, the user must enter a value that
contains at least one letter and is not an existing username;
o [Required field] Password – To be valid, the user must enter a value that
contains at least 5 characters, which must not include any spaces (all other
characters are acceptable);
o [Required field] Re-type Password– To be valid, the user must enter a value
that is exactly the same entry as the first password entry;
o [Required field] Name – First and Last name;
o [Required field] Date of birth- Users are given 3 drop down lists (year,
month, and day field) to enter this (it must be a valid date – February
should have 28 or 29) – the options in the drop down lists must make it
possible to enter no date:
§ The month field should be shown when the year is selected.
§ The day field should be shown when the month is selected
§ The year range should be: 1900 – 2010
o [Optional field] Email – users can put in an email address, it must be valid;
o [Required field] ‘Gender’ field using radio buttons;
o [Required field] ‘Country’ field using select area (In the Country field,
you should include ‘USA’ and ‘Australia’, maximum 5 countries):
§ When the country is selected, the page should show:
o ‘State’ field using select area
(You do not need to put all states but at least three
states for each country)
§ If the country is not selected, you should not show the `State’
§ When the state is selected, the page should show:
o ‘City’ field using select area
(You do not need to put all cites but at least three
cities for each state)
§ If the country or state is not selected, you should not show the
`City` field
o ‘Submit’ button; and
o ‘Reset’ button.
When the submit button is clicked,
o If all fields are valid,
§ The webpage lets the user know that the form is submitted.
§ The submitted form data needs to be saved into the table
‘customer’. The detailed table ‘customer’ can be found in the
‘Details of Tables Required’ section. (The default access level
should be 2)
o If any field is invalid,
§ The page should show all appropriate error messages (e.g. password
requires longer than 5 characters).
§ The entered data should remain in the field.
1 用户名 (必填)有效用户名:最少包含一个字母,并且是不存在在数据库的用户名
2 密码 (必填)有效密码:最少五个字符,不能用空格
3 确认密码 (re-type password)(必填)有效确认密码:必须和第一次输入的密码一样
4 名字(name)==》姓和名 (必填)
5 生日 (date of birth)(必填)三个下拉列表(年,月,日 2月到28或者29号)下拉列表不能直接输入数字:
6 email (选填)用户能输入邮件地址,但必须是有效的
7 性别 (gender)(必填)使用单选框/单选按钮(radio buttons)
8 国家(country) (必填)使用选择面(select area),必须包括USA和Australia,最多五个国家
州(state)使用选择面 一个国家最少有三个州
城市(city)使用选择面(select area)一个州最少三个城市
9. 提交键 submit
10. 重置键 reset
提交的数据需要上传并保存到myphpadmin表格‘用户 customer’中。
页面需要显示不对的地方(比如:密码 需要多余五个字符)
Membership Sign-In section
access level: member
The form contains the following input elements and each element should be
validated when the user enters something in each field:
提交键 ‘Submit’ button
重置键 ‘Reset’ button
注册键 ‘Sign-up’ button
Trolley with Checkout
access level: member
This page must contain the items selected from the catalogue by the user. The list in
the trolley can be selected to proceed to the check out. The user will be brought back
to the home page when check out is completed.
When the form is submitted (when the submit [Check out] button is clicked)
o Another form with basic information such as delivery address should
now be submitted, showing an error message if there is any empty
field in this form.
o The webpage should let the user know that the form has been
o The submitted form data should be saved into the table ‘trolley’ in
database. The detailed table ‘trolley’ can be found in the ‘Details of
Table Required’ section.
提交页面之后(点击【check out】键)需要显示:
另一张有基本信息的表格,例如邮寄地址delivery address 如果这张表格有没有填的空格,需要显示错误信息 error message
Admin Area
access level: administrator
Administrators have the highest access level.
An administrator can change the stock information, i.e. number of stocks, price of stocks,
and change the access levels of members.
The administrator’s password must be encoded. (For marking purpose, please provide an
administrator username and password in “readme.txt”.)
管理员可以改变库存信息 例如:库存数量 商品价格 改变会员的访问等级
管理员的密码必须编码 (单独提交一个readme.txt,记录管理员的用户名和密码)
Details of programming style
All semantic structure of the website should be controlled by “HTML”. You should use
HTML 5. You should pay particular attention to the elements that you use - make sure
that you use the most appropriate element for the kind of text you are marking up;
All layout and other details of the appearance of the website should be controlled by
valid CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) rules. You should place CSS rules in an external style
sheet (no inline or internal style);
All behavior of the website (the response to mouse clicking or keyboard reaction) should
be controlled by valid JavaScript (jQuery);
If you use the jQuery plugins developed by others, you specify which plugins you used in
the readme.txt file. (You will get only half the possible mark for the related section);
For this assignment, you should use PHP for server-side scripting. Uses built-in PHP
functions where possible;
You should use the MySQL database on alacritas server. The detailed table structure can
be found from “Details of Table Required” section;
If you use your computer or your own server to develop the assignment, please test your
work on the alacritas server using a browser available in the lab before your submission;
All references (URI values) within the site are relative. Do NOT use absolute URL;
Readme.txt is to contain an administrator’s credentials;
The only tools to be used for the assignment are HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP, and MySQL.
NO Bootstrap or other resources.
2)所有的布局已经网页外观的其他内容都需要使用CSS 使用外部CSS
3)所有的网页行为(behavior of the website)(响应鼠标点击或者键盘输入)需要使用javascript(jquery)
5)服务器端脚本使用php。 使用内置php
6)使用alacritas server的MySQL database
7)所有的reference(URI值)需要相对的(relative), 不能使用绝对值
9)只能使用HTML,CSS,JQUERY,PHP及MYSQL 不能使用Bootstrap或者其他工具。
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