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日期:2024-06-14 07:23

Past Exam 3

Faculty of Information Technology


Algorithms and data structures

Analysis of Algorithms: Correctness and Complexity

Question 1

For constants b and c, consider the recurrence relation given by:

T(n) = b, if n=1

T(n) = 2 * T(n/4) + c * n , if n>1

Which of the following statements isTRUE?

Select one:

a. T(n) = Θ(n)

b. T(n) = Θ(n * log n)

c. T(n) = Θ(1)

d. T(n) = Θ(n 1/2 )

e. T(n) = Θ(log n)

Question 2

Consider the following algorithm, for listL with n items.

def myfunc(L[1...n], m):

x = 0


while i <= n:

# loop invariant here

if L[i] % m == 0:

x = x + 0


x = x + 1

i = i + 1

return x

The loop invariant for this algorithm is:x is the number of items with a factor ofm in list L[1...i-1].

Which of the following is TRUE?

Select one or more:

a. The loop invariant for the algorithm shown should be: x is the number of items with a factor of m in list L[1...i].

b. The invariant holds when the loop terminate at i=n+1

c. The invariant holds when the loop terminate at i=n

d. At the end of each loop, the loop invariant of x is the number of items with a factor of m in list L[1...i] holds.

Question 3

Describe how to sort N integers in the range 0 to N - 1 in O(N) time. Justify how your solution meets the time complexity.

Algorithms and Data Structures

Question 4

For each of the following operations,determine its worst-case big-Θ complexity.

In this question,

The graph G is a directed weighted graph.

V refers to the number of vertices in the graph.

E refers to the number of edges in the graph.

N(A) refers to the number of neighbors of vertexA.

Assume that in the adjacency list representation, the interior list is unsorted.

Time complexity to obtain the total weight sum of incoming edges to vertex A in an adjacency matrix representation.

• Θ(V^3) • Θ(log V) • Θ(E^3) • Θ(V^2) • Θ(E^2)

• Θ(log E) • Θ(E log V) • Θ(V) • Θ(1)

Time complexity to determine if there is a directed edge from vertex A to vertex B in an adjacency matrix representation.

• Θ(V^3) • Θ(log V) • Θ(E^3) • Θ(V^2) • Θ(E^2)

• Θ(log E) • Θ(E log V) • Θ(V) • Θ(1)

Time complexity to run Breadth-First Search from vertex A in an adjacency matrix representation.

• Θ(V^3) • Θ(log V) • Θ(E^3) • Θ(V^2) • Θ(E^2)

• Θ(log E) • Θ(E log V) • Θ(V) • Θ(1)

Time complexity to determine if there is a directed edge from vertex A to vertex B; and also vertex B to vertex A in an adjacency list representation.

• Θ(V^3) • Θ(log V) • Θ(E^3) • Θ(V^2) • Θ(E^2)

• Θ(log E) • Θ(E log V) • Θ(V) • Θ(1)

Question 5

For each of the statements below, determine if the statement isTRUE or FALSE.

Given an adjacency-list representation of a directed graph G = (V, E), it takes Θ(V+E) to compute the in-degree of every vertex.


Given a weighted undirected tree G = (V, E), breadth-first search can be used to find a single-source shortest paths in Θ(V + E) time.


Suppose that we are given a weighted directed graph G = (V, E) in which outgoing edges from the source vertex s may have negative weights, all other edge weights are non-negative, and there are no negative-weight cycles. You can run Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the correct shortest paths from vertex s in this graph.


Suppose that T is a tree constructed by running Dijkstra’s algorithm on a weighted connected graph G, it must be true that T is a minimum spanning tree of G.


Question 6

Consider the weighted undirected graph below.

What is the height of a tree rooted at vertexA using Breadth First Search? Just type the numerical answer.

Question 7

Which of the following statements areTRUE?

Select one or more:

a. Bellman-Ford can sometimes terminate earlier without running the outer loop V times if there is no negative cycle in the directed weighted graph.

b. Bellman-Ford would require O(V 2 ) auxiliary space for computation.

c. Floyd-Warshall can sometimes terminate earlier without running the outer loop V times if there is no negative cycle in the directed weighted graph.

d. It is not possible for the diagonal values in the Floyd-Warshall memo-matrix to have a negative value.

Question 8

Consider the following two problems of circulation with demands, in which the demands are indicated in each vertex, and the capacity in each edge.

Problem 1:

Problem 2:

Which of those problems have feasible solutions?

Select one:

a. Only Problem 1 has a feasible solution.

b. Only Problem 2 has a feasible solution.

c. Both Problem 1 and Problem 2 have feasible solutions.

d. Neither Problem 1 nor Problem 2 has a feasible solution.

Question 9

Which of the following statements areTRUE?

Select one or more:

a. If the graph have negative edges, it is not possible to obtain a minimum-spanning tree using Kruskal's algorithm.

b. It is possible to obtain a maximum-spanning tree using Kruskal's algorithm if the edges are processed in descending order.

c. Given a connected weighted undirected graph, the minimum-spanning tree of that graph is always unique.

d. A minimum-spanning tree obtained using Prim's algorithm is unique if the weight of all edges are unique, even if a different starting vertex is chosen.

Question 10

Show that the complexity of the 0/1 knapsack problem is actually exponential.

Question 11

Select the WRONG or FALSE statement(s) about the dynamic programming algorithms.

Select one or more:

a. Writing a dynamic programming algorithm, using a bottom-up approach is asymptotically faster than top-down approach.

b. The running time of a dynamic programming algorithm is always Θ(n) where n is the number of subproblems.

Question 12

Consider Bellman-Ford algorithm

and the following weighted directed graph.

Let y be the source node for the execution of the Bellman-Ford algorithm.

If the edges are relaxed in the following order (v, t), (x, t), (t, z), (v, z), (t, y), (z, y), (y, x), (z, x), (t, x), (y, v).

Run the outer loop of the algorithm for two iterationsand then answer the following questions.

What is the distance value of vertex t after the second iteration of the outer loop is done?

• t • 3 • 4 • 0 • 2 • 8 • z • x • y • 9 • 6 • v

What is the distance value of vertex z after the second iteration of the outer loop is done?

• t • 3 • 4 • 0 • 2 • 8 • z • x • y • 9 • 6 • v

What is the distance value of vertex x after the second iteration of the outer loop is done?

• t • 3 • 4 • 0 • 2 • 8 • z • x • y • 9 • 6 • v

What is the predecessor vertex of vertex t after the second iteration of the outer loop is done?

• t • 3 • 4 • 0 • 2 • 8 • z • x • y • 9 • 6 • v

What is the predecessor vertex of vertex z after the second iteration of the outer loop is done?

• t • 3 • 4 • 0 • 2 • 8 • z • x • y • 9 • 6 • v

What is the predecessor vertex of vertex v after the second iteration of the outer loop is done?

• t • 3 • 4 • 0 • 2 • 8 • z • x • y • 9 • 6 • v

Question 13

Which of the following statements are true regarding probing techniques for hash tables? Please select only the correct answers.

Select one or more:

a. Linear probing avoids primary clustering.

b. Quadratic probing causes secondary clustering.

c. Quadratic probing causes primary clustering.

d. Quadratic probing can fail to insert an element even if there is still some empty locations in the hash table.

e. Linear probing can fail to insert an element even if there is still some empty locations in the hash table.


For the next three questions consider that you initially have the following AVL tree

and then perform. the following operations in order:

Delete 25

Insert 27

Delete 40

Question 14

After performing the operations, what is the value in the root node of the AVL tree?

Select one:

a. 23

b. 27

c. 30

d. 35

e. 20

f. 10

Question 15

After performing the operations, what is the value of left child of the node 30?

Select one:

a. 23

b. 20

c. 27

d. Node 30 has no left child.

e. 10

f. 35

Question 16

After performing the operations, what is the value of left child of the node 23?

Select one:

a. 35

b. Node 23 has no left child.

c. 27

d. 30

e. 10

f. 20

Question 17

Assume that we are constructing the suffix array for a string S using the prefix doubling approach.

We have already sorted the suffixes for string S according to their first 1 character(s); with the corresponding rank array shown below:

ID         1        2        3        4       5        6        7       8       9        10      11

Rank     11       2        6        2       6        2       10       9      6         2        1

We are now sorting on the first 2 character(s), comparing the suffixes on their first 2 characters in O(1) using prefix doubling.

Which of the following statements areTRUE?

Select one or more:

a. Suffixes with ID-4 and ID-10 will have a different rank after sorting the first 2 characters where suffix ID-10 will have a smaller rank than suffix ID-4.

b. Suffixes with ID-4 and ID-6 still have the same rank after sorting the first 2 characters.

c. Suffixes with ID-3 and ID-9 still have the same rank after sorting the first 2 characters.

d. Suffixes with ID-2 and ID-4 will have a different rank after sorting the first 2 characters where suffix ID-4 will have a smaller rank than suffix ID-2.


Question 18

Two paths in a graph are edge disjoint if they have no edges in common.

Given a directed graphG with E edges and V vertices, we would like to determine the maximum number of edge-disjoint paths from vertex s to vertex t with an algorithm that runs in time complexity O(E*V). Describe how to determine the maximum number of edge-disjoints−t paths; justify why it works and why your solution is within the time complexity.

Question 19

Arbitrage is the process of exploiting conversion rates between commodities to make a profit. Arbitrage may occur over many steps. For example, one could purchase US Dollars using Australian Dollars, convert it into Great British Pounds, and then back into Australian Dollars. If the prices or exchange rates were right, this could result in a profit. Given a list of currencies and the best conversion rate between each pair, devise an algorithm that determines whether arbitrage is possible, i.e. whether or not you could make a profit. Your algorithm should run in O(N ) where N is the number of currencies.

Question 20

Devise an algorithm that given a box with N different locks and N corresponding keys, matches the keys and locks in average-case time complexity O(N log N). Each lock matches only one key, and each key matches only one lock. You can try a key in a lock to determine whether the key is larger than, smaller than or fits the lock. However, you cannot compare two keys or two locks directly.

Question 21

You are running a tennis tournament for your local community.

There are a total of N participants.

Each participants have their own Elo rating in the range of 0 to 3000.

The Elo rating for each of the participants are stored in a list [P , P , P , ..., P ] where P is the Elo rating for participant i. This list is not sorted.

You want to break the tournament down into 2 categories:

The professional level where the top-20% in Elo ratings would participate in.

The amateur level where the remaining bottom-80% in Elo ratings would participate in.

For each of the categories:

The top-16 highest rated participants will automatically be qualified to the double-elimination playoff brackets.

The remaining participants will need to participate in the group stage to qualify for the playoff.

Describe an efficient algorithm to group the participants into their respective categories and tournament stages.

Question 22

You are overseeing an intergalactic defense force, that protects your galaxy from otherworldly threats.

There are 300 planets in your galaxy.

There are 200 superheroes in your defense force.

When enemies attacks, each planet can send a request for help to superheroes.

Each planet can send up to a maximum of 10 requests for help.

Each planet would require only one superhero to defend the planet.

However, a superhero can only defend up to 2 planets at the same time. Thus, it is a dilemma for you to assign the superheroes to their duties. You would want to defend as many planets as possible!

As a commander with a Bachelors degree in Computer Science, you know you can model this problem as a maximum flow problem for bipartite matching as shown below:

Which of these models are the most suitable?

Select one:


Set L: planet

Set R: superheroes

Capacity of each edge from source to each node of set L: 300

Capacity of each edge from each node of set L to each node of set R: 10

Capacity of each edge from each node of set R to sink: 200


Set L: superheroes

Set R: planets

Capacity of each edge from source to each node of set L: 2

Capacity of each edge from each node of set L to each node of set R: 1

Capacity of each edge from each node of set R to Sink: 10


Set L: superheroes

Set R: planets

Capacity of each edge from source to each node of set L: 2

Capacity of each edge from each node of set L to each node of set R: 1

Capacity of each edge from each node of set R to sink: 1


Set L: superheroes

Set R: planets

Capacity of each edge from source to each node of set L: 200

Capacity of each edge from each node of set L to each node of set R: 10

Capacity of each edge from each node of set R to sink: 300

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