This coursework isassessedand is worth 10% of the module mark.
The lemarij.csvcontainsthefollowingvariablescollectedinanexperimenttoinvestigate potential relationships between activity levels, body temperature and marijuana.
marij: The dose of Delta-9-THC (mg/kg) injected into study mice. spon: Spontaneous activity as by the number of interruptions of a photocell beam in a clear plastic cage over a 10 minute period of time. temp: The change in body temperature measured 60 minutes post-treatment compared to just prior to treatment.
The le Assessed Coursework Template.pdf contains a partially completed statistical report. Your task is to complete the statistical report following the methods stated.
Yourreportshouldbeamaximumof1200wordsandcontainnomorethan6graphs. Please state the number of words used at the bottom of your report. Reports which exceed these limits will be penalised.
Hints and tips:
1. You are strongly advised to read section 3 of the lecture notes which describes the requirements of a statistical report. 2. You are only expected to use the statistical techniques and terminology described in sections 1-7 of the lecture notes. 3. The number of marks available for each section of your report are Summary [4 marks], Introduction [4 marks], Results [12 marks] and Conclusions [4 marks]. An additional4marksareavailablefortheoverallclarityofthewritingandpresentation. 4. The data and template report are available on the module moodle page. To read the data into R use the command read.csv("marij.csv")
A group of 60 mice were randomly assigned to one of five treatment groups, with 12 mice in each group. Four groups received a dose of Delta-9-THC (marijuana) and one group received no dose to act as a control. The four marijuana groups received 1, 2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg doses, respectively, of Delta-9-THC.
Observers recorded the level of spontaneous activity and the change in body temperature in each mouse. Spontaneous activity is defined as the number of times a photocell beam was interrupted by the mouse during a 10 minute period, and the change in body temperature is defined as the difference between the body temperature measured 1 hour post treatment and that measured just prior to treatment.
To examine the control group, we use a 1-sample t-test to check the hypothesis that the change in body temperature is zero. We construct a 95% confidence interval for the measure of spontaneous activity.
In this report we establish the distribution of each of the measured variables using his-tograms and QQ plots. We provide summary statistics of the measured variables for each of the groups. To graphically show potential relationships between the measured variables and marijuana, we use a series of boxplots, one for each treatment group.
To examine the effect of marijuana, we conduct 2-sample t-tests between the control group and each of the marijuana groups to identify any significant changes in the measured vari-ables. The validity of the t-tests is discussed with reference to their underlying assumptions.
All hypothesis tests are 2-sided and use a 5% significance level, with test statistics and p-values reported in all cases. Calculations are performed using R statistical software.
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