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Assessment 2 – Assignment Case Study
Date: 4/12/2020
Author: Stefan Batsas
File: VIT1204 Assessment 2 - Assignment Case study Henan Delivery v1.docx
COURSE Diploma of Information Technology (VDIT)
UNIT OF STUDY VIT1204 – Web App & Server Management
ASSESSMENT TITLE Assessment 2 - Assignment
ASSESSMENT TYPE Assignment Case Study
Instructions Weighting This assessment is worth 30% of your final result for this unit of study
Due Date Refer to Assessment Information for Submission Deadline
You must put your name and VU student ID on all items submitted for assessment.
Resources required
• XAMPP running Apache server
• NetBeans IDE that supports PHP projects.
• Database SQL script to create the database and records
• Composer (Dependency Installer)
• Project Support Resources: HTML Template files, Bootstrap Components, Images
Learning materials, Lab documents, tutorials and Videos on VU Collaborate.
Development Strategy
• Part 1 – Develop the User Interfaces
• Part 2 – Develop the Database CRUD capabilities
• Part 3 – Develop the RESTful services
• Part 4 – Deploy REST Client and Server Applications
Description of Task
In this Assessment task you will be required to develop a Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) to
provide cloud data services for mobile Apps (Simulation Only). The Web application will provide
RESTful web services for clients. To demonstrate the functionality, you will also be required to build a
Client Application that is able to communicate with the Server Application.
Date Group/Class
First Name Last Name
VU Student Number Allocated Case Study
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Assessment 2 – Assignment Case Study
Date: 4/12/2020
Author: Stefan Batsas
File: VIT1204 Assessment 2 - Assignment Case study Henan Delivery v1.docx
The Backend Web Server and Client Application can be installed on your local machine to test the Web
This assignment case study consists of two projects.
• REST Server: Develop the Web Service Application
• REST Client: Develop the Client Application.
REST Server Application
You are required to develop a Representational State Transfer (REST) web service. The web service
must be implemented using the following technologies and resources:
• Apache Web Server
• PHP Language
• MySQL Database
• SLIM 3 Web Framework
REST Client Application
You are required to develop a REST Client Application to interact with the REST Server. The Client
Application must be implemented using the following technologies:
• Apache Web Server
• PHP Language
• GUZZLE HTTP Client Framework
• TWIG Template Engine
Your solutions will consist of 2 zipped PHP Projects. Name you projects as follows:
• RESTServer<StudentID>
• RESTClient<StudentID>
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Assessment 2 – Assignment Case Study
Date: 4/12/2020
Author: Stefan Batsas
File: VIT1204 Assessment 2 - Assignment Case study Henan Delivery v1.docx
REST Server Application - Task Details
The REST Server Application provides Restful API services to client applications. REST Client apps
should be able to read (and search) data by communicating with the REST Web Service.
The Server application should be able to respond to your Client Application to provide the following
• Return all records from the data table in the database. Response must be in JavaScript Object
Notation (JSON) format containing the resulting records.
• Create (insert) a new Contact record in the data table in the database. Response must be in
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format containing a success or failed to insert message.
• Return selected records based on keyword search from data table in the database. Response
must be in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format containing the resulting records.
REST Client Application - Task Details
The REST Client Application provides users with an HTTP Client to communicate with the REST
Server to perform the CRUD operations.
The Client application should be able to provide users with the following services:
• Display a professional home page with menu navigation, forms and tables style on the Bootstrap
CSS framework. Display Menu links: Home, View Records. Add record and Search Records
• View Records: Communicate with the REST Server to retrieve all records and display the records
in a professionally formatted table. The table should the display the images associated with each
record (image files are stored locally on client).
• Add Record: Display the Add Record Form. After form submission with valid data, communicate
with the REST Server to add the new record. Display the response the success or failed to add
record message.
• Search Records: Display the Search Form. After form submission with valid data, communicate
with the REST Server to retrieve matching records and display the records in a professionally
formatted table. The table should contain links to edit or delete each record.
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Assessment 2 – Assignment Case Study
Date: 4/12/2020
Author: Stefan Batsas
File: VIT1204 Assessment 2 - Assignment Case study Henan Delivery v1.docx
Web scripting requirements:
Server side and client side programming must be implemented using PHP and PHP Frameworks.
Your solution should be consist of two NetBeans projects named RESTClient1234567 and
RESTServer1234567 where the seven digits represent your student id. The NetBeans projects should
contain the following web directory structures:
Server Application Files
The URL for calling the REST Server should be in the format of:
Image Files
Image files associated with each record do not have to be uploaded to the Server application. They
are to be stored locally on Client Application in the static folder. The Server application database
stores the image filename. The Client Application will retrieve the records from the Server
Application and subsequently use the image filename to load the image locally.
RestServer1234567 is your NetBeans project folder.
App folder contains the RESTServerDB class and RouteAction
PHP class files.
The migration folder contains database SQL file to create and
seed the database in MYSQL.
The static folder contains any images used for the webpages.
The templates folder contains the HTML template files used
for the PHP Views.
The vendor folder contains the installed PHP Frameworks
The config.php file is usually included in the home index page.
It should contain any initial set up configurations required by
your project e.g. Include Path.
The index page contains PHP script to delegate route actions
based on request URIs received.
The .htaccess file is provided to you. This file contains settings
for Apache to rewrite URLs to default to the index page.
The composer files are auto generated at installation of PHP
ClientApp1234567 is your NetBeans project folder.
App folder contains the RequestAction PHP class file.
The static folder contains any images used for the webpages.
The templates folder contains the HTML template files used
for the PHP Views.
The vendor folder contains the installed PHP Frameworks
The config.php file is usually included in the home index page.
It should contain any initial set up configurations required by
your project e.g. Include Path.
The index page contains PHP script to delegate request
actions based on user link selection.
The composer files are auto generated at installation of PHP
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Assessment 2 – Assignment Case Study
Date: 4/12/2020
Author: Stefan Batsas
File: VIT1204 Assessment 2 - Assignment Case study Henan Delivery v1.docx
PHP Classes
Your solution must implement PHP classes to provide data service and business logic for you web
application. Use the following class diagrams to help you design your own PHP classes.
Replace the word Record with your Case study entity (table) name.
The following diagram represents the Classes for the REST Server implementation
The following diagram represents the Classes for the Client Application implementation:
index($request, $response, $args)
getRecords($request, $response, $args)
searchRecords($request, $response, $args)
$pdo $dbtable
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Assessment 2 – Assignment Case Study
Date: 4/12/2020
Author: Stefan Batsas
File: VIT1204 Assessment 2 - Assignment Case study Henan Delivery v1.docx
Database Schema
You will be provided with the SQL script file to create this database with sample records and the
photo images. The following diagram should represent the data table in your database. Complete
the Entity Diagram for your allocated case study. You must rename all the menu links for the request
actions and all the functions in your defined classes.
You will not be required to upload images from your Client Application to the REST Server application.
The REST Server is not required to be a content/image server. Instead, images should be stored locally
on your Client Application.
Create the database in MySQL via XAMPP:
Import the SQL script for your allocated case study in MySQL via PHP Admin Page.
Local PC
REST Client
AWS Server
REST Server
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Assessment 2 – Assignment Case Study
Date: 4/12/2020
Author: Stefan Batsas
File: VIT1204 Assessment 2 - Assignment Case study Henan Delivery v1.docx
Assessment Authenticity
You will need to show your work to your teacher prior to submission. You must be able to explain
your code to your teacher. The work must be your own. You are free to use any learning materials
and resources provided in the subject to assist in developing the code for this assignment.
You will be required to use a Versioning Control Service (GIT) to track and log progressive changes
to your project. Your GIT repository must be able to produce a history of version changes.
Assessment Submission
You are required to upload two NetBeans projects that includes your required directory structure,
PHP, CSS, images, and other supporting files as compressed archives (.zip or .rar).
The submission must be uploaded via Drop Box on VU Collaborate. Refer to Assessment Information
in the VU Collaborate space for the submission deadline.
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Assessment 2 – Assignment Case Study
Date: 4/12/2020
Author: Stefan Batsas
File: VIT1204 Assessment 2 - Assignment Case study Henan Delivery v1.docx
Your assessment will be graded according to the following breakdown:
Assessment Criteria Maximum
Use the PHP language to develop dynamic web pages
Use web frameworks to enhance the features of web applications
Use of a CSS Framework (e.g. Bootstrap) to provide a professional and consistent theme over all of the
webpages generated by the Client Web Application.
Home Page, Search Form Page, Add Form page, View Records Page (1 mark each for consistently styled pages)
Menu Links added to navigation bar on Client Home Page – Home, Add Record, View Records, Search Records
(0.5 mark each for operational link) 2
Evidence of PHP Views framework implemented. (Index, Base, Data, Add Form, Search Form = 5 templates x
1 mark each) 5
Evidence of PHP Framework implemented to provide HTTP Client functionality – 4 Request Actions x 1 mark
each 4
Evidence of PHP Framework implemented to provide REST functionality – 4 Route Actions x 1 mark each 4
Correct implementation of REST concepts – URIs naming conventions (4 URI x 1 mark each) 4
Correct implementation of REST concepts – HTTP request methods (4 Routes x 1 mark each) 4
Apply object-oriented programming in the development of web applications.
Allow user to insert a new record with REST Client App:
Evidence of PHP HTTP Client using the appropriate requests to the REST Server 2
Evidence of PHP REST Server inserts record into database 3
Responses are in JSON Format and the correct response is returned to the client 1
Allow user to search records by keyword with REST Client App:
Evidence of PHP HTTP Client using the appropriate requests to the REST Server 1
Evidence of PHP REST Server searches records from database 2
Responses are in JSON Format and the correct response is returned to the client 1
Display of all records including images of all selected records 2
Allow user to display all records with REST Client App:
Evidence of PHP HTTP Client using the appropriate requests to the REST Server 1
Evidence of PHP REST Server retrieving all records from database 1
Responses are in JSON Format and the correct response is returned to the client 1
Display of all records including images of all records 2
Evidence of correct OOP code structure
The PHP classes are implemented as per Class Diagrams on Client and Server Application – RequestAction
class, RouteAction class and RestServerDB class. (3 classes x 1 mark each)
The functions in RequestAction defined correctly and produce correct results (4 functions x 1 mark each) 4
The functions in RouteAction defined correctly and produce correct results (4 functions x 1 mark each) 4
The functions in RecordsDB defined correctly and produce correct results (4 functions x 1 mark each) 4
Evidence of Case Study Database imported into MySQL 1
Total Marks 60
Weighted Result 30
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