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日期:2020-01-12 09:46

ISYS90086 Data Warehousing – Summer Semester 2020

Assignment 1 – Data Warehouse Design Assignment (25 marks)

In groups of 2, you are required to write a report that justifies a design of a dimensional model for a data

warehouse for the case described below. Additionally, you are expected to implement this data warehouse

using MySQL.

Case Description

Please see – Case Study


This assignment is worth 25% of your assessment for the subject. Historically, the average mark for this

assignment has been around 17/25 marks.

NOTE: This assignment should be completed in groups of 2 students.

Case Study – Report Requirements

Your group is required to design a dimensional model for a data warehouse for the case study. The

dimensional model must be documented with a diagram and also a dictionary describing each of the

attributes within the fact and dimension tables. Within your data dictionary you should include details about

sourcing of data in the dimensional model from data files in the operational systems. The data dictionary

needs to contain enough detail for your data warehouse design so that it can be clearly understood.

The submission should be about 3000 words in length and take the form of a report describing and justifying

the design of the dimensional model. A suggested outline for the sections of the report is (Please note that

this structure is a guide only and can be changed (except for the appendices) if you wish):

1. Executive summary: An executive summary is a short summary of the key information in the

document and is written for a business person. It should contain a clear recommendation together

with evidence to help a business person to decide whether to go ahead with the data warehouse


2. Data warehousing: You should present a discussion of the data warehousing concept, why data

warehouses are necessary and the benefits they can bring to organisations.

3. Design of the Data Warehouse: You should discuss and justify the design of your data warehouse.

Include a diagram of the design of your datawarehouse.

4. How the data warehouse will be used to address the business problems: Discuss how the data

warehouse may be used to address the three business problems included in the case study.

While you do not need to include SQL code, you should identify the data that needs to be

retrieved and the ways in which it will be presented to the user to support decision-making.

5. Appendix 1 – Data Dictionary: Include a data dictionary for each of your fact and dimensions

tables. Include an entry for each data item including its name, a brief description of its meaning, and

describe how it will be sourced from the existing databases and include a description of any

necessary transformations.

6. Appendix 2 – SQL: include all of the SQL statements that you used to create your data warehouse in

MySQL. This will include Create statements, Key creation and any indexing you deem necessary.

Provide an explanation for why each index is required.

7. Appendix 3 – Work Breakdown: – Detail the breakdown of work of the team members for

this assignment. This should be a detailed account of what each team member

accomplished as part of the assignment.

Assessment Criteria

Aspect of review Poor Good Very Good Excellent

Executive Summary 5%

Data Warehousing Discussion 30%

Dimensional Model 40%

Addressing Key Decisions 30%

Data Dictionary 5%

SQL 5%

Work Breakdown (HURDLE)


This assignment is due at 9:00am on Friday 17th Jan.

You will submit only an electronic version. We will endeavour to get your assignment marked within a 2

week period. You will receive feedback on your assignment via the marking scheme. The marker will also

give written feedback in the form of comments on the marking sheet.

You are required to submit an electronic version of your work through the LMS (See the Assessment Link

on the LMS and look for the link Assignment 1 Submission. You will be submitting this version of your

work through TurnItIn (this is a plagiarism checking platform) and will be able to submit more than once up

to the due date so please ensure that your assignment is plagiarism free. By submitting your work in this

manner plagiarism is checked for you and you will be able to see if you have any issues with this in your

work and will be able to fix these issues before the due date. Also by submitting the Assignment via the

LMS you are agreeing that the Assignment is your own work (thus you do not need an assignment cover


Academic Honesty

Academic misconduct occurs when students portray someone else's work as their own. There are many ways

in which Academic misconduct can occur. Some of these are:

• Sham Paraphrasing: Material copied verbatim from text and source acknowledged in-line but

represented as paraphrased.

• Illicit Paraphrasing: Material paraphrased from text without in-line acknowledgement ofsource.

• Other Plagiarism: Material copied from another student's assignment with the knowledge of the

other student.

• Verbatim Copying: Material copied verbatim from text without in-line acknowledgement of the


• Recycling: Same assignment submitted more than once for differentsubjects.

• Ghost Writing: Assignment written by third party and represented as own work.

• Purloining: Assignment copied from another student's assignment or other person's papers without

that persons knowledge.

The university is committed to graduating students with "a profound respect for truth, and for the ethics of

scholarship... we want our graduates to be capable of independent thought, to be able to do their own work,

and to know how to acknowledge the work of others" (Prof. Peter McPhee). As such, the university takes a

dim view of students to are not able to correctly acknowledge the work of others, or who try to pass this

work off as their own. All students should be aware of the following web site:

http://academichonesty.unimelb.edu.au/advice.html which provides practical advice to students about how

not to be involved in academic misconduct. In particular look at the Quick Checklist section (paraphrased


Quick checklist

(Reproduced with permission of Dr Stephen Morgan, Faculty of Economics and Commerce)

To be certain to acknowledge sources fairly and avoid plagiarising, review this checklist before beginning to

write your essay and again after you have completed your first draft.

1. What type of source are you using: your own independent material, common

knowledge, or someone else's independent material?

2. If you are quoting someone else's material, is the quotation exact? Have you used

quotation marks for quotations run into the text? Have you set off block quotes with

an extra space before and after the quote, single spacing within the quote, and left

indenting of all lines of the block quote? Are omissions shown with ellipses and

additions with square brackets?

3. If you are paraphrasing someone else's material, have you rewritten it in you own

words and sentence structures? Does your paraphrase employ quotation marks when

you resort to the author's exact language? Have you represented the author's meaning

without distortion?

4. Have you acknowledged each use of someone else's material?

5. Do all references contain complete and accurate information on the sources you have


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