Semester 2 2018
Marks: 100 marks (15%)
Due Date: 11.59pm 22-Oct-2018
What to Submit: SQL script file in addition to a short PDF report
Where to Submit: Electronic submission: Blackboard
The goal of this project is to gain practical experience in applying several database
management concepts using the Oracle DBMS.
Your task is to first populate your database with appropriate data, then design,
implement, and test the appropriate queries to perform the tasks explained in the
next sections.
You must work on this project individually. The standard academic honesty rules
apply. Plagiarism will be taken seriously and punished appropriately.
Roadmap: Section 1 describes the database schema for your project and it also
provides instructions on downloading the script file needed to create and populate
your database. Section 2 describes the tasks to be completed for this project. Finally,
Section 3 provides you with all the necessary submission guidelines.
Enjoy your Project!
The Database: The MOVIES database (Figure 1) captures information regarding
movies and the actors in these movies.. The database includes six tables: actor,
film, category, film_actor, film_category, and language. Actor stores information
about all actors in the industry. Film keeps track of film details. Category stores
information about the different types of film categories. Language stores the
different languages in which these movies are released. Film_actor and
film_category keeps track of which actors have acted in which films, and which
films are classified under which categories, respectively.
Figure 1 Database schema
The Script File: Please go to Blackboard and download the supplementary script
The Database Constraints: The following table lists all the constraints applied to
the MOVIES database.
No Constraint Name Table.Column Description
1 PK_ACTORID actor.actor_id actor_id is the primary key of
2 PK_CATEGORYID category.category_id category_id is the primary key of
3 PK_FILMID film.film_id film_id is the primary key of film
4 PK_LANGUAGEID language.language_id language_id is the primary key
of language
5 UN_DESCRIPTION film.description Film description values are
6 CK_FNAME actor.first_name Actor’s first name must not be
empty (not null)
7 CK_LNAME actor.last_name Actor’s last name must not be
empty (not null)
8 CK_TITLE film.title Film title must not be empty (not
9 CK_CATNAME Category name must not be
empty (not null)
10 CK_RENTALRATE film.rental_rate Film rental rate must not be
empty (not null)
11 CK_RATING film.rating Rating type must be one of the
12 CK_SPLFEATURES film.special_features Special Features type must be
empty or one of the following:
'Trailers', 'Commentaries',
'Deleted Scenes', 'Behind the
13 FK_LANGUAGEID film.language_id
and language.language_id
film.language_id refers to
14 FK_ORLANGUAGEID film.original_language_id and
film.original_language_id refers
to language.language_id
15 FK_ACTORID film_actor.actor_id and
film_actor.actor_id refers to
16 CK_RELEASEYR film.release_year film.release_year is less than or
equal to current year (Hardcode
the current year 2018)
Table 1. Constraints
Task 0 – Database
1. You need to execute the script file to create and populate your database
before working on the following tasks. Wait until you see the message “DONE!
All data has been inserted.” It should only take a minute. The script will
also drop related tables.
Task 1 –Constraints
1. After running the script file, you will notice that only some of the constraints
given in Table 1 were created. Write the necessary SQL statements to find
out which constraints have been created on the tables. Some table names
may need to be in capitals eg. ‘FILM’ instead of ‘film’.
2. Write the necessary SQL statements to create all the missing constraints.
Task 2 –Triggers
1. Write a trigger, named BI_FILM_ID that automatically populates the film_id
when a new film is added. The sequence, named FILM_ID_SEQ, should start
from 22,000 and increment by 2.
2. Write an SQL trigger, that should be named BI_FILM_LANG, to append text to
the description of every new film inserted into the database. It is based on the
language (language_id) and the original language (original_language_id)
of the film.
The format of the text you append should be (replacing tokens):
Originally in <original language>. Re-released in <language>.
Original language and language should be the name of the language from the
language table.
For example:
If the following query was run:
INSERT INTO FILM (title, description, language_id,
original_language_id ) VALUES
('B Movie', 'Movie about wasps.', 1, 2);
It should produce the following when the following select statement is run
(based on the script file provided to you and assuming B Movie’s id is
SQL> SELECT description FROM FILM WHERE film_id = 9999999;
Movie about wasps.Originally in Italian. Re-released in
Notes for Question 2.2:
● This trigger should only fire upon new rows inserted.
○ You do not need to update existing rows.
● The text should be added to the end of the additional description.
○ You must preserve existing text in additional description.
○ You do not need to handle cases where the resulting text after
the trigger exceeds the description length. Let the trigger fail.
● If either language or original language is null, then the trigger should
not do anything.
● Your trigger should handle other film languages beyond those provided
to you
○ For example if the language ‘SQL’ was added to the language
table, then the trigger should be able to handle a movie in
● Description must match expected output exactly? in order to receive
marks. Based on the same query in the example above, the following
description below is incorrect as there is a space between the original
movie description and the appended text.
Movie about wasps. Originally in English.
Re-released in English.
● Do not append a space in the text you are adding(do not add a space
○ Note in the example provided there is no space after the first full
● Do not add any line breaks (new lines).
● Do not alter the name of the languages in any way. Leave as is.
○ Do not change capitalisation.
Task 3 – Views
1. Write a SQL statement to find the ‘Comedy’ films with the longest running
time. Your query should output the names and lengths of the films.
2. Write a SQL statement to create a (virtual) view that contains all the actors
that have acted in the films that you obtained in Task 3.1. The view should
include the columns actor id, first name and last name. Note: Actors may act
in multiple films, but should only appear once in the view.
3. Write a SQL statement to create a (virtual) view called
V_COMEDY_ACTORS_2008 that lists the ids, first names and last names of any
actors that starred in a Comedy film released in the year 2008.
4. Write a SQL statement to create a materialized view called
MV_COMEDY_ACTORS_2008 that lists the same information as in Task 3.3.
5. Execute the following two SQL statements and report their query execution
time. Is there any difference between the reported execution times of Q1 and
Please give the reasons for that.
Note: For any task mentioning execution time, please run the queries on a computer
with a HDD, rather than an SSD, so that any timing differences are noticeable. All
lab computers have HDD’s and are appropriate for this.
Task 4 – Indexes
1. Construct a query to select the first 200 film titles? (in ascending alphabetical
order) where the film takes place in a ‘Boat’. You may assume that the film
location is contained within the film table and attribute, description.
Additionally, it is always after the first occurrence of the word ‘in’ and finishes
at the end of the sentence. For example in the following film description:
“A Epic Drama of a Feminist And a Mad Scientist who must Battle a Teacher
in The Canadian Rockies”
The location is “The Canadian Rockies”.
Notes for Question 4.1:
● ‘Boat’ can be any boat, U-Boat, JET Boat etc, as long as the location includes
the word ‘Boat’.
● You do not need to consider the film description output from the trigger you
created for question 2.2.
2. Create a function-based index called IDX_SEARCH_LOCATION that could
potentially increase the speed of the query written in 4.1. Write a SQL
statement to create an index that best fits that task and explain your choice.
3. Report the execution time of the query statement you wrote in Task 4.1 before
and after creating the index in Task 4.2. Explain any difference. If there is no
difference, explain why.
Task 5 – Execution Plan
1. Write a SQL statement to list all information for the films with a film_id value
that is greater than 1000. Report the rule-based execution plan chosen by
the Oracle optimizer for executing your query. Explain the query processing
steps taking place in this plan.
2. Re-execute the query you wrote in Task 5.1 and report the cost-based
execution plan chosen by the Oracle optimizer for executing your query.
Explain the query processing steps taking place in this plan. Comment on the
efficiency of this plan.
3. Now write a SQL statement to list the information for the film with a film_id of
1000. Report the cost-based execution plan chosen by the Oracle optimizer
for executing your query.
4. In your opinion, what are the main differences between the plans you
obtained in Task 5.1, and 5.2?
5. In your opinion, what are the main differences between the plans you
obtained in Task 5.2 and 5.3?
6. Write SQL statements to gather the following statistics from the database:
a. The height of the system generated B+ tree index for FILM_ID
b. The number of leaf blocks in the system generated B+ tree index for
c. The number of block accesses needed for a direct full table scan of the
FILM table.
You may find the following documentation from Oracle to answer Task 5 helpful:
Tasks Marks
0 5
1.1 5
1.2 8
2.1 4
2.2 12
3.1 5
3.2 7
3.3 6
3.4 2
3.5 5
4.1 10
4.2 5
4.3 3
5.1 3
5.2 2
5.3 2
5.4 4
5.5 4
5.6 3
Presentation &
Total 100
The project is due 11:59PM, 22nd Oct. 2018?. No late submission is allowed.
You are required to turn in two files (use studentID to name your files):
1. studentID.pdf: (rename studentID)
A report answering all the questions in Section 2 including all the necessary SQL
statements and their outputs (please be sensible when including query output, any
output close to the size of a page can be shown by just including the first 10 lines
and the last 10 lines – reports including pages of query output will lose presentation
2. studentID.sql: (rename studentID)
A script file that includes all your SQL statements.
Your report? file should include the following content:
● Answers to all the questions in Section 2.
● If you are asked to write SQL statements, you need to include those
statements in your report.
● When you execute an SQL statement, if Oracle produces any output (e.g.
query results, query execution time, query plan, etc), you need to include the
output as well.
Your script file is in plain text format. You must make sure that your script file can be
executed on the ITEE lab computers using the “@” command. The same SQL
statements in your script file should also be copied and pasted into your report file
(as explained above). Even though the script file does not introduce any new
information in comparison to the report file, it is intended to help the lecturer/tutors to
quickly check the correctness of your SQL statements before checking the details in
your report file.
Enjoy your project!
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