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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2024-04-10 08:18

EECE 6083/5183 Compiler Project

1 Compiler Project

The class project is to build a simple recursive decent (LL(1)) compiler by hand (not using compiler

construction tools such as flex or antlr). You can use any imperative block structured programming language that supports recursion and for which I can install a standard debian package to

test your solution on my computer. Examples of languages that students have used for this class

include: c, c++, go, rust, java, and python. If you are not certain that your desired programming language is ok, please check with me. While you can use a wide selection of languages, you

cannot use any language features for constructing compiler subsystems (regular expression parsers,

etc). That said, I encourage you to use some of the more complex builtin data structures of these

languages such as hash tables. Again, if you have questions about what you can and cannot do,

please ask.

In addition to sending me your compiler source and build environment that I can run on my

Linux workstation (you are responsible for ensuring that it will build on a standard Linux box; if

you build it on some exotic system like Haiku, we can discuss a demo on that platform), you must

also turn in a one page report documenting your compiler. It should document your software, its

structure, the build process, and the language features that are correctly implemented as well as

those elements of the compiler that are not completed. Finally, the report should also highlight

any unique features you have implemented in the system.

I have organized the compiler project into 5 development phases with deadlines scattered

throughout the course semester period. While these deadline are soft, I will use your history

of early/late to assign plus/minus graduations to your final grade. I encourage you to attempt to

complete these phases early.

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EECE 6083/5183 Compiler Project

2 Lexical Analysis: The Scanner

2.1 Tokens

Lexical analysis involves converting strings in the input language to tokens. Here is a representative

example of the object type for tokens.

// a globally visible enumeration (needed by both the lexer and by the parser



class token

tokenType: tt

tokenMark: tm

end class

The token mark can be a complex data type that records secondary information about the token.

For many token types (e.g., PLUS) there is no token mark data required, the token type value fully

characterizes the token. For other token types, (e.g., IDENTIFIER) the token mark will contain

additional information to characterize the token; initially this will mostly be to hold an identifier

string, but later it may well contain information about complex types such as functions/procedures

and their argument list signature/return type, etc. In some systems, a compiler might combine

arithmetic operators, relational operators, multiplier operators, etc into a common token type and

use the token mark to record the specific member of that token class that is being represented.

2.2 Supporting functions/objects

There are some key support functions that can make building the compiler much easier; especially if

you encapsulate them with a strong API that permits the restructuring/extension of the underlying

implementation. I will organize these support functions into 3 parts: (i) input processing, (ii)

warning and error reporting, and (iii) symbol table management and reserved word setup. Below I

will present suggestions for each of these components. You are not required to setup your solution

this way, these are simply my recommendations to you. I will document each of these in an

object-oriented basis, you are not required to setup/use an object-oriented language, this is just a

convenient way for me to present the ideas.

2.2.1 Input Processing

I recommend that you create an object to manage your input file setup and location recording

(what line in the file is currently being processed). This might be a bit much for this project, but

it helps encapsulate stuff related to the input file being processed. It is a good plan to build it this

way as if you ever move to a more complicated language where multiple files are processed while

processing the designated input file, it is easy to have a stack of file points/line count variables to

record where the system is in processing the various files required.

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EECE 6083/5183 Compiler Project

In general the lineCnt variable will be used to record which line in the input file the scanner

is currently working on. In this project, this value is used primarily to help generate meaningful

error messages.

class inFile


file: filePtr = null // the input file

string: fileName

int: lineCnt = 0 // the line count; initialized to zero


bool: attachFile(string) // open the named file

char: getChar() // get the next character

void: ungetChar(char) // push character back to the input file string

void: incLineCnt()

void: getLineCnt()

end class

2.2.2 Warning and Error Reporting

The main program should have an object for reporting errors and warnings. Ideally these functions

will output error messages using a standard format (e.g., https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/

gcc-3.3.6/gnat_ug_unx/Output-and-Error-Message-Control.html that supporting tools such

as emacs can use to, for example, automatically position your text editor/IDE to the correct file

and line number corresponding to the warning/error. The API for this is fairly simple.

class reporting


bool: errorStatus = False // true if the compiler has discovered an error


void reportError(char *message)

void reportWarning(char *message)

bool getErrorStatus()

end class

While a compiler attempts to continue in the presence of both errors and warnings, an error

condition will generally cause the compiler to proceed only with the parse and type checking phases;

code optimization and generation should not occur when errors are encountered in the parsing of

the input program. In general the reportError function will set the private variable errorStatus

to True.

2.2.3 Symbol Table Management/Reserved Words

Most compilers will use a hash table(s) of the symbols seen in the input file; this is called the

symbol table. These symbols would be identifiers and functions. This is also a convenient place to

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EECE 6083/5183 Compiler Project

drop entries for the reserved words in the language (such as if, loop, end, and so on). The symbol

table will be revised and extended as you build latter parts of the compiler, so it is imperative that

you keep access to it setup through and API so that its actual implementation is easily modified

later. The hashLook function will look into the symbol table and return the token for the string

argument. If this the first time an entry to the symbol table occurs for this string, then a new

entry is created with a default token definition (generally IDENTIFIER).

class symbolTable


hashTable<token>: symTab


token: hashLook(string) // lookup the string in the hash table

void: setToken(string) // change the token values for this symbol

end class

In general the lexer will lookup every candidate identifier string in the symbol table and return

the token stored in the symbol table for that string. Thus, to make life easy, a good idea is to preseed the symbol table with the reserved word strings and setup the tokens for each so that instead

of returning the token IDENTIFIER, the correct token for that reserved word is returned. Thus,

before you start processing the file, you will build a simple look to iterate through the reserved

word strings in order to initialize the symbol table with the reserved word tokens.


So the question sometimes comes up, how do we treat strings and numerical values in the lexical

analysis phase. There is no single uniform answer to this. You can treat them: (i) directly as

tokens, (ii), register them in the symbol table, or, (iii) build a separate string/numeric table(s)1


store the token representation of the item. If we assume that the lexer match string for the token is

stored as an ASCII string in the variable tokenString, then examples of the lexer return code for

each of these options can be outlined as (showing both for a STRING token and for an INTEGER


(i) return new token(STRING, tokenString)

return new token(INTEGER, atoi(tokenString))

(ii) tok = symbolTable.hashLook(tokenString)

if (tok.tt != STRING) { tok.tt = STRING }

return tok

tok = symbolTable.hashLook(tokenString)

1Either a single common constantTable for both, or having two separate tables, one for strings and one for numerics

is possible.

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EECE 6083/5183 Compiler Project

if (tok.tt != INTEGER) { tok.tt = INTEGER }

// optionally we might also build/add the integer value to the token

return tok

(iii) return new token(STRING, constantTable.hashLook(tokenString))

return new token(INTEGER, constantTable.hashLook(tokenString))

Of course there are many variations on this coding example. The option of using the symbol table

or a separate constant table is a good way to compress the final storage map. That is, if you store

them in the symbol table, then (at each scope) common constants will be represented as one item

that has to be mapped into memory during the code generation phase. If instead, you store all

constants in constant table(s) that transcend all scopes, you can potentially reduce the storage map

size even further.

2.3 The Scanner

I recommend that you build a scanner object with the principle API call scan() that returns the

next token in the input file. Normally your parser will call the scan() function to get the next

token to determine the next course of action for the parser. When the file has advanced to the end

of the file, you should have an end-of-file (EOF) token that can be returned to the parser.

For purposes of this step of your compiler, I recommend that you build a main program that

initializes the symbol table and iteratively calls scan() until the end-of-file is reached.

The scanner must skip white-space, newlines, tabs, and comments; comments are start with the

string ”//” and continue to the next newline character. It should count newlines to aid the error

reporting functions.

Illegal characters should be treated as white-space separators and reported as errors. These errors should not stop the parser or semantic analysis phases, but they should prevent code generation

from occurring.

The tokens your scanner should recognize are the tokens found in the project language specification.

I would also recommend defining character classes to streamline your scanner definition. In

short, what this means is you should define an array indexed by the input character that maps an

ASCII character into a character class. For example mapping all the digits [0-9] into the digit

character class, letters [a-zA-Z] into the letter character class, and so on (of course you have to

define the character classes in some enumeration type. I will go over this more in class for you.

I am leaving the remainder of this section in place; it is from an earlier version of

this document that may or may not be helpful to you.

While the scanner can be constructed to recognize reserved words and identifiers separately,

I strongly recommend that you fold them together as a common case in your scanner and seed

the symbol table with the reserved words and their corresponding token type. More precisely, I

recommend that you incorporate a rudimentary symbol table into your initial scanner implementation. While the data types of the symbol table entries are likely to expand as you build additional

capabilities into your compiler, initially you can have the symbol table entries record the token

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type and have a pointer to the string for the identifier/reserved word. For example, each element

in your symbol table could have the following structure:

sym_table_entry : record

token_type : TOKEN_TYPES;

token_string : *char;

end record

where TOKEN TYPES is the enumeration type of all your token types.

Operationally, I would build the symbol table so that new entries are created with the token type

field initialized to IDENTIFIER. You can then seed the symbol table (during the scanner initialization step described above) with reserved words in the scanner’s initialize method. The easiest

way to do this is to setup an array of reserved word and their token type. Then walk through the

array to do a hash look up with each reserved word string and change the token type field to the

specified token type. We will go over this in class.

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3 The Parser

Build a recursive decent parser that looks only at the immediate next token to control the parse.

That is, build an LL(1) parser from the project programming language specification given elsewhere

in these webpages. If you really would prefer to build a LALR parser that is possible, but please

discuss it with me first.

The parser should have at least one resync point to try to recover from a parsing error.

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EECE 6083/5183 Compiler Project

4 Type Checking

Incorporate type checking into the parser and perform type checking while the statements are

parsed. Your principle concern is with scoping and type matching. At least for expressions and

statements, your parsing rules will now have to be expanded to return the type result for the

construct just parsed. The upper rules will use that type information to assert type checks at its


A full symbol table complete with scoping data must be constructed. You must be able to

define a scope and remove a scope as the parse is made. You can achieve scoping by having nested

symbol tables or by chaining together the entries in the symbol table and placing scope entry points

that can be used to control how symbols are removed when your parser leaves a scope.

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EECE 6083/5183 Compiler Project

5 Code Generation

You have two options for code generation. The first (and recommended) option is to use the LLVM

back-end optimizer and code generator. In this case your code generation phase would really be a

translator to the LLVM intermediate form (either the memory resident IR or the llvm assembly).

The second option is to generate a file containing a restricted C program space as documented


5.1 Generating C

Basically the generated file should have declarations for your memory space, register space and a

flat C (no subroutines) with goto’s used to branch around the generated C file.

Your generated C must follow the style of a load/store architecture. You may assume a register

file sized to your largest need and a generic 2-address instruction format. You do not have to

worry about register allocation and you should not carryover register/variable use from expression

to expression. Thus a program with two expressions:

c := a + b;

d := a + c + b;

would generate something like:

// c := a + b;

R[1] = MM[44]; // assumes variable a is at MM location 44

R[2] = MM[56]; // assumes variable b is at MM location 56

R[3] = R[1] + R[2];

MM[32] = R[3]; // assumes variable c is at MM location 32

// d := a + c + b;

R[1] = MM[44];

R[2] = MM[32];

R[3] = R[1] + R[2];

R[4] = MM[56];

R[5] = R[3] + R[4];

MM[144] = R[5]; // assumes variable d is at MM location 144

You can also use indirection off the registers to define memory locations to load into registers.

For example your code generator can generate something like this:

R[1] = MM[R[0]+4];

You can statically allocate/assign some of the registers for specific stack operation (pointers).

The stack must be built in your memory space.

For conditional branching (goto) you can use an if statement with a then clause but not with

an else clause. Furthermore the condition must be evaluated to true/false (0/1) prior to the if

statement so that the condition in the if statement is limited to a simple comparison to true/false.

Thus for conditional branching only this form of an if statement is permitted:

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if (R[2] = true) then goto label;

The code generator is to output a restricted form of C that looks much like a 3-address load/store

architecture. You can assume an unbounded set of registers, a 64M bytes of memory space containing space for static memory and stack memory. Your machine code should look something like

(I forget C syntax, so you may have to translate this to real C):

Reg[3] = MM[Reg[SP]];

Reg[SP] = Reg[SP] { 2;

Reg[4] = MM[12]; // assume a static

// variable at

// location 12

Reg[5] = Reg[3] + Reg[4]

MM[12] = Reg[5];

You must use simple C: assignment statements, goto statements, and if statements. No procedures, switch statements, etc.

You must evaluate the conditional expressions in “if statements” and simply reference the result

(stored in a register) in the if statement of your generated C code.

Basically you should generate C code that looks like a simple 3-address assembly language.

5.2 Generating LLVM Assembly

See other lecture notes on LLVM.

5.3 Activation Records

See other lecture notes on Code Generation and Figure 1.

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return address

arg 2

local var 1

local var 2

arg 1

return value ptr

old SP

old FP

old FP

old SP

FP: frame pointer

SP: stack pointer Activation record k+1 Activation record k





Activation record k Activation record k+1

Curr activation record

Figure 1: The call chain of activation records; stack model on left and heap model on right

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EECE 6083/5183 Compiler Project

6 Runtime

If you are using the LLVM infrastructure, you can use the libc supported gets, puts, atoi, etc

functions as your runtime system. This means that you will not end up writing the runtime library

other than adapting the code generator to interface to the libc standard.

For the runtime environment, you should enter the runtime function names and type signatures

into your symbol table prior to starting the parse of the input files. To code generate for these

functions, you can either special case them and use C function calls or you can have a static

(handwritten) C program with predefined labels (on the hand written code C code that calls your

library functions) that you generated code can goto. This second option sounds more difficult but

is probably much easier to implement as it’s not a special case in your code generator.

There are several (globally visible) predefined procedures provided by the runtime support

environment, namely the functions described in the project language description.

January 2, 2024 – 12 : 28 12

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