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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2020-11-25 10:46

ECE 175: Computer Programming for Engineering Applications

Final Project: Word Scramble

Due Date: Monday December 7, 2020 at 4.00 pm, via D2L dropbox

All due date: Group sign up - Tuesday November 24, 2020 by 11.59 pm

Mid-project - Tuesday November 24, 2020 at 11.59 pm

Final project - Monday December 7, 2020 at 4.00 pm

Administrative details:

1.1Group: You can work on this final project by yourself or you can work in a group of

(maximum) two students. If you choose to work as a group, use collaborative tools to

facilitate the project development, such as google doc, github, zoom, etc.

Sign up your team for the final project here: ECE 175 Final project Group sign up

The team/group must be signed-up before 11.59 pm on November 24, 2020. Sign up

even if you will work by yourself.

No team/group can be formed after this date (unless it is approved by an instructor).

1.2Intermediate Code and Design Submission

To keep track of your progress, an intermediate code submission is required. The

deadline for the intermediate code submission on D2L is Tuesday November 24, 2020 at

11.59 pm. Late submission policy: 20% deduction per day.


1. A high-level design of your code. Use any format that makes sense to your team, e.g.,

a flowchart with all your functions and how the game proceeds, pseudo-code, etc.

2. An initial code implementation, with

- a linked list of all words read from the text file (use WordSet2.txt when

developing the code. After working, test your code with WordSet5.txt)

- a print_list function used to print the entire list.

3. A skeleton of the remaining of the code containing all the function prototypes and

comments on the input/output of the functions and their intent.

1.3 Final Code Submission: The project is due on Monday December 7, 2020 at 4.00 pm.

Both team members must submit the code in the designated Dropbox on D2L.

Late submission policy: 20% deduction per day.

The last date of final project submission is by 4.00 PM on Wednesday December 9, 2020.

After this date/time, the final project will NOT be accepted/graded.

1.4Academic Integrity Policy: Each team is expected to submit its own code. You may ask

others for advice and/or discuss the project in general. However, you/your group MUST


If any part of the code submitted by different students or groups of students is

identical, ALL involved parties will receive zero credit on the entire project and one letter

reduction in their final grade. This policy will be very aggressively enforced. ALL

submitted code will be checked with a plagiarism detection tool



1.5 Suggestions

a) Spend time designing your code and use modular programming. Create all function

prototypes and describe what they do before developing your code. Create pseudocode

of your program flow.

b) Determine test cases for your functions and your overall code to ensure proper


c) Try to reuse code from the lectures. The node addition code and node deletion function

are particularly useful.

d) Write well-documented code

Project description – Word Scramble

Word scramble is a word game where you are given a set of letters and you rearrange the

letters to create original words. For example, given

i a n m c a

original 6-letter words that can be created are maniac, caiman

original 5-letter words are amain, amnia, amnic, anima, mania, manic

original 4-letter words are acai, amia, amin, cain, cami, main, mana, mica, mina

There are also original 3-letter words and 2-letter words that can be generated. However, in

our game, we will use words starting from 4 letters and up.

Project requirements: Write an interactive C program for Word Scramble with the following


0 point for the final project score if linked list is NOT used in your C

program for this project

The grading rubric that we will use to grade your project is on Pages 4-6 of this handout

2.1 Start with using a rand ( ) function to generate a number between 0 – 9 in order to pick a text

file to use. There are 10 text files, called WordSet0, WordSet1, …, WordSet9, given for your Word

Scramble game. Make sure that your program works for all 10 text files.

2.2 Use the words given in the text file(s) to create a linked list of all original words. Use the

following structure for each node

typedef struct node_s {

char word[15];

int point; //points assigned for each word

struct node_s *next;

} wordnode;

Note: you cannot remove any existing members. You may modify the first two members or add

more members.

2.3 Display a scrambled version of letters that can be used

2.4 Display number of original words that have not been guessed


2.5 Display at most 5 clues to help the players. One vowel should be displayed in each clue.

Display the clue from the first word (node), the second word (node) and the last 3 words (nodes)

in the linked list

2.6 Display correctly guessed words and wrongly guessed words

2.7 Display total points that the players have gotten. The players earn points when they guess

words correctly.

2.8 Display number of correct guesses and wrong guesses.

2.9 Let a user guess one word.

- Since our game starts from 4 letters and up, your program will continue asking if the players

enter a word that has fewer than 4 letters.

- If the players guess correctly, your program MUST remove that node from the linked list

(that you create in 2.2) and add the word into the correct guess list

- If the players guess incorrectly, add the word into the wrong guess list

- If the players guess the same word (correct or incorrect), your program will let a user know

and it will not be counted as a new guess.

2.10 Ask whether the players want to continue (q/Q to quit)

If the players want to continue, you will ask whether they want to scramble the letters

(y/Y for yes). If yes, the letters should be scrambled. Then Repeat step 2.3 – 2.10

If the players quit, print number of words that have not been guessed and all words that

have not been guessed.

2.11 If the players guess all words correctly, display “Congratulations” and total points won.

Optional Features for Extra Credit (EC)

Note: Each optional feature must be correctly and fully functional in your code in order to get the

extra credit for that part. No partial credit will be given for somewhat functioning feature(s).

• EC1 (3 points) Graphic: use graphic such as one in homework 8 to display scrambled letters.

• EC2 (2 points) When the player guesses a word, your program keeps asking

a) if the player enters a word containing letters that are not used in the game and

b) if the player enters a word containing fewer letters than 4 or more letters than maximum

number of letters given for the game.

For example, given i a n m c a, there are 6 letters. If the player enters “name”, your

program will continue asking for the next word since e is not is the set of letters which are i a

n m c a. If the player enters mancaina, your program will continue asking since it contains 8

letters which are more than 6 letters.

• EC3 (7 points) use a linked list to keep the list of correctly guessed words and another linked

list to keep the list of wrongly guessed words.


Final project grading rubric

As stated in this handout, 0 point if the linked list is not used in your C program of the final project

Category Maximum










Mid-project (see first

page for requirements

and due date)


Text file 5 Successfully use rand( ) to

randomly choose the text file to

be opened to read. Use fopen and

fclose correctly

No rand( ) used – hardcode

the text file name. Use fopen

and fclose correctly

Not available No


or not working

Create a linked list of

words from the text


10 The linked list is successfully

created. The list is correctly

populated with words in the text

file and can be traversed. All

words from the text file are

present as nodes in the list

The linked list is

implemented but

incomplete. Not all words

are present, or the list

cannot be traversed

Some code skeleton that

the list is attempted but

the code is not compiled



Scrambled version

of letters

4 The letters can be properly


The letters are somewhat


Some code skeleton that

attempts to do this part

but unsuccessful



Display number of

words that have not

been guessed

2 The number of have-not-beenguessed

words are correctly

determined and displayed after

each user (correct) guess

There is some miscount in

number of words or it is

wrong since the game starts

Some code skeleton that

attempts to do this part

but unsuccessful



Display at most 5

clues (first two and

last 3 nodes of the

linked list)

10 The link can be traversed in

order to use the first two nodes

and the last 3 nodes of the list as

the clues. One vowel in each

word is displayed. If the word in

the clue is removed due to

correct guess, the next word

(node) in the list can be properly

used as a clue. Properly display

when fewer than 5 clues left

Some functionalities are

missing or not working such

as using the first 5 nodes in

the list (instead of first two

and last 3), clues displayed

but no vowel (or first letter

is displayed instead), not

properly working (code

breaks) if fewer than 5 clues

are left

Some code skeleton that

attempts to do this part

but unsuccessful




Display correctly

guessed words and

incorrectly guessed


5 The code can correctly display

the correct-guessed words and

the wrong-guessed words

Some functionalities are

missing or not working such

as only correct or wrong

guesses is displayed

Some code skeleton that

attempts to do this part

but unsuccessful



Find and Display total


3 The total points are determined

and displayed correctly.

There are some

miscalculations, or the code

cannot get the point from

each node

Some code skeleton that

attempts to do this part

but unsuccessful



Display number of

correct and wrong


3 The number of correct and

wrong guesses are correctly

determined and displayed after

each user guess

There are some miscounts

in number of guesses

Some code skeleton that

attempts to do this part

but unsuccessful



Let a user guess 4-

letter words and up

2 The code lets a user enter a word

and checks the length of the

words and continues asking until

a user enters a word with at least

4 letters

The code lets a user enter a

word with any length

Some code skeleton that

attempts to do this part

but unsuccessful



Removing the node

from the list, if

correctly guessed

10 The node is properly removed

from the list when the players

guess the word correctly. The list

is still intact after a node

removal. free() is used

Some functionalities are

missing or not working such

as the list is broken after

the node is removed,

free() is not used

Some code skeleton that

attempts to do this part

but unsuccessful



Add a word into the

correct or wrong guess

(array(s) are used)

3 The code can correctly add a

word into the correct guess or

the wrong guess

Some functionalities are

missing or not working

Some code skeleton that

attempts to do this part

but unsuccessful



Let a user know that

the word has already

been guessed when it

occurs (not counting as

a new guess)

4 The code can determine that the

word that a user just enters is

already in the correct or wrong


Some functionalities are

missing or not working

Some code skeleton that

attempts to do this part

but unsuccessful



Ask whether a user

wants to continue (q/Q

to quit)

2 The code successfully lets a user

enter a letter and can quit or


Only lowercase q or

uppercase Q is used to quit

Not available No


or not working

Ask whether a user

wants to scramble the

word (y/Y for yes)

2 The code successfully lets a user

enter a letter and can decide that

the letters should be scrambled

Only lowercase y or

uppercase Y is used for yes

Not available No


or not working


When quit, print

number of words and

words that have not

been guessed

5 Correct number of words is

printed, and all have-not-beenguessed

words are correctly

displayed (this show that the list

is not broken)

Some functionalities are

missing or not working such

as incorrect number of


words is displayed or the

code breaks since the link is

broken and all have-notbeen-guessed

words cannot

be printed.

Some code skeleton that

attempts to do this part

but unsuccessful



If all words are guessed

correctly, congrats and

total points

3 The code can successfully end

the game when a user correctly

guesses all words and print the

correct total points

Some functionalities are

missing or not working such

as the game does not end

even though all words are

correctly guessed or wrong

total points

Some code skeleton that

attempts to this part but




Free all the list(s)

used before ending

the program

2 It has C statements or a function

that properly delete all nodes in

the list before the program ends.

Some functionalities are

missing or not working

Some code skeleton that

attempts to do this part

but unsuccessful



Program Design

Code modularity 5 The code is logically divided to

several functions that implement

important functionality

The code is modular but

further simplification could

have been done

All statements

are written in

main function

Code documentation 2 Comments are used throughout

the code. The input/output and

goal of every function is

adequately described.

The code is partially


The code is scarcely


No comment

written in the


Compilation 8 Code successfully compiles

without syntax errors. The code

does not hang while in


The code successfully

compiles, but some

conditions make it hang

while running (-5 pts)



Total 100

Extra credits Excellent (100%) – No partial credit (all or nothing)

Graphic 3 See Extra credit section of this handout for details

User inputs prevention 2 See Extra credit section of this handout for details

Linked list for correctly

guessed words and

wrongly guessed words

7 See Extra credit section of this handout for details


Sample code execution 1: Bold information entered by a user. Information after // is used to

explain how the game works.

use WordSet2.txt

Let's play Word Scramble

--- --- --- --- --- ---

i d p u t n

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 10 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

_ u _ _ _ _

_ _ _ u _

_ _ u _

_ u _ _

u _ _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

You now have 0 points

with 0 correct guesses and 0 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): put

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): dip

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): it

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): punt

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? y

Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)? Y

--- --- --- --- --- ---

n t p u d i //observe that the letters are not in the same order when the game starts

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 9 words that you can guess //observe that 9 (not 10) words since one word was correctly guessed

5 clues to help you guess

_ u _ _ _ _

_ _ _ u _

_ i _ _

_ _ _ i //this is changed from previous since punt which is the second node from the last node was correctly guessed

u _ _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

punt //punt shows up under Correct guess, No word under Wrong Guess

You now have 10 points //the player gets 10 points from correctly guess word “punt”

with 1 correct guesses and 0 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): duipt

Sorry, Match not found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? u

Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)? A

--- --- --- --- --- ---

n t p u d i

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 9 words that you can guess


5 clues to help you guess

_ u _ _ _ _

_ _ _ u _

_ i _ _

_ _ _ i

u _ _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

punt duipt //punt shows up under Correct guess, duipt shows up under Wrong Guess

You now have 10 points //still 10 points since the last guess was wrong

with 1 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses //one correct guess from “punt”, one wrong guess from “duipt”

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): pundit

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? t

Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)? y

--- --- --- --- --- ---

t n u i d p //observe that the letters are not in the same order as the last round

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 8 words that you can guess //observe that 8 words since two words were correctly guessed

5 clues to help you guess

i _ _ _ _ //observe that this clue changes from before since pundit used for the first clue was correctly guessed

_ i _ _

_ i _ _

_ _ _ i

u _ _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

punt duipt


You now have 60 points //the player now gets 60 points from correctly guess words “punt” and “pundit”

with 2 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): punt

punt is already correctly guessed //punt is already guessed (see Correct Guess)

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? g

Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)? H

--- --- --- --- --- ---

t n u i d p

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 8 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

i _ _ _ _

_ i _ _

_ i _ _

_ _ _ i

u _ _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

punt duipt


You now have 60 points


with 2 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): tend

Sorry, Match not found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? y

Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)? k

--- --- --- --- --- ---

t n u i d p

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 8 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

i _ _ _ _

_ i _ _

_ i _ _

_ _ _ i

u _ _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

punt duipt

pundit tend

You now have 60 points

with 2 correct guesses and 2 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): duipt

duipt is already incorrectly guessed //duipt is already guessed (see Wrong Guess)

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? u

Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)? n

--- --- --- --- --- ---

t n u i d p

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 8 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

i _ _ _ _

_ i _ _

_ i _ _

_ _ _ i

u _ _ _

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): dunt

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? Q

7 Words that you have not guessed //number of have-not-been-guessed words is displayed

input dint dipt duit pint ptui unit //the have-not-been-guessed words are displayed

Good Bye


Sample code execution 2: Bold information entered by a user. Information after // is used to explain how the

game works.

use WordSet5.txt

Let's play Word Scramble

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

r o d o a c i s u n q t

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 948 words that you can guess //this is a linked list of 948 nodes

5 clues to help you guess

_ o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ o _ _ _

u _ _ _

_ _ _ a

u _ _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

You now have 0 points

with 0 correct guesses and 0 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 12 letters): acrodonts

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? r

Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)? Y

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

n a c r d o s q o u i t

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 947 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

_ o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ //observe that this clue changes since acrodonts (second node in the original list) was correctly guessed

u _ _ _

_ _ _ a

u _ _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess


You now have 90 points

with 1 correct guesses and 0 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 12 letters): unit

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? Y

Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)? Y

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

u t o a r q c i s d n o

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 946 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

_ o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _


u _ _ _

_ _ _ a

u _ _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess



You now have 100 points

with 2 correct guesses and 0 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 12 letters): taor

Sorry, Match not found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? Q

946 Words that you have not guessed //I print only first 100 words but your program can print all of them

conquistador atrocious autocoids consortia courantos curations custodian durations inductors quadroons

sonicator suctorian tandooris acrodont asconoid auctions auditors autocoid candours canorous

cantoris cardoons carotids carotins cartoons cautions conduits contours coquinas coquitos

corantos cornutos cortinas couranto courants crostino croutons curation curtains diatrons

dinosaur discount donators duration inductor intrados noctuids noctuoid odorants orations

ostracod ostracon outscorn quadrics quadroon quantics quartics quintars rainouts rotundas

ructions sardonic squadron sudation tandoori tandoors tornadic tornados touracos unitards

acinous acquits actions aroints asquint astound atonics auction auditor candors

candour cantors cardios cardons cardoon carious carotid carotin cartons cartoon

cations caution cistron citrons citrous conatus condors conduit conoids consort

Good Bye

Sample code execution 3 (show the test case when the player guesses all words

correctly): Bold information entered by a user. Information after // is used to explain how the

game works.

use WordSet4.txt

Let's play Word Scramble

--- --- --- --- --- ---

m n a a c i

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 17 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

_ a _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ a _

_ a _ _

_ _ _ a

_ i _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

You now have 0 points

with 0 correct guesses and 0 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): caiman

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? r

Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)? Y


--- --- --- --- --- ---

a c n i m a

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 16 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

_ a _ _ _ _

_ _ _ i _

_ a _ _

_ _ _ a

_ i _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess


You now have 50 points

with 1 correct guesses and 0 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): mana

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? r

Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)? Y

--- --- --- --- --- ---

a n i m c a

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 15 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

_ a _ _ _ _

_ _ _ i _

_ a _ _

_ _ _ a

_ i _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess



You now have 60 points

with 2 correct guesses and 0 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): maniac

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? Y

Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)? Y

--- --- --- --- --- ---

c m n a a i

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 14 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

a _ _ _ _ //observe this clue changes since both maniac and caiman have been correctly guessed

_ _ _ _ a

_ a _ _

_ _ _ a

_ i _ _


Correct Guess Wrong Guess




You now have 110 points

with 3 correct guesses and 0 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): mina

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)?


Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)?


--- --- --- --- --- ---

c a n a i m

--- --- ---

--- --- ---

There are 13 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

a _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ a

_ a _ _

_ _ i _

_ i _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess





You now have 120 points

with 4 correct guesses and 0 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): nam

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): nama

Sorry, Match not found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)?


Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)?


--- --- --- --- --- ---

a c m a i n

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 13 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

a _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ a

_ a _ _

_ _ _ i

_ a _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

caiman nama




You now have 120 points


with 4 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): mana

mana is already correctly guessed

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)?


Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)?


--- --- --- --- --- ---

c m i a n a

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 13 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

a _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ a

_ a _ _

_ _ _ i

_ a _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

caiman nama




You now have 120 points

with 4 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): mica

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)?


Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)?


--- --- --- --- --- ---

a i m c n a

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 12 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

a _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ a

_ a _ _

_ _ _ i

_ a _


Correct Guess Wrong Guess

caiman nama





You now have 130 points

with 5 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): maniac

maniac is already correctly guessed

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)?


Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)?



--- --- --- --- --- ---

a i m c n a

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 12 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

a _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ a

_ a _ _

_ _ _ i

_ a _


Correct Guess Wrong Guess

caiman nama





You now have 130 points

with 5 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): amain

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)?


Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)?


--- --- --- --- --- ---

c i n a a m

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 11 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

a _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ a

_ a _ _

_ _ _ i

_ a _


Correct Guess Wrong Guess

caiman nama






You now have 160 points

with 6 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): amnia

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)?


Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)?


--- --- --- --- --- ---

a a i c m n

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 10 words that you can guess


5 clues to help you guess

a _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ a

_ a _ _

_ _ _ i

_ a _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

caiman nama







You now have 190 points

with 7 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): amnic

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)?


Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)?


--- --- --- --- --- ---

c n a i a m

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 9 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

a _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ a

_ a _ _

_ _ _ i

_ a _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

caiman nama








You now have 220 points

with 8 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): anima

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)?


Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)?


--- --- --- --- --- ---

c i m n a a

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 8 words that you can guess


5 clues to help you guess

_ a _ _ _

_ _ _ i _

_ a _ _

_ _ _ i

_ a _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

caiman nama









You now have 250 points

with 9 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): mania

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)?


Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)?


--- --- --- --- --- ---

a n c a m i

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 7 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

_ a _ _ _

_ _ _ i

_ a _ _

_ _ _ i

_ a _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

caiman nama










You now have 280 points

with 10 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): manic

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)?


Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)?



--- --- --- --- --- ---

a n m c a i

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 6 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

a _ _ _

_ _ _ a

_ a _ _

_ _ _ i

_ a _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

caiman nama











You now have 310 points

with 11 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): acai

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)?


Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)?


--- --- --- --- --- ---

i a c n a m

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 5 words that you can guess

5 clues to help you guess

a _ _ _

_ _ i _

_ a _ _

_ _ _ i

_ a _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

caiman nama













You now have 320 points

with 12 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters):

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): amia

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? b

Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)? Y

--- --- --- --- --- ---

a i c m n a

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 4 words that you can guess

4 clues to help you guess //observe that there are only 4 clues left to be displayed

_ _ i _

_ a _ _

_ _ _ i

_ a _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

caiman nama













You now have 330 points

with 13 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): amin

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? d

Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)? Y

--- --- --- --- --- ---

m a c a i n

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 3 words that you can guess

3 clues to help you guess //observe that there are only 3 clues left to be displayed

_ _ i _

_ a _ _

_ _ i _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

caiman nama















You now have 340 points

with 14 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): cain

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? a

Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)? Y

--- --- --- --- --- ---

a n m i a c

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 2 words that you can guess

2 clues to help you guess //observe that there are only 2 clues left to be displayed

_ _ _ i

_ a _ _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

caiman nama















You now have 350 points

with 15 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): cami

Congrats, Match found

Continue playing (Q/q to Quit)? z

Want to scramble letters (Y/y for Yes)? Y

--- --- --- --- --- ---

c n i a m a

--- --- --- --- --- ---

There are 1 words that you can guess


1 clues to help you guess //observe that there is only 1 clue left to be displayed

_ _ i _

Correct Guess Wrong Guess

caiman nama
















You now have 360 points

with 16 correct guesses and 1 wrong guesses

Type your guess (between 4 and 6 letters): main

Congrats, Match found


Your total points are 370

Good Bye

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