CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++, Fall 2020/21
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Copyright © 2020 CSE, CUHK Page 1 of 8
Assignment 4: Othello
Due: 20:00, Sat 7 Nov 2020 File name: othello.cpp Full marks: 100
The objective of this assignment is to let you practice the use of 2-D arrays with loops in C++. You are
to write a program to simulate a classic board game known as Othello (or Reversi).
Othello is a two-player game which is played on a square uncheckered board with some game pieces.
A piece is a disc with two sides in black and white colors respectively. At the beginning of a game,
there are four pieces placed on the board as shown in Figure 1. We use a dot '.' to denote an empty
cell in the board, the character 'X' to denote a black piece, and the character 'O' to denote a white
piece. To denote a position in a game board, we use a coordinate system similar to a spreadsheet
program, e.g. "A2" refers to the cell in the first column and the second row. Suppose that a C++ array
arr is used to represent the game board, cell address "A2" will be mapped to arr[1][0].
Figure 1: Initial configuration of the game board
The two players, namely "Black" and "White" make moves in turns by putting a disc of their color on
an empty cell of the board. Black plays the first move. A move cannot be made arbitrarily to any of
the empty cells. As a valid move, the newly placed disc must be in a position such that it forms at
least one straight (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) occupied line between the new piece and another
piece of the same color, with one or more contiguous pieces of the opposite color between them.
After the move, that contiguous pieces will all be flipped to become the color of the new piece.
Figure 2 shows an example move made by White. Note that a move can simultaneously form more
than one straight line. In such a case, the sandwiched pieces on all the lines formed will be flipped.
Figure 3 shows such an example.
CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++, Fall 2020/21
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Copyright © 2020 CSE, CUHK Page 2 of 8
Figure 2: An example move by White ('O') at position D7, forming a vertical occupied line from D7 to
D2. Four black ('X') pieces are “clipped” by two white pieces at both ends and are flipped.
Figure 3: An example move by Black at F5, forming three occupied lines (i) F5 to F3, (ii) F5 to D5, and
(iii) F5 to D3. All sandwiched pieces of white are flipped to black.
A game is over when either the board is full or both players have no valid moves. The player having
more pieces of his/her color than the opponent wins the game. If both players have the same
number of pieces, the game draws.
To add more fun and challenges to the game, this assignment will extend the original Othello game
with an additional feature: some “pits” can be added to the game board, preoccupying some cells so
that both players cannot place a disc onto such positions. Pits are added before the game begins. For
example, Figure 4 shows a board with cells A1, A2, B1, B2, G5, G6, G7 and F7 initialized as pits. Let’s
call them “pit cells”. Then players cannot make a move to such positions. Apart from fewer choices
for making a move and greater likelihood that the players run out of valid moves before the board
becomes full, the overall rules of the game stay the same as in the case without pit cells.
Figure 4: Initial configuration of the game board with pits (grey areas) added
CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++, Fall 2020/21
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Copyright © 2020 CSE, CUHK Page 3 of 8
Program Specification
Game board
You should use a two-dimensional array of char type to represent the game board. For example,
you may define the following in your main() function:
char board[N][N];
Note that defining the board array as a global variable is highly discouraged. You should also avoid
declaring it in a hard coded manner like char board[8][8];
Make sure your code can support array sizes other than 8. We demand that the array size should be
defined as a global constant near the top of your code to make it easily scalable.
const int N = 8; // board size
When grading, we may change N to a different value for more thorough testing of your code. Please
follow the above constant definition exactly, i.e. declaring a constant of int type and naming it with
a single capital letter 'N' to facilitate our marking process.
Game Flow
• The program needs to set up the game board first. Before a game begins, the program will
prompt the user to enter the number of pit cells to add to the board. It can be zero or up to half
of the board’s area at most. For example, if N (board size) = 8, the maximum number of pit cells
allowed would be (8 * 8) / 2 = 32. This ensures that the board still has enough empty cells for
making moves. It is illegal to set any of the initial four pieces central in the board as a pit.
Entering a cell address that refers to a pit already defined or a cell out of the board’s size range is
illegal too. If the user enters an exceedingly value for N or any illegal cell addresses, the program
repeats prompting until valid inputs are received.
• Then the game starts with round 1 on the board initialized with the first four discs as shown in
Figure 1 and optionally with pit cells. Black moves first.
• Black and White make moves alternately. For each move, the program should prompt the player
to enter the cell address of the intended move, e.g. "D3", and it will convert the characters into
two integer values (x, y) that represent the column and row indexes, respectively, to access the
corresponding element of the array board[y][x].
• You should check whether a player’s input refers to a valid move. If the input position is not valid
(either because the input coordinate is out of bounds of the board or because the input position
cannot flip any opponent’s pieces), the player should be prompted again for a valid move.
o In fact, it can happen that the board with empty cells has really run out of positions for a
player to make a valid move. Thus, your program needs to check whether there still exists
at least one empty cell that allows the current player to make a valid move before
prompting him/her for entering a cell address. This involves scanning the whole game
board for any cells for a valid move per round before prompting.
o In case of no possible valid moves, the player’s round will be “passed” to the opponent.
• If a valid move is made, all relevant pieces should be flipped to the opposite color.
CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++, Fall 2020/21
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Copyright © 2020 CSE, CUHK Page 4 of 8
• The game should end when either (1) the board is full, or (2) two consecutive passes are made
(i.e. Black passes to White but White immediately passes back to Black since both of them have
no valid moves to make). If Black wins, the message “Player X wins!” should be printed; if White
wins, the message “Player O wins!” gets printed; and if the game is a draw, “Draw game!” should
be printed.
• Your program should be reasonably decomposed into at least four functions (including main) for
various tasks such as printing the game board, initializing the board, adding pits, checking if a
move is valid, and updating the board, etc. The game board array and other data like the input
coordinate values can be passed between the functions.
• The board is always a square. So only a single global constant N is needed to define its size.
• The minimum and maximum board sizes are 4 and 26 respectively. So, the largest column is up
to Z only. And you need not spend too much effort on testing a big game board.
• N is always even, so we won’t have 5x5, 7x7, 9x9, … boards but 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, … boards only.
• The row index markers on the left of the printed board are always right adjusted at a fixed width
of 2 characters, i.e. for single-digit row indexes, there is a single space ahead of them. For
example, Figure 5 shows a board with N = 10. Cell addresses being entered will still be like "A1",
"B8", "C10", etc. No zero padding is used, so the expected inputs are not like "A01", "B08", etc.
• We assume that cell address inputs always follow the format of one letter (A-Z or a-z) plus one
integer (1-26). Lowercase inputs like "a1", "h10", etc. will be accepted as normal. You need NOT
handle weird inputs like "AA1", "A01", "abc", "A3.14", "#a2", … for cell addresses and inputs like
"-1", "6.28", "#$@", … for the number of pits. The behavior upon receiving these is unspecified,
probably running into forever loop or program crash.
1 . . . . . . . . . .
2 . . . . . . . . . .
3 . . . . . . . . . .
4 . . . . . . . . . .
5 . . . . X O . . . .
6 . . . . O X . . . .
7 . . . . . . . . . .
8 . . . . . . . . . .
9 . . . . . . . . . .
10 . . . . . . . . . .
Figure 5: Initial configuration of a game board with 10 rows and 10 columns
• You cannot declare any global variables (i.e. variables declared outside any functions). But global
constants or arrays of constants are allowed.
• Please use a character array to represent the board. Avoid using other container classes like
vector, map, etc. available in the standard library.
• Avoid defining classes in this assignment. We will have other assignments on classes and objects
to come. But using “struct” (C/C++ structures) is still allowed if you find it fit for this assignment.
CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++, Fall 2020/21
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Copyright © 2020 CSE, CUHK Page 5 of 8
Sample Runs
In the following sample runs, the blue text is user input and the other text is the program printout.
You can try the provided sample program for other input. Your program output should be exactly the
same as the sample program (same text, symbols, letter case, spacings, etc.). Note that there is a
space after the ‘:’ in the program printout.
Sample Run #1: (for N = 6)
Enter number of pits: 19↵
Too many pits!
Enter number of pits: 7↵
Enter position for pit 1: A1↵
Enter position for pit 2: A2↵
Enter position for pit 3: B1↵
Enter position for pit 4: B2↵
Enter position for pit 5: C3↵
Invalid position!
Enter position for pit 5: D4↵
Invalid position!
Enter position for pit 5: X10↵
Invalid position!
Enter position for pit 5: A1↵
Invalid position!
Enter position for pit 5: B5↵
Enter position for pit 6: E5↵
Enter position for pit 7: E2↵
Round 1:
1 # # . . . .
2 # # . . # .
3 . . X O . .
4 . . O X . .
5 . # . . # .
6 . . . . . .
Player X's turn: E3↵
Round 2:
1 # # . . . .
2 # # . . # .
3 . . X X X .
4 . . O X . .
5 . # . . # .
6 . . . . . .
Player O's turn: C2↵
(some rounds skipped due to space constraint)
CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++, Fall 2020/21
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Copyright © 2020 CSE, CUHK Page 6 of 8
Round 17:
1 # # X O . .
2 # # O O # X
3 O O X O O X
4 O O O O O X
5 . # O O # .
6 . . O . . .
Player X's turn: E1↵
Round 18:
1 # # X X X .
2 # # O X # X
3 O O X O O X
4 O O O O O X
5 . # O O # .
6 . . O . . .
Player O has no valid moves! Pass!
Round 19:
1 # # X X X .
2 # # O X # X
3 O O X O O X
4 O O O O O X
5 . # O O # .
6 . . O . . .
Player X's turn: A5↵
Round 20:
1 # # X X X .
2 # # O X # X
3 O O X O O X
4 O X O O O X
5 X # O O # .
6 . . O . . .
(some rounds skipped due to space constraint)
Round 24:
1 # # X X X .
2 # # O X # X
3 O O X X O X
4 O X O X X X
5 O # X O # X
6 O . O O O .
Player O's turn: B6↵
CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++, Fall 2020/21
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Copyright © 2020 CSE, CUHK Page 7 of 8
Round 25:
1 # # X X X .
2 # # O X # X
3 O O X X O X
4 O X O O X X
5 O # O O # X
6 O O O O O .
Player X has no valid moves! Pass!
Round 26:
1 # # X X X .
2 # # O X # X
3 O O X X O X
4 O X O O X X
5 O # O O # X
6 O O O O O .
Player O has no valid moves! Pass!
Game over:
1 # # X X X .
2 # # O X # X
3 O O X X O X
4 O X O O X X
5 O # O O # X
6 O O O O O .
Player O wins!
Sample Run #2: (for N = 4)
(This example is an extreme case with so many pit cells that no valid moves can ever be made since the start of the game.)
Enter number of pits: 9↵
Too many pits!
Enter number of pits: 8↵
Enter position for pit 1: B1↵
Enter position for pit 2: C1↵
Enter position for pit 3: A2↵
Enter position for pit 4: D2↵
Enter position for pit 5: A3↵
Enter position for pit 6: D3↵
Enter position for pit 7: B4↵
Enter position for pit 8: C4↵
Round 1:
1 . # # .
2 # X O #
3 # O X #
4 . # # .
Player X has no valid moves! Pass!
CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++, Fall 2020/21
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Copyright © 2020 CSE, CUHK Page 8 of 8
Round 2:
1 . # # .
2 # X O #
3 # O X #
4 . # # .
Player O has no valid moves! Pass!
Game over:
1 . # # .
2 # X O #
3 # O X #
4 . # # .
Draw game!
• There are many combinations of possible inputs. Please check your program correctness against
the results produced by our sample program executable posted on Blackboard.
Submission and Marking
• Your program source file name should be othello.cpp. Submit the file in Blackboard
• Insert your name, student ID, and e-mail as comments at the beginning of your source file.
• You can submit your assignment multiple times. Only the latest submission counts.
• Your program should be free of compilation errors and warnings.
• Your program should include suitable comments as documentation.
• Do NOT plagiarize. Sending your work to others is subject to the same penalty for copying work.
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