ICS 46 Winter 2020 Assignment 1: Combinatorial Puzzles
Due Tuesday, October 20, 8:59 AM.
In the first three lectures, we saw that recursion can make some seemingly laborious problem
solving into a straight-forward exercise. In project 0, we saw that we can check if a solution is
valid to summation puzzles. In this assignment, we’re going to solve summation puzzles.
In a summation puzzle, you are given three strings of the form POT + PAN = BIB. Typically
each is a word, often with a theme to the three chosen. Your goal is to assign a distinct digit to
each letter in the equation in order to make the resulting true. For example, if the puzzle is POT
+ PAN = BIB, the mapping P:2, O:3, T:1, A:7, N:4, B:5, I:0 will solve this, as 231 + 274 = 505.
Getting Started
Before you begin work on this project, there are a couple of chores you'll need to complete on
your ICS 46 VM to get it set up to proceed.
Refreshing your ICS 46 VM environment
Even if you previously downloaded your ICS 46 VM, you will probably need to refresh its
environment before proceeding with this project. Log into your VM and issue the command
ics46 version to see what version of the ICS 46 environment you currently have stored on your
VM. Note, in particular, the timestamp; if you see a version with a timestamp older than the one
listed below, you'll want to refresh your environment by running the command ics46 refresh to
download the latest one before you proceed with this project.
If you're unable to get outgoing network access to work on the ICS 46 VM — something that
afflicts a handful of students each quarter — then the ics46 refresh command won't work, but an
alternative approach is to download the latest environment from the link below, then to upload
the file to your ICS 46 VM using SCP. (See the Project #0 write-up for more details on using
SCP.) Once the file is on your VM, you can run the command ics46 refresh_local
of the file you uploaded; note that you'd need to be in the same directory where the file is when
you run the command.
The file is linked from the “public” ICS 46 page; click this link and enjoy the amazing web
design skill that put it together: https://www.ics.uci.edu/~mikes/ics46/
Creating your project directory on your ICS 46 VM
A project template has been created specifically for this project, containing a similar structure to
the basic template you saw in Project #0.
Decide on a name for your project directory, then issue the command ics46 start
YOUR_CHOSEN_PROJECT_NAME project1 to create your new project directory using the
project1 template. (For example, if you wanted to call your project directory proj1, you would
issue the command ics46 start proj1 project1 to create it.) Now you're ready to proceed!
Reviewing related material
If you are using the Goodrich/Tamassia textbook, in the second edition, section 3.5 deals with
recursion. This book is good at getting to the point, so this should not be a long read.
Furthermore, you should look at your notes from lecture when we discussed the n Queens
problem and solving it via recursion. The video is available on Canvas.
You are required to implement the function puzzleSolver in proj1.cpp. This function should
return true if, and only if, the puzzle is solvable: that is, if there is a mapping of the letters that
appear in the three strings to distinct digits such that the sum of the first two is the third. No
string will have a value larger than 4,294,967,295 in its correct substitution, nor will the addition
have any integer-overflow to check for. If you do not know what integer overflow is, you do not
need to check during this assignment (although it’s worth knowing in general).
For this project, you have a few requirements:
● You must implement the function puzzleSolver in proj1.cpp. You may assume it is called
with three valid non-empty strings as parameters and with an otherwise empty map. The
strings will always consist only of all-capital letters.
● Your solution must explicitly use recursion in a meaningful way towards solving the
problem. You may not solve this by using a function like std::next_permutation (from
<algorithm>) to enumerate possibilities.
○ The function puzzleSolver itself need not be recursive if you would prefer to
have a helper function that is.
● The function must return a boolean indicating whether or not the puzzle has a solution.
○ If the puzzle does not have a solution, your function should return false.
○ If the puzzle does have a solution your function should return true and have the
map<char, unsigned> parameter containing the mapping needing to verify. That
is, the four parameters to the puzzleSolver function need to be such that a
correct solution to project 0 would return true with those parameters.
○ If there are multiple solutions, returning any of them is fine. You can think of my
grading code as this:
■ I know if the test case has or hasn't a solution. I check that you return the
right bool value.
■ If it has a solution, I also run a (correct) solution to proj0 on the three
strings + the map's status at the end of your function.
○ If the previous point means you need to modify the given gtest code, feel free to
do so -- my real grading code will run a verifier instead of checking for an
explicitly expected mapping.
● Your program must run in under three minutes on a reasonably modern computer. Test
cases that take longer than this to run may be deemed to be incorrect. Note that this
means you will need to think a little about efficiency in your program. You aren’t
expected to be an expert on efficiency at this point in your career. Many students in Fall
2019 and Winter 2020 were able to get theirs to run in under 90 seconds, even for the
“difficult” (large) test cases.
You may use standard libraries as appropriate, unless there is one that makes solving this
problem trivial. I am unaware of any such part of the library.
You are explicitly permitted to use std::set, std::list, std::queue, and std::stack if you so
choose. You are pretty much required to use std::map. You are welcome to ask anything you
want about these libraries, or to look up material about them online. Information about how to
use an explicitly-permitted library may always be shared among classmates, but refrain from
telling one another how you solved a problem in the assignment with them. For example,
answering “how do I check if an element is in a std::set?” is great and encouraged, while
answering “what did you use std::set for in your project?” is not.
A good reference for the STL container classes (such as those listed above, including std::map)
is http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/map/map/ .
If you would like to reuse some or all of your code (not that of someone else) from project 0 for
part of this project, you are welcome to do so.
After using the gather script in your project directory to gather up your C++ source and header
files into a single project1.tar.gz file (as you did in Project #0), submit that file (and only that
file) to Checkmate. Refer back to Project #0 if you need instructions on how to do that. This
time, it should give you the correct file name, insert innocent-looking face emoji here.
You will submit your project via Checkmate. Keep in mind that that you're responsible for
submitting the version of the project that you want graded. We won't regrade a project simply
because you submitted the wrong version accidentally. (It's not a bad idea to look at the
contents of your tarball before submitting it; see Project #0 for instructions on how to do that.)
Can I submit after the deadline?
Yes, it is possible, subject to the late work policy for this course, which is described in the
section titled Late work in the course reference and syllabus.
Your “raw score” is based solely on correctness : we will run some number of test cases for your
code and, based on how many and which ones you get correct, you will earn some number of
points between 0 and 6 (inclusvive, and might not be integer-valued). Each is worth some
number of points and is graded based on whether or not your code correctly determines if the
puzzle has a solution, and if so, what it is. If it is determined that your program does not make
an attempt to solve the problem at hand, you will not get these points, regardless of the result
from testing. The tests will look a lot like the tests in your Google Test starting directory for this
assignment; if you pass those, you’re off to a good start, but it’s not a guarantee.
You will get an email with both your grade and a description of the test cases you missed, if any.
We will not provide the test cases missed to you. If you have any questions about your grade,
including a request for reconsideration, please respond to that email to ask. See the syllabus
for grade reconsideration descriptions.
If we review your code and find your style to be sufficiently bad, we reserve the right to deduct
points based on this, proportional to how bad the style is. If we do so, we will alert you to both
the penalty and the reason. Here are some guidelines to follow when submitting your code:
● Include a reasonable level of comments. Do not comment every line, but do not omit
comments either. A decent guideline is that if you were asked to explain your code six
months from now, your comments should guide you to be able to do so.
● Use meaningful variable names where appropriate. Loop counters need not have a long
name, but if you declare a std::set, give it a name reflecting what is in the set, not
● Use proper scoping for variables. Avoid global variables except in rare circumstances.
Pass parameters appropriately.
● Indent appropriately. While C++ does not have Python’s indentation requirements for
writing usable code, the guidelines of readable code are an issue here.
● Avoid vulgarity in your code and comments. Variable names, output statements, and the
like should not make reference to topics that are not discussed in polite company.
● Remove debug output as appropriate; rather than commenting it out, delete it if it is
unnecessary. If you think you might want to return to those debug statements, enclose
them instead. Write something like this as a global variable (this is a case where such is
const bool DEBUG_OUT = true;
Then, when you need a debug statement, enclose it:
std::cout << “Set has been successfully declared!” << std::endl;
When you want to remove the debug output, you can change the declaration to set the
variable to false. You may wish to have multiple variables to control debug in various
functions, either globally or having them local to functions. In the past, there have been
several instances of students who have otherwise correct code but retained debug
output statements -- and failed cases because they went over the time limit. An output
statement takes more time than many instructions; I encourage you to remove it from
your output.
Similarly, if you keep your debug output lines in the file you turn in, having meaningful
output statements is better than “code is here!” or “aaaaa.” This is also true if you are
going to ask someone for help with debugging.
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