Follow instructions carefully, failure to do so may result in points being deducted. Hand in all
your source code files through webhandin and make sure your programs compile and run by using
the webgrader interface. If your programs do not run on web grader you will get zero score
(no partial credit). You can grade yourself and re-handin as many times as you wish up until
the due date. Name your source files as described in the individual problem prompts below.
Assumptions you may make in this assignment:
In regards to error checking you can assume for this assignment that the data entered will be
of the proper data type and be within the bounds supported for that data type. You may
not assume that the data will be valid for the math operation to be performed or that in
menus a valid choice will always be entered.
Partner policy:
You are not allowed to work with a partner for this assignment.
Webgrader policy:
If webgrader doesn’t show any output, you will receive a zero score. Carefully note that
webgrader WILL NOT run if even one program has a problem. Therefore, you need to test
each program individually on the webgrader.
• Don’t upload all the source codes at once in webhandin for testing via webgrader.
• Upload the source codes one by one.
• Test each code separately via webgrader.
• If the first code runs successfully, only then upload the second code, etc.
• If any of your source code does not run on webgrader, then you should remove that from
webhandin; otherwise it might prevent webgrader from running for the other codes.
• Note that you will get zero if your webgrader does not run (even though some programs
are correct).
• Therefore, only submit those codes in webhandin that runs on webgrader.
A note about menus:
• Some programs will ask you to create menus. The exact formatting of menus is left
up to the programmer for each homework assignment with the expectation of it being
clear to a user.
• You may not however change an input method. For example, if we ask you to have the
user enter 1, 2, 3, or 4 you MAY NOT have the user enter a, b, c, or d.
• Use of another input method will result in a lower grade down to a possible 0 for that
• Starting with assignment 3 and on every subsequent assignment the program should
“fail” gracefully this means that on a menu selection if the user fails to input a valid
selection they should be prompted again until they input a correct response. It is
assumed you have read this and it will not necessarily be mentioned in each problem
statement, it is just a general feature you must implement. Not implementing this
menu feature will frequently cause your program to fail to run in the webgrader and
could result in a 0 for the entire assignment if your program locks up the webgrader!
Henceforth in this class and for the rest of the semester whenever an assignment calls for
a function the function prototype in your solution must match EXACTLY the prototype
described in the assignment description. This includes function name, variable names, and
variable data types. Any deviation even if it is just a variable name will result in no points
for that problem and if your deviation causes the webgradder to crash on your solution you
could loose all points for the assignment!
1. Volume Converter (volEnum.c)
There are several different methods for measuring volume. For instance, you can
measure volume in cm3
, liters, quarts, and gallons. You could write several functions
to compute back and forth between these four scales. However, for this exercise, you
will write a single function to convert a single value from any of the four scales to
any of the other four scales. To support this, you will need to define an enumerated
type called Volume that enumerates the following four scales: CM, LITER, QUART,
GALLON. You will then use this enumerated type and implement the following function:
Error convertVolume(double *cm, double *liter, double *quart, double *gallon, Volume
• The return value of the convertVolume function will be an enumerated type
named Error indicating an error-level: 0 for no error, 1 for an error (negative
values), and 2 for a NULL pointer error.
• Create a main function in volEnum.c that prompts the user for one of the scales
and a value to convert and outputs the result in all four scales.
• Look online for a volume conversion table.
Enter a volume: 257.50
Enter scale (G,C,L,Q): L
257.50 Liters
68.02 Gallons
257500 Cubic Centimeters
272.10 Quarts
You need only concern yourself with accuracy up to 0.1 decimal places so if for example
the correct answer was 99.23 and you put 99.24, you would receive full credit
Data Type Requirement: Input for volume is of type double for volume and char
for volume choice.
Input Validation: Input should be a valid volume greater than 0, menu choices should
be a valid selection (G, C, L, Q).
You have to submit the following file containing the solution of this program
via handin: volEnum.c
2. Grade Book (grades.c)
Write a menu driven program that simulates a virtual grade book. The program will
print a menu of several options. These options are: enter numeric grade, find average
of the numeric grade, find number of certain letter grade, and print the number of total
numeric grades entered. Each function runs and then returns to the main menu except
for exit which ends the program.
For this problem you will use a static fixed sized array of size 100. We are assuming
that you on’t enter more than 100 numeric grades. You should initialize the array with
a sentinel value ‘-1’ for all 100 positions. When a new numeric grade is entered, it will
replace the sentinel value.
You need to implement the following functions:
void addNumericGrade ( i n t ∗ a r ray , i n t s i z e ) ;
double averageNumericGrade ( i n t ∗ a r ray , i n t s i z e ) ;
i n t coun tLe t te rG rade ( i n t ∗ a r ray , i n t s i z e ) ;
i n t countEnteredNumericGrades ( i n t ∗ a r ray , i n t s i z e ) ;
addNumericGrade: This function gets one new numerical grade from the user and
adds it to the grade book. You need to prompt the user to get a numeric grade. A valid
grade is anything between 0 and 100 inclusive. It adds the grade to the next available
free spot in the array. For example, if the array already contains three numeric grades,
it adds the new grade to the 4th block of the array.
averageNumericGrade: Average calculates the numerical arithmetic mean of all
grades entered and prints the average value to screen.
countLetterGrade: This function prompts the user for a letter grade and then
calculates how many entered numerical grades fall into that particular letter grade
range; and prints the count to screen. We will use the standard letter grade bounds for
deciding what letter a given grade corresponds to. The valid choices for letter grades
are A, B, C, D, or F.
countEnteredNumericGrades: This function returns an integer that represents a
count of the number of entered numeric grades. In other words, the returned value
should represent the effective size of the array. To get the count of the entered grades,
this function should loop through the array and check to see which values are not the
sentinel value (recommended to use -1, but any invalid input should work that also fits
in an int data type). If a value is not a sentinel value then increase a counter variable
until the end of the array. This counter variable will represent a count of the number
of entered grades.
Sample Output:
Main menu
1: Add a Numeric Grade
2: Average Numeric Grade
3: Number of a Certain Letter Grade
4: Number of Numeric Grades Entered
5: Exit
Entered grade: 91
...Print main menu again...
Enter a letter grade to find its total count: D
Number of the letter grades entered: 3
...Print main menu again...
Number of total numeric grades entered: 4
...Print main menu again...
Note: the line ...print main menu again... does not mean to print that literal phrase, it
means to print the menu again and is used here to save space.
Data Type Requirement: Input data is int for the menu, int for the numeric grades
in the array, and char for letter grade choice.
Input Validation: Valid menu choices are 1 to 5, valid numeric grades are between 0
and 100 inclusive. The valid choices for letter grades are A, B, C, D, or F.
REMEMBER: This program uses STATIC fixed sized arrays.
You have to submit the following file containing the solution of this program
via handin: grades.c
3. Array Utilities (array utils.c)
In this exercise you will write several functions that operate on arrays. The individual
functions are detailed below.
(a) The dot product of two arrays are a = [a1, a2, a3, .., an] and b = [b1, b2, b3, .., bn] is
a · b =
aibi = a1b1 + a2b2 + · · · + anbn
Write a function that computes the dot product of the two arrays. It returns the
dot product value.
int dotProduct(const int *a, int size, const int *b, int size2);
(b) Write a function that takes an integer array and returns the number of integers
that are prime in the array.
int numPrime(const int *a, int size);
(c) Write the following function.
void arrayDifference(const int *a, const int *b, int sizeOfA, int sizeOfB);
This function dynamically creates an array and fills it with all integers that can be
found in a, but not in b. The values in this dynamic array should be unique; that
is, there should not be any duplicates. Furthermore, the size of the array should
not waste memory. Display the values of this difference array.
(d) Write the following function.
void arrayIntersect(const int *a, const int *b, int sizeOfA, int sizeOfB);
This function dynamically creates an array and fills it with all integers that can
be found in a and b. The values in the dynamic array should be unique; that is,
there should not be any duplicates. Furthermore, the size of the array should not
waste memory. Display the values of this intersection array.
Program flow pseudocode:
Ask user for size of int arrays A & B (assume that both A and B has the
same size)
Dynamically create arrays A & B with size provided by the user
Prompt the user for entering values into A and B
Print menu
Prompt for menu choice
Run the chosen utility function or on invalid input prompt again
Print result of the chosen utility function and return to menu
Loop until exit
end program
Sample Output:
Enter size of array:
Enter values for array A:
2 2 4
Enter values for array B:
4 4 4
Main Menu
A: Find Dot Product
B: Find Number of Prime Integers In Array
C: Array A Difference With B
D: Array Intersection
E: Exit
Array A or B?
2 prime numbers in array A
...Print main menu again...
intersection array is: [4]
...Print main menu again...
difference array is: [2]
...Print main menu again...
Note: the line ...print main menu again... does not mean to print that literal
phrase, it means to print the menu again and is used here to save space.
Data Type Requirement: The array contents should be any valid integer and the
size should be any valid integer greater than 0.
Input Validation: Input can be any positive integer plus 0. You should account for
special nature of 0 and 1 when checking prime. These two numbers are not prime.
REMEMBER: This program uses DYNAMIC arrays.
You have to submit the following file containing the solution of this program
via handin: array utils.c
• Bonus Problem: Array Backed Polynomial Functions(pollyArray.c)
A ‘C’ program can represent a real polynomial p(x) of degree n as an array of the real
number coefficients a0, a1, ..., an(an 6= 0)
P(x) = a0 + a1X + a2X
2 + ... + anX
Write a program that inputs a polynomial of maximum degree 8 and then evaluates
the polynomial at various values of x. Include a function get poly that fills the array
of coefficients and sets the degree of the polynomial and a function eval poly that
evaluates a polynomial at a given value of x.
Implement these functions:
void g e t p o l y ( double c o e f f [ ] , i n t ∗ d eg r e ePol y ) ;
double e v a l p o l y ( co n s t double c o e f f [ ] , i n t deg ree , double x ) ;
We will do this program as a run once program. Your program flow should be as follows:
program starts in the main function and does any setup you deem necessary, then calls
the get poly function and setup the polynomial. Then it returns to the main function
and get a value (via scanf) to evaluate the polynomial. It, then, calls the eval poly
function and prints resulting evaluation of the polynomial with the given value for x
plugged in and exit.
Data Type Requirement: For both polynomial coefficients and the value of X input
is of type double, the degree of the polynomial is an int.
Input Validation: For polynomial coefficients the value can be any valid double value
including negative numbers, 0, and positive numbers. The same holds true for the value
of X, any real number that will fit inside a double is a valid input.
You have to submit the following file containing the solution of this program
via handin: pollyArray.c
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