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COMP 3023 Software Development with C++ - Assignment SP5 2018 Page 1 of 29

School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences

COMP 3023 Software Development with C++

Group Project

Networked Asset Manager


This document specifies the requirements for the group project of the Software Development with C++ course,

SP5 2018. This assignment will develop your skills by developing an application in a team environment while

allowing you to put into practice what has been taught in class during this course.

The assignment will require you to design, implement, test, and debug a GUI-based networked database1

application using object-oriented methods and the application of Design Patterns. The application will store

information about Assets, their types and properties, and their maintenance as well as support the sharing of this

information with other running instances of the application over the network. To realise this, several Design

patterns will need to be incorporated into the design and implementation of the application. The project will

require you to use collaboration tools and version control to manage the project and collaborate with your team

members as you progress through the assignment as well as document your classes appropriately through UML

class diagrams and Doxygen comments. To support concurrent development by each team member, Unit Testing

will be very important to ensure that things are working before a GUI is able to test each component of the

application. The work in this assignment is to be performed as a group and will be submitted via LearnOnline at

the end of week 13: due by 2 November 2018 11:59 PM. Refer to section Submission Details for specific


If any parts of this specification appear unclear, please ensure you seek clarification.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this assignment, you will have learnt to:

Collaboratively design a class hierarchy using UML

Apply Object-Oriented principles (encapsulation, reuse, etc.) and Design Patterns to the software design

Implement the software design in C++ within a team environment

Develop a cross-platform application using a cross-platform framework (Qt)

Use professional tools for collaboration and software development, such as: version control, project

management, issue tracking, and continuous integration

Write code adhering to coding standards, guidelines and good programming practices

Design Patterns

In developing the class design for the Networked Asset Manager, the following the Design Patterns will be


Singleton (extensible version)

Abstract Factory


1 You will not actually be using a database, just manipulating objects in memory.

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? Type-Object

Unlike the previous assignment you do not have to identify where to apply the Design Patterns (there is

complexity elsewhere in this project). However, you should read the description of the patterns.

For more information on Abstract Factory and Prototype2

, refer to the book:

Gamma, E, Helm, R, Johnson, R and Vlissides, J 1995, Design patterns: elements of reusable object-oriented

software, Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 978-0-201-63361-0.


Be aware that the C++ examples from the book are for an older version of C++. If using them for guidance, they

must be updated to C++ 14.

For the Type-Object pattern, refer to the article (posted to the course website for convenience):

Woolf, B., Johnson, R.: The type object pattern. Pattern Lang. Progr. Des. 3, 132 (1996)

Adequate descriptions of the above patterns along with some code examples can also be found on Wikipedia and


Singleton: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singleton_pattern (Note: the Wikipedia entry does not consider

extensibility of the Singleton.)

Abstract Factory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_factory_pattern

Prototype: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prototype_pattern

Type-Object: http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/type-object.html

Task Description

In this assignment, you will design and implement a GUI-based networked database application that fulfils the

following specification. The application will store details about assets that a company owns, including records of

maintenance for auditing purposes. However, the company operates in a highly dynamic environment with new

types of assets becoming available all the time; therefore, the application will also keep track of the types of asset

and their properties, which may differ between asset types.

The aim of the assignment is to build a software application in a team environment using a cross-platform

framework (Qt), GUI and networking libraries. The style of application (a database application with a web servicestyle

API) is very common in the real-world and something you are likely to come across when you graduate. The

design and implementation of the application will require features of C++ taught in the latter half of the course,

such as templates, in addition to those features covered previously, such as inheritance and polymorphism. The

focus of this assignment is the collaborative development of the application. Due to the added difficulty and

complexity of managing a team, this specification will be more detailed when it comes to the application of the

Design Patterns and the major interfaces that are required. You will be required to develop a UML Class Diagram

that incorporates the described interfaces plus additional classes/functions your group considers necessary. This

will be a key piece of documentation that supports communication between team members. Moreover, the

separation of tasks between team members and the use of Unit Testing will be important to allow concurrent

development of different aspects of the application by different team members. The specification consists of

some larger and more complex aspects, as well as some smaller components: the idea being that group members

of different capability levels should each be able to contribute to the group effort.

First, you will need to develop a class design using UML class diagrams based on the requirements in the

remainder of this specification. A simple and free UML editor that can be used for this assignment is UMLet

2 The Type-Object pattern is not in the GoF Design Patterns book.


Scanned PDFs of the relevant sections are available from the course website as the library has limited copies of the book.

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(http://umlet.com/). The UML class diagram must include all classes, public data members, public member

functions, protected data members and member functions (if any), and associations between classes. The

diagram must identify the key roles/participants of the Design Patterns occurring in the design. The diagram may

optionally display private member functions, but private member variables should not be included.

Workplan and Group Collaboration

To complete this assignment, it is important that you take a planned, methodical approach in collaboration with

your group members. You and your group will need to think about how to break down the assignment into

smaller chunks of functionality that can be allocated among the team and implemented and tested

independently. Working in an incremental manner, and testing as you progress, helps to limit the scope of errors

that are introduced as you perform the implementation and will assist when integrating your work with others.

Moreover, an incremental approach allows you to focus on a single problem at a time as well as refactor and

redesign the application in a controlled manner as you (re)discover requirements or issues that were not obvious

at first.

To enable adequate collaboration with your group members, the first order of business will be to organise a

platform for collaboration. At the centre of this collaboration framework will be a version control system (Git)

through an online repository. Possible online repositories include BitBucket [https://bitbucket.org/] and GitLab

[https://about.gitlab.com/] (which many of you may already be using). Note: whichever you choose you must

ensure that your repository is private and cannot be seen by anyone outside your group. Online version control

interfaces like BitBucket, GitLab, and GitHub4 provide some basic project management features such as issue

tracking and wikis. However, for improved collaboration and project management, I suggest you integrate Trello

(or similar). Trello [https://trello.com/] is a project management and collaboration tool popular among small,

agile teams. It is quite simple and will help you keep track of tasks, assign them to group members, and indicate

to your team when they are complete.

This assignment should be completed in the following stages:

1. Read this assignment specification in full.

2. Check your group allocations and contact your group members.

3. Read this assignment specification again.

4. Organise with your team an online repository and collaboration environment—someone will need to

create the repository and invite the others to access it. This step will be essential in the in ensuring

ongoing communication with team members.

5. You and your team create an initial class design of the application—this will serve as a primary

communication tool between team members on what is expected and should be maintained throughout

the project.

6. Implement class and function stubs—this will allow group members to work somewhat independently

without issues due to missing classes, functions, etc. It will also allow tests to be created based on the

expected interfaces.

7. Identify team members’ strengths and weakness and assign tasks to individual team members.

8. Perform your task(s)

9. Use the online collaboration tools and in person meetings (if possible) to manage the project and monitor

progress. (Back to 8.)

10. Successfully complete the project.

4 GitHub is highly popular for open source projects; however, it requires a paid subscription to obtain private repositories.

While you get private repositories for free as a student, it is unclear what happens if GitHub decides you no longer fulfil the

student requirements, that is, they may make your private repositories public. Therefore, do not use GitHub for your project.

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General Functionality

The Networked Asset Manager application will need to support the creation, management, and deletion of assets

and asset related information in a networked environment. Logged on users (in the real-world security and

permissions, as well as knowing who modified the data, are serious concerns) will be able to view and modify the

details of assets, etc., through a GUI with changes synchronised between other instances of the application. In

addition, users will be able to search for assets using some of their common attributes (e.g., serial number).

Core to the application is an Asset Register that stores the assets and related details, such as their type, their

properties, maintenance records, and custodians (i.e., the person responsible for managing the asset). Each type

of information is stored in and retrieved from the Asset Register using its unique ID. Each stored entity has some

additional meta-data to help manage it: last edit time, and the last edit user. In a real-world application it the

storage class would be backed by a database; however, for simplicity we will just store the objects in memory

using the map data structure.

You will need to make use of Qt’s Signals and Slots mechanism (an implementation of the Observer Design

Pattern) to communicate between components and ensure that the state of the application is correctly


The user must be able to select at runtime (i.e., when they “login”) whether they want to run the application in

“online” or “offline” mode. This will be handled using the extensible singleton pattern with a networked and nonnetworked

version of the asset storage class. Below are some details of achieving this.

AbstractAssetRegister ?singleton? (derived from: QObject)

The AbstractAssetRegister class will provide the interface for all types of asset register (offline, networked,

possibly a future database backed implementation, etc.), including access to the singleton instance.

AbstractAssetRegister is an abstract class and must not be instantiable itself; moreover, it must be a subclass

of QObject to attain the Signals and Slots capability.


explicit AbstractAssetRegister(QObject*)—since the class is derived from QObject, it should have

the common QObject constructor for specifying the parent object (you could make the parent the

singleton instance of QApplication, for example). For extensibility of the Singleton pattern, the

constructor must be protected.

Instance-level interface (i.e., non-static functions) includes (but is not limited to):

username()/setUsername(…)5—accessor and mutator for managing the “logged-in” user. This will just

be a simple string (QString since we are in the Qt framework) specified by the user through the GUI.

There will not be any control over what users are allowed, permissions, etc. it will only be used to record

who created and modified an asset (or related entity) as part of the entity’s meta-data.

generateId()—since we are operating in a distributed environment it is important that we avoid clashes

between entity identifiers created by different instances of the application running on different (or the

same) computer. A relatively simple way to achieve this is to use randomly generated IDs using an

algorithm designed for such systems such as UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers). This function will

create and return a new UUID (as a QString) to be used as an identifier. This can be done using Qt with

the QUuid class and its createUuid() function.

5 Where an ellipsis (i.e. ‘…’) appear in the parameter section of a function signature, it means it requires 1 or more

parameters but they have not been explicitly provided as part of this specification.

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storeEntity(…)—stores an entity (Asset, AssetType, Custodian, or MaintenanceRecord) in the

AssetRegister: must return true if the entity was added, false if the it was not (e.g., due to the ID not

being unique). May be a single function using inheritance and polymorphism to a common base class, or

multiple overloaded functions. Document your design decision.

retrieveEntity(id)—retrieves an entity (Asset, AssetType, Custodian, or MaintenanceRecord) from

the AssetRegister using the entity’s identifier. Must return a nullptr if an entity with that identifier

cannot be found. As above, may be one function or a group of overloaded functions, document your


deleteEntity(id)—remove the entity with the given identifier from the register: must return true if

the entity was removed, false if it was not (e.g., it may have already been removed). Calling this function

multiple times with the same identifier will not have any negative consequences. Make sure you clear any

dynamically allocated memory when deleting an entity from the register (refer to

QObject::deleteLater() when cleaning up QObjects).


6—returns a collection of all entities stored in the register. Modifying the returned

collection must not modify the register. You must be able to retrieve all entities regardless of concrete

class, as well as all entities of a particular class (i.e., Asset, AssetType, Custodian, MaintenanceRecord).

The class level interface (static members) includes:

template<T> instance()—static member function to return the single instance of this class (or any of

its subclasses). Use lazy initialisation to create the single instance if one does not currently exist. To

support extensibility, this function will be a template function: the type parameter will specify the

concrete subclass that is to be created (if the register instance does not already exist). Once an instance

of a type has been created, that instance will always be returned, regardless if the function is called with a

different type: i.e., there cannot be multiple register instances of different types instantiated at the same


For example, to select the simple AssetRegister class as the singleton, the first call to this function

should be: AbstractAssetRegister::instance<AssetRegister>()

Note: you can create a non-template version of the function for convenience. This convenience function

should log an error if it is called before an instance of any concrete register types is created.

register—the static data member of type AbstractAssetRegister. Must be able to support

polymorphism. To allow subclasses to manipulate the static member (to support the extensibility

requirement) this member must be protected. This will allow the creation of a MockAssetRegister for

testing. Such a special subclass should have static member function that can clear the register class

variable, allowing a new register object to be created the on the subsequent call to instance().


addedEntity(id, [type])—emitted when a new entity is added to the register.

deletedEntity(id, [type])—emitted when an entity is deleted from the register.

AssetRegister (derived from: AbstractAssetRegister)

The first concrete subclass of AbstractAssetRegister is the AssetRegister. This class is relatively

straightforward: it simply implements each of the functions of the interface defined by AbstractAssetRegister.

Important: to support the extensible singleton, this class must declare AbstractAssetRegister to be a friend

class. This will allow the instance<T>() static function (which is defined in the scope of

AbstractAssetRegister and not its subclasses) to access the protected constructor of AssetRegister.

6 Parameters in square brackets ‘[‘ & ‘]’ are optional parameters.

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NetworkedAssetRegister (derived from: AssetRegister)

The NetworkedAssetRegister will behave in the same way as the standard AssetRegister (its core behaviour is

inherited) but adds support for synchronising itself over the network. It will be instantiated when the user

chooses to “log-in” using “online mode”. It must have a data member of type NetworkManager (refer to the

Networking section below), which it uses to exchange entities with other instances of the application running in

online mode. You may use a combination of function overrides and signals/slots to ensure the state of the

distributed application is synchronised across all participants. When updating the stored entities, you must check

the lastEditedTime and only update the local entity if the lastEditedTime is prior to that of the entity received

from the network. Refer to section RegisteredEntity for the attributes of entities.

Assets, Asset Types, and their Properties

First and foremost, the Asset Register application needs to be able to store information about the company’s

assets. This includes information such as the serial number, model, purchase price, who manages it, and what

maintenance has been performed on it. However, it also includes information about properties7

that differ

between different types of asset: for example, Pump assets have properties such as flow rate and alignment

(horizontal/vertical), while Computers may indicate their operating system, MAC address, IP address, etc.

Therefore, we need to be able represent the types of asset in the system alongside the assets themselves. In

addition, we must represent the user-defined properties (or user properties) specific to the types defined at

runtime, which will allow functionality such as validation of property values (e.g., the operating system property

for Computer may only allow the values: “OSX”, “Windows”, “Linux”).

There are a couple of Design Patterns that can help to dynamically define the types of asset at runtime. The first is

Prototype, which allows special instances (called prototypes) to be created that represent the type itself. These

prototypes can be cloned (i.e., copied) to create the actual instances of the type. Defining the Asset class as

prototype would allow the description of an asset type through the specification of the typical values for that

type; however, the copies often become disconnected from the prototype and the prototype does distinguish

between information related to the type itself and that of the real instances.

7 Qt also provides a concept of ‘dynamic properties’, do not confuse the user-defined properties that we are creating here

with the dynamic properties of Qt (which are still compile time constructs).

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The Type-Object Design Pattern also allows the dynamic definition of types/classes at runtime. Rather than

representing the type as prototype, it defines a “type” class (such as AssetType) to represent types themselves

and an “object” class (Asset) to represent the instances. The type class is then responsible for creating,

initialising, and possibly tracking, instances of the type. While this approach allows the separation of type

information vs. object information, it makes the type class responsible for creating instances (which may be

better handled by the object class) and can lead to duplication if, for example, you want to manage default values

for attributes and user-properties (which is better handled by the Prototype Pattern).

To adequately support the representation of assets, their types, and properties, we will combine the Prototype

and Type-Object patterns. The following is an extract of a UML diagram illustrating how this will be done. The

diagram is minimal, illustrating only the core interface required to support the representation of Assets,

AssetTypes, UserProperties. It also illustrates the associations to Custodian and MaintenanceRecord for

clarity. You will need to expand on what is illustrated to support your own design and implementation.

The following includes a brief description of the classes and their data members.



Is an abstract class that is the parent of all classes that are directly stored in the AssetRegister (i.e., Asset,

AssetType, Custodian, and MaintenanceRecord). It inherits from QObject so that each of its derived classes

inherit the Signals & Slots mechanism from Qt, among other things. Its main purpose is to provide metadata that

each derived class requires to be properly managed by the AssetRegister:

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id—the unique identifier of the entity, used to store and retrieve entities in the register, as well as

synchronise entities across the network.

lastEditTime—a timestamp (QDateTime) the indicates when the last modification was made to the entity;

it is used for synchronisation across the network.

lastEditedBy—the name of the logged in user (from AssetRegister) who was the last change the entity.

These data members must not be modifiable by the user from the GUI.

Each derived class of RegisteredEntity should specify appropriate signals that allow others (such as the UI) to

be notified of interesting changes, for example, the addition of a property or change of an attribute or user

property value.



A Custodian is someone who has responsibility to manage an Asset. One Custodian can manage many Assets

and the details for Custodians can be managed independently of any Asset. It is suggested that this class should

be implemented before the main Asset, AssetType, and MaintenanceRecord classes; it is largely independent

and relatively simple, allowing you to learn aspects of the design and the Qt framework (GUI, and Signals/Slots,

networking, etc.) before moving on to the more complex and interrelated classes. It is dependent on

UserProperty, but will allow you to test the UserProperty and UserPropertyDefinition classes before

embedding them in the more complex Asset/AsssetType structure.

Data Members:

name—everyone needs a name

department—a UserProperty of type QString that restricts the allowable values to the following:

“Maintenance”, “Operations”, “Logistics”

phoneNumber—a UserProperty of type QString that restricts the allowable values to (mostly) valued

phone numbers. The constraints are as follows:

o 8-11 digits (inclusive)

o Optional ‘+’ at the beginning (and only the beginning)

o Spaces are allowed

o No other characters

This allows values such as: 83026611, 8302 6611, 08 8302 6611, +61 8 8302 6611

But not: 8302, 8302 6611 12345, 61+ 8 8302 6611, ext. 25000

Asset Type


The AssetType class allows the definition of types at runtime. Its primary purpose is to describe the types of

properties that its instances can have (along with validation requirements), the default values of those properties,

and manage the Asset instances of itself (e.g., adding a new property definition must update each instance with a

matching property). The AssetType class requires the following data properties:

name—the name of the AssetType, e.g., ‘Centrifugal Pump’

prototype—this is a special instance of Asset that the AssetType uses to manage the default values of

properties as well as make new instances (by cloning the prototype).

instances—this is the collection of Assets that are the instances of this AssetType. The prototype must

not be included in this collection. Each Asset of the collection must refer back to the AssetType of the

instances collection it is in (this is the more important association, as the collection of instances can

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always be inferred from the back-references). This is a composition relation; therefore, destroying the

AssetType should destroy all of its instances.

propertyDefinitions—a collection of UserPropertyDefinitons that describe the properties specific to

the type. This is what allows individual assets to have more specific properties as well as validate the

values of those properties (the validators are attached to the UserPropertyDefinitions, not the

UserProperties themselves). The properties are managed by name, i.e., there can only be one

UserPropertyDefinition with a given name at any one time.

When the propertyDefintions of an AssetType are updated, you need to ensure that all instances of the

AssetType have their properties updated to match.

The interface for AssetType should provide functions to manipulate the property definitions (add/remove,

access, etc.), create a new instance of itself (i.e., clone its prototype), and otherwise keep track of its instances

(for example, you want to track the destruction of its instances via the QObject::destroyed signal to ensure the

instances collection is kept up-to-date when instances are deleted from the AssetRegister.



The Asset class maintains the information related to the company’s assets. This includes details of the asset itself

(e.g., its type, model, serial number, and values for user-defined properties specified on its AssetType) as well as

who manages it (its Custodian) and details of its maintenance (i.e., its MaintenanceRecords).

Asset is forms part of the prototype pattern, and therefore needs to be “clonable” (through a clone() function),

this is not the same things as ‘copyable’. The clone() function must produce a deep-copy, that is a copy that is

completely independent of the original to prevent changes in one from affecting the other. Copyable, on the

other hand, often only performs a shallow-copy where data members are simply copied value-by-value (as is the

way of the default copy-constructor in C++) which means pointers, for example, remain pointing to the same

object. When implementing the clone() function be careful not to clone the type of the Asset, a cloned Asset

should refer to the same AssetType as the Asset from which it was cloned.

There are some properties that all Assets have, these are to be implemented as ordinary data members of the

Asset class, including:

serialNo—an identifier typically written on the object, its serial number. This is not the same as its ‘id’

(inherited from RegisteredEntity), which is an internal system identifier for keeping track of the object in

the system. It is entirely possible for two assets of different types to have the same serialNo.

brand—the maker of the asset, e.g., “ACME Pumps Co.”

model—the specific model of the Asset. While many assets may be of the same type (e.g., Pump,

Computer, etc.), they may be of different models (e.g., ‘ACME Co. Pump X3000’)

purchasePrice—the cost of the asset when it was bought (as a UserProperty of type double with a

precision of 2, refer to UserPropertyDefinition below)

purchaseDate—the date (QDateTime) at which the asset was bought by the company

disposalDate—the date (QDateTime) at which the asset was disposed of (sold, thrown away, etc.) by the

company. If an asset is not yet disposed, it will have no value for disposalDate; in contrast to

purchaseDate which will always have a value as Assets in the AssetRegister are those that have been

purchased by the company.

custodian—a reference (not necessarily C++ reference) to a Custodian object. Note the cardinality of

exactly 1 is from the user’s perspective. That is, user interface must not allow an Asset to be stored or

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saved if it has no Custodian; however, enforcing such a constraint at the lowest-level in the code is not

always possible nor useful. For example, the protoype of an AssetType does not require a Custodian.

maintenanceRecords—a collection of MaintenanceRecord objects that track the maintenance an Asset

has had. The records should be kept in order based on their timestamp (i.e., the time the maintenance

was performed, see Maintenance Record below) and there cannot be more than one record per

timestamp (for the same Asset). This is a composition relation such that deleting an Asset deletes all its


When any of these values change, the Asset should emit a signal to indicate that an attribute has changed its

value. In the case of maintanenceRecords, this may be when a record is added or updated, not just assigned.

The Asset class also contains a collection of UserProperties, which match the UserProperyDefinitions of the

Asset’s type. That is, the size of the properties collection must be the same as the size of the

propertyDefinitions collection of the AssetType, and each UserProperty must refer to a

UserPropertyDefintion in the propertyDefinitions collection. When the UserPropertyDefinitions of an

AssetType are changed, the Assets that are instances must be kept synchronised.

Each UserProperty holds a value for a property described by its associated UserPropertyDefinition. When

values change, the Asset should be notified, and a signal emitted by the Asset to let interested parties know that

one of its properties has changed (e.g., a GUI might want to update the display if the Asset indicates a value has


You may make the AssetType class a friend class of Asset to allow AssetType access to the private members of

Asset. This is justifiable as the two class are very closely related, particularly due the prototype instances

associated with each AssetType.

Note that Asset and AssetType can initially be developed without referencing UserProperties. If you take an

incremental approach to development, they can be added after the initial classes are implemented and the basic

instantiation functionality is working.

Maintenance Record


The MaintenanceRecord class is relatively simple, it just holds data members describing the maintenance activity,

who performed it, and when it was performed, for an Asset. The data members are as follows:

owner—a reference to the Asset this MaintenanceRecord is for

timestamp—the date/time (QDateTime) that the maintenance was performed

performedBy—the name of the person who performed the maintenance (can be anything): QString

maintenanceType—a UserProperty of type QString that restricts the allowable values to the following:

“Inspection”, “Minor Repair”, “Major Repair”, “Replace Broken”.

In addition, the MaintenanceRecord class could implement a clone() function to simplify the cloning of their

parent Asset.



This class represents the description of a property and its validation constraints (using the

UserPropertyValidator class). Paired with the UserProperty class, it is another instance of the Type-Object

pattern: UserPropertyDefintion serves as the type of a UserProperty in an Asset. It has several keys aspects:

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name—the name of the property, each UserProperty of the UserPropertyDefinition will have the

same name. Only one property with the same name can occur in an AssetType/Asset at one time, i.e.,

adding a UserPropertyDefinition to an AssetType using the name of a property already present must

do nothing (use updateProperty to replace a property with an existing name).

type—the type of the property, specified using an enumeration. You must support at least the following

data types: int, string (using QString for compatibility with the rest of the Qt application), and double.

validators—a collection of UserPropertyValidators that will be used to ensure that property values are


The interface for UserPropertyDefinition must provide methods to create a new instance (i.e., a

UserProperty object of the correct type that refers to the creating UserPropertyDefinition) and add

validators. You do not need to support changing the type of an existing UserPropertyDefinition.

Unlike AssetType, UserPropertyDefinition does not keep track of its ‘instances’. A UserPropertyDefinition

and a UserProperty for an AssetType/Asset can always be reconciled by name. However, the two classes

should be largely independent of AssetType and Asset so that they can be used as standard attributes of other

classes (refer to ‘phoneNumber’ of the Custodian class).

You must support the ability to specify a precision for properties of type double (i.e., the number of digits after

the decimal place). This could be done through a derived class, or at the level of UserPropertyDefinition with a

function that is only applicable to definitions of that type.



The UserProperty class stores the value of a user-defined property for Assets (plus the occasional data member

for other classes, such as ‘phoneNumber’ on Custodian). It fills the role of ‘object’ in the Type-Object Pattern

alongside UserPropertyDefinition. To implement user-defined properties, we will combine

inheritance/polymorphism, templates, and template specialisation.

This class makes use of the Qt class QVariant to provide a general interface to properties that may be of different

types. The QVariant class can internally store values of many different types and provides functions to convert

between them. By leveraging this, it greatly simplifies our handling of user-defined properties.

The general interface of UserProperty requires the following:

name—the name of the property, must match that of its associated UserPropertyDefinition

value/setValue(…)—retrieve/set the value of the property using the QVariant class

validate()—validate whether the property’s value is correct with respect to the validators stored on the

associated UserPropertyDefinition

clone—UserProperty is another instance of the prototype pattern; the clone function returns a deep

copy of the UserProperty, allowing Asset’s to be more easily cloned (you just need to clone each of its

UserProperties). Note: the cloned UserProperty should refer to the same UserPropertyDefinition

as the UserProperty from which it was cloned.

UserProperty should also include the following signals:

valueChanged(new, old)—emitted when the value of the property changes. Note: when a slot is executed

from receiving a signal, the function sender() can be called to return a pointer to the sending object (the

UserProperty in this case).

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validationFailes(QString error)—emitted when the validation of the value fails. It should provide a

message to indicate what the error is (this will be generated from the PropertyValidator)

To implement the specific types of UserProperty for int, string (QString), and double, you will need to use

templates and template specialisation. You will need to:

1. Create a template class called TypedUserProperty, with a single template parameter ‘T’, and a data

member of type ‘T’. Note: Templates are declared and defined in the header file, not source file.

2. Ensure the template class inherits from UserProperty.

3. Implement each of the functions of the generic interface for TypedUserProperty (if there is not already

an appropriate implementation on UserProperty or it cannot be inherited): e.g., value(), validate(),


4. Use template specialisation to implement setValue(…) functions appropriate for the types int, QString,

and double as required. Note: since these are fully specialised functions you will need to put them in the

source file (e.g., ‘typeduserproperty.cpp’) or use the inline qualifier on their definitions in the header.

If the validation fails when a setting a property’s value, the value should be unchanged from its original value

when setValue(…) returns.

The template specialisation for properties of type double will need to take into account the precision of its

UserPropertyDefinition, i.e., the number of digits to specify after the decimal point. This can be achieved by

multiplying the value by a multiple of ten based on the precision, rounding the value (i.e., make it a whole

number), and dividing by the same multiple of ten (you could specialise the value() function to do the division

when the value is retrieved if you like). For example, for a precision of 2:

value = std::round(newValue * 100) / 100;

The multiple of 10 can be determine by: 10^precision

where ‘precision’ is the precision value defined on the UserPropertyDefinition of the UserProperty.

Note: when implementing the template specialisations, you may need to implement the specialisation for the

entire TypedUserProperty class, depending on how you have implemented the rest of the functions and the




The UserPropertyValidator class is a quite simple. You may note that it is another instance of the Strategy

pattern where the context is the UserPropertyDefinition/UserProperty classes and the concrete strategies

are the specific types of validation that can be performed such as: minimum values, maximum value,

enumeration, etc.

The UserPropertyValidator class will be an abstract class with the following interface:

operator() (…)—UserPropertyValidator is a functor, that is it overloads the function call operator ‘()’.

The overloaded operator takes a UserProperty (reference) and returns true if the value of the property

conforms to the validation criteria.

failureMessage(…)—returns a failure message (as a QString) for the given UserProperty. It provides the

whole property so that the message may be constructed from as much information as required. For

example, a minimum value constraint violation may report:

“The property ‘<name>’ must be greater than <min>. Value was <value>.”

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where <name> is the name of the property, <min> is the minimum value allowed by the validator, and

<value> is the value retrieved from the UserProperty.

You will need to create concrete subclasses of UserPropertyValidator for the following validator types. They

must support as many data types as possible (e.g., minimum value validator should work for both int and double

roperties), which can be achieved using templates.

Minimum Value—given a specified minimum value, property values must be equal to or greater than the

minimum. Must work with int and double.

Maximum Value—given a specified maximum value, property values must be equal to or less than the

maximum. Must work with int and double.

Enumeration—given a list of values, property values must be in the list to be considered valid. Must work

with int, double, and string (QString).

o There are two special Enumeration validators: Department (refer to section Custodian) and

Maintenance Type (refer to section Maintenance Record)

o These special cases may have classes defined for them or they may simply be instances of the

Enumeration validator.

Phone Number—used by the ‘phoneNumber’ property of the Custodian class. Validates strings

(QString) to ensure they conform to the requirements of a phone number. Refer to the Custodian

section for details of the constraints.

User Interface

You are required to build a user interface using Qt’s Widgets module. The project includes an empty main window

class. You will need to implement it along with any other GUI classes you require to fulfil the requirements of the

user interface. The requirements are quite loose in terms of how it the views/screens are actually defined. You

may use any combination of windows, widgets, dialog boxes, etc. to fulfil the requirements. Moreover, you may

make the GUI as fancy or simple as you want or are capable of given the timeframe. The following sections

describe the interfaces that are required for the application.

User Login

When the application first starts, the user must see the User Login. The User Login must:

Allow the user the enter their username

Allow the user to specify online/offline mode

If online mode is chosen, the user must be able to specify an ‘endpoint’—the URL of another instance of

the application on the network. The endpoint URL will be used to query for the complete list of

application instances that the local instance must communicate with. This field may be empty (e.g., it is

the first running instance) but the server should still start up to allow other instances to connect.

Once the relevant details have been entered, the user must be able to ‘login’.

When the user logs in, the singleton instance of AbstractAsssetRegister must be initialised and the username

set: offline mode must initialise a standard AssetRegister, online mode must initialise a


Once the user has successfully logged in, they must be taken to the Main Menu/Dashboard and they must never

be able to return to the Login Screen until they restart the application. (If needing to close the application to

switch online/offline mode is good enough for Valve’s Steam, it is good enough for us.)

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Main Menu/Dashboard

The Main Menu/Dashboard provides a location to access the main functionality of the Asset Manager application.

At a minimum it must allow the user to:

View the stored Asset Types

View the stored Assets

View the stored Custodians

Search for assets by serial number, model, and/or brand.

This may be achieved in-place or by navigating to another screen.

Optionally, the user may be able to:

Add a new Asset Type to the register

Add a new Asset to the register

Add a new Custodian to the register

This may be achieved in-place, by navigating to another screen, displaying a dialog box, etc.

View Asset Types

When the user selects to View stored Asset Types, they must be presented with a view that lists (by some means

such as QListWidget) all the Asset Types stored in the register. The user must be able to:

Select an existing Asset Type and:

o View the details of the Asset Type

o (optionally) Edit the details of the Asset Type

o Delete the Asset Type

Add a new Asset Type to the register

Return to the Main Menu

View Assets

When the user selects to View stored Assets, they must be presented with a view that lists (by some means such

as QTableWidget/QTableView) all the Assets stored in the register. A table widget is suggested as it would be

best for the user to several of the data members common to all Assets, such as serial number, brand, model, etc.

The user must be able to:

Select an existing Asset and:

o View the details of the Asset

o (optionally) Edit the details of the Asset

o Delete the Asset

Add a new Asset to the register

Search for assets by serial number, brand, and or model.

Return to the Main Menu

View Custodians

When the user selects to View stored Assets, they must be presented with a view that lists (by some means such

as QListWidget/QTableWidget/QTableView). The user must be able to:

Select an existing Custodian and:

o View the details of the Custodian

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o (optionally) Edit the details of the Custodian

o Delete the Custodian

Add a new Custodian to the register

Return to the Main Menu

View/Edit Asset Type

When the user selects to View/Edit an Asset Type, they must be presented with a view that shows the attributes

and properties for the Asset Type and allow the user to activate “Edit Mode”. The attributes to be shown include:

id (from RegisteredEntity); must be read-only in “Edit Mode”

lastEditedBy (from RegisteredEntity); must be read-only in “Edit Mode”

lastEditTime (from RegisteredEntity); must be read-only in “Edit Mode”


propertyDefinitions; user must be able to view the name, type, and default value of each (Remember:

the default value is stored on the prototype of the AssetType)

Optionally, the user can view/edit/add/remove the currently set validators on each UserPropertyDefinition of

the AssetType.

When in “Edit Mode”, the user must be able to modify the attributes, add/remove UserPropertyDefinitions,

and save the changes (storing them in the Asset Register, synchronising the changes over the network if in

“online” mode, and returning to “View Mode”) or cancel the edit (restoring the original values and returning to

“View Mode”).

When editing existing UserPropertyDefinitions of an AssetType, only the default value must be editable.

Editing the other values can be achieved by deleting and adding a new UserPropertyDefinition with the same


View/Edit Asset

When the user selects to View/Edit an Asset, they must be presented with a view that shows the attributes and

properties for the Asset and allow the user to activate “Edit Mode”. The attributes to be shown include:

id (from RegisteredEntity); must be read-only in “Edit Mode”

lastEditedBy (from RegisteredEntity); must be read-only in “Edit Mode”

lastEditTime (from RegisteredEntity); must be read-only in “Edit Mode”







properties; each of the UserProperties must be viewable including their name, type, and value. Note:

the type could be retrieved by checking the UserProperty itself, or by accessing the UserProperty’s


maintenanceRecords; may be displayed inline using a table widget (e.g., QTableWidget or QTableView)

or displayed in another screen, dialog box, etc.

MaintenanceRecords are owned by an Asset and can only be viewed from the Asset itself. The user must be

able to view/edit the properties of the MaintenanceRecords including: owner, timestamp (see QDateTimeEdit),

performedBy, and maintenanceType. The maintenanceType property may be specified using a drop-down list

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(see QComboBox) to enforce the requirement, or the validation can be used to warn the user of an invalid


When in “Edit Mode”, the user must be able to modify the above attributes (including those of UserProperties

and MaintenanceRecords), add MaintenanceRecords, and save the changes (storing them in the Asset Register,

synchronising the changes over the network if in “online” mode, and returning to “View Mode”) or cancel the edit

(restoring the original values and returning to “View Mode”).

For auditing purposes, the user must not be able to delete MaintenanceRecords.

View/Edit Custodian

When the user selects to View/Edit a Custodian, they must be presented with a view that shows the attributes

and properties for the Custodian and allow the user to activate “Edit Mode”. The attributes to be shown include:

id (from RegisteredEntity); must be read-only in “Edit Mode”

lastEditedBy (from RegisteredEntity); must be read-only in “Edit Mode”

lastEditTime (from RegisteredEntity); must be read-only in “Edit Mode”


department; when editing, the allowable departments may be selectable from a drop-down list (see

QComboBox) to enforce the requirement, or the validation can be used to warn the user of an invalid



When in “Edit Mode”, the user must be able to modify the above attributes (including those of

MaintenanceRecords), add MaintenanceRecords, and save the changes (storing them in the Asset Register,

synchronising the changes over the network if in “online” mode, and returning to “View Mode”) or cancel the edit

(restoring the original values and returning to “View Mode”).

Search for Assets

When the user selects “Search for Assets” they must be able to enter a serial number, brand, and/or model for

which to search. When performing the search, each non-blank value must match, i.e., if all three are non-blank an

Asset will only match if it has a matching serial number and a matching brand and a matching model. Matching is

determined by an exact string match.

Optionally, regular expressions or simple globbing can be used to perform the search.

After entering one or more values, the user must be shown a list (in some form) of Assets that meet the search

criteria. This functionality should reuse the View Assets interface and allow all the same functionality, such as

selecting, viewing/editing, deleting an Asset.

General Notes and Requirements

The View/Edit Entity views can be configured using a QFormLayout, which provides a simple two column layout

designed to present labels and input fields side-by-side. If necessary, a widget can be expanded to fill both

columns of the QFormLayout.

Before an entity can be saved/stored in the Asset Register, the attributes and properties must be validated. If

validation of any property/attribute fails, the user must be warned with an appropriate message and the save

must not be allowed to proceed until the validation errors are rectified.

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Modifying a value in the user interface must not change the underlying object or store the value in the Asset

Register until the user confirms the save. This could be achieved by making use of the clone() function to make a

copy in which the current values are stored without overriding the old object until the user confirms the save.

Alternatively, you could use data members on the form/widget classes that you create for the different fields and

copy the values into the object once the user confirms the save. You may find the

UserProperty/UserPropertyDefinition classes useful to handle this and fulfil the validation requirements

even for attributes that are not represented using UserProperties on the underlying object.

Saving/storing an entity (AssetType, Asset, MaintenanceRecord, Custodian) must update the lastEditedBy

attribute to the logged in user (i.e., the username from the register singleton instance) and the lastEditTime to

the current time (refer to QDateTime).

Each main screen, view, or window (not including dialogs or other temporary windows) must be able to return to

the Main Menu/Dashboard. This could be achieved using the Menu or Toolbar. If not using the Menu or Toolbar,

they should be removed from the main window (and any others) entirely.

The View/Edit screens must be able to return to their original list screen: e.g., when viewing an AssetType the

user must be able to return to the View Asset Types screen.

“Edit Mode” may be achieved through navigating to a separate screen or by enabling the widgets to allow editing.

It should be possible to reuse the View/Edit screens for each type when adding a new entity (for AssetType,

Asset, and Custodian).


When a user selects “online” mode, the Asset Manager application will be able to communicate over the network

with other instances of the application to share Asset information. The instances of the application will operate in

a decentralised manner, sharing updates made locally to each instance of the application of which it is aware. The

message exchanges will be performed using a simple protocol over HTTP, a bit like a RESTful web-service. REST

(Representationl State Transfer) is a style of client-server architecture designed for (and developed out of) use on

the internet and which has become highly popular over the last 5-10 years (although its origins go back much

further). RESTful web-services are commonly implemented over HTTP and make use of URLs to locate resources

on other systems and perform operations on them using standard HTTP methods (such as GET, PUT, POST, and

DELETE). Due to the popularity of such web-services and the fact that the Asset Manager application is about

storing, editing, querying resources (i.e., AssetTypes, Assets, Custodians, etc.) it makes sense to have a REST


To implement and make use of a REST API we need a HTTP server and a HTTP client: the Asset Manager

application will act in both roles to synchronise its content with other instances of the application in a

decentralised manner. Due to the popularity of REST and the prevalence of HTTP in general there are plenty of

libraries around that can handle HTTP communication. The Qt framework itself provides client-side capabilities,

but it is lacking server support; therefore, for the server-side capabilities we will be using the open-source library

QHttp [https://github.com/azadkuh/qhttp]. QHttp is a library built on Qt to provide HTTP server and client

capabilities. As it is built on Qt, it uses the Signals and Slots mechanism to notify other objects when messages are

sent and received. Although QHttp provides both client- and server- code, we will only be using its server-side

capabilities to give you some experience integrating disparate libraries.

Important: the provided Qt Creator project contains an example of using both QHttp’s server capabilities and Qt’s

client-side code to send and receive messages.

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To integrate the two libraries and provide a simple to use, common interface (or fa?ade8

) for them, you will need

to create a class called NetworkManager.



The NetworkManger class will encapsulate an instance of QHttpServer and QNetworkAccessManager for

receiving and sending requests, respectively.

Apart from this the underlying networking objects, the NetworkManager manages a set of Connections. Each

Connection represents another instance of the Asset Manager application with which it is communicating and is

simply a pair of data members (and, hence, can be a struct): the address (see QHostAddress) of the instance,

and its port number. A NetworkManager must never send a request to itself, but it may send requests to another

instance on same computer (identifiable by the different port number).

Since we are operating in a dynamic/decentralised environment, servers may come up or go down without

notice. Therefore, any request to a Connection may fail or timeout. If this happens, the NetworkManager must

remove the Connection from the set to avoid contact it again. If the server comes back up it will resync the

connections and the instance will be able to communicate with it again.

The NetworkManager interface must be at the level of application Messages: for example, the NetworkManager

will process the QNetworkReply internally, create an appropriate ResponseMessage object (note: the provided

code has the beginnings of the Message class hierarchy, refer to section Messages below) and emit a signal with

that message object for the NetworkedAssetManager to process. The core idea is that the

NetworkedAssetManager should not have to know about the underlying HTTP implementations.

The NetworkManager class has the following interface:

start()—configures the server object (qhttp::server::QHttpServer) and begins listening for request on

a specified port (Note: use ports 8101, 8102, or 8103). It must also synchronise its set of Connections, as

described below in under the Protocol section. Once this function returns, it must be ready to send and

receive application Messages.

stop()—stops the server from listening to requests, should be called when the application is being


sendRequest(RequestMessage, […])—sends a RequestMessage of some type. You may include other

parameters as necessary depending on how much you manage internally.

sendResponse(ReponseMessage, […])—sends a ResponseMessage of some type in response to a request.

You may need to provide some kind of identification so that the NetworkManager knows what underlying

response (i.e., qhttp::server::QHttpResponse) it must send the ResponseMessage data through.

Alternatively it could be managed internally by mapping one to the other.

The NetworkManager class requires the following signals:

requestReceived(RequestMessage)—emitted after the HTTP server component receives a request and it

is processed into an application-level RequestMessage. The NetworkedAssetManager should connect to

this signal so that it can perform the required operation and respond to the request by calling


8 The Fa?ade pattern is Design Pattern about putting a simplified interface over complex subsystems to (among other things)

help reduce complexity and dependencies.

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responseReceived(ReponseMessage)—emitted after the HTTP client component receives the response to

a request and it is processed into an application-level ResponseMessage. The NetworkedAssetManager

should connect to this signal so that it can process the response to a request.


The following table describes the API in terms of the path in a URL (that is the part after, and including, the first

slash) that is being requested and the HTTP method used for the request. We only deal with a subset of HTTP

methods for this application: GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE.


/connections Retrieve the set of

connections managed

by the

NetworkManager. Used

when initially finding

other instances to talk


N/A Register a connection

(yourself) with



The connection data is

in the request payload

and must match the

source, otherwise it

will not be accepted.

Responds with

CREATED if successful.


/asset-types Retrieve the collection

of AssetTypes managed

by the Asset Manager


N/A Create a new

AssetType using the

data provided in the

request payload.

Responds with

CREATED if successful.


/asset-types/{id} Retrieve the single

AssetType with the

specified id. Responds

404 NOT FOUND if the

AssetType does not exist

in the Asset Manager.

Create or

update the

AssetType with

the specified id

using the data

in the request


N/A Delete the


with the



/assets Retrieve the collection

of Assets managed by

the Asset Manager.

N/A Create a new Asset

using the data

provided in the

request payload.

Responds with

CREATED if successful


/assets/{id} Retrieve the single Asset

with the specified id.

Responds 404 NOT

FOUND if the Asset does

not exist in the Asset


Create or

update the

Asset with the

specified id

using the data

in the request


N/A Delete the

Asset with




/custodians Retrieve the collection

of Custodians managed

by the Asset Manager.

N/A Create a new

Custodian using the

data provided in the

request payload.

Responds with

CREATED if successful


/custodians/{name} Retrieve the single

Custodian with the

Create or

update the

N/A Delete the


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specified id. Responds

404 NOT FOUND if the

Custodian does not exist

in the Asset Manager.

Custodian with

the specified id

using the data

in the request


with the



/maintenance-records Retrieve the collection

of MaintenanceRecords

managed by the Asset

Manager. Mostly used

during initial


N/A Create a new


using the data

provided in the

request payload.

Responds with

CREATED if successful



As above, but limits the

results to the


owned by the Asset with

the specified id


/maintenance-records/{id} Retrieve the single


with the specified id.

Responds 404 NOT

FOUND if the


does not exist in the

Asset Manager.

Create or

update the


ecord with the

specified id

using the data

in the request


N/A Delete the



with the



The second to last URL uses the query string aspect of URLs to parameterise the request while maintaining the

flat URL structure—an alternative would be to have maintenance-records related paths follow those for asset to

indicate the ownership but we have defined a top-level path for each type of RegisteredEntity stored in the



To manage the synchronisation amongst Asset Manager instance across the network, we need a protocol to first

discover the other Asset Manager instances and then synchronise the content of the (Networked)AssetRegister.

The below diagram illustrates the initialisation protocol. Note: the protocol is not perfect and does not allow for

participants to drop out and reconnect without shutting down and restarting the application. It is intended, first

and fore most, to be simple.

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The protocol begins by retrieving all the connections registered at the original endpoint provided at the Login

Screen. Note: when processing the received connections, if any correspond to a loop-back IP address (e.g.,

127.x.x.x for IPv4, or ::1 for IPv6) they must be replaced by the IP-address of the endpoint that was contacted. The

local Asset Manager instance then registers itself at each of the remote instances, storing the details of the

connections if they respond with CREATED. After registering itself with each remote instance, the

NetworkManager proceeds to retrieve each collection of RegisteredEntity type and store them locally. If a

particular remote fails while trying to synchronise a collection, the NetworkManager should try another (the data

is duplicated across all instances, so there should be no difference). If all connections are exhausted before all

collections have been synchronised, the NetworkManager should shut down, the user should be notified, and the

application should quit.

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Note: the order of synchronisation is important, it is defined such that there are no issues with dependencies.

Custodians have no dependencies (but are required by Assets) so they are synchronised first. AssetTypes are

next as they are required by Assets (each Asset refers to its type); while AssetTypes track their instances, they

are not necessary to describe the type and are not included in the data serialisation of an AssetType. Assets are

synchronised next, finally the MaintenanceRecords are synchronised. MaintenanceRecords are owned by an

Asset, but Assets can happily exist without MaintenanceRecords (similar to AssetTypes and Assets above).

Once this synchronisation is complete, the Asset Manager is ready to have users update the content of the


Testing the networking component

Note: testing multiple instances of the application on the same computer will work regardless. The following

information is for testing across multiple computers.

Note: Since the application is HTTP-based and the data is sent using a plain-text format, you can test if your server

is working by opening a Web-browser and typing the URL into the address bar. This may be useful if you are not

sure if it is a the server or client that is having trouble.

When testing your application from the computer pools on campus, you must ensure you have the correct

configuration, otherwise your application will be blocked by the local firewall. You need to ensure the following

for testing between different computers when on campus:

Ports: 8101, 8102, 8103

Computer Pool used by the course: F1-13, F1-15, F1-17, P1-13, P1-15

Your project folder is on the D: drive

You must not change the name of the project.

The restrictions are in place the minimise the scope of the changes to the firewall. The last two are due to the

firewall rules being tied to the path of the application. For your information, the executable must be in one of the

following locations to work correctly:



When testing your application from your home computer, there are several ways of ensuring the communication

between your own computer and instances running on the computers of other group members. You can

configure Port Forwarding on your router to allow connections from outside to the computer that is running the

Asset Manager application. For this to work you will also need to your external IP address (that is the one your

router has with the rest of the Internet). There are many websites that will echo back your external IP Address for

your information.

The second option is to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network). There are several free applications around that will

let you set up a VPN with a small number of users. One of those application is Hamachi [https://www.vpn.net/].

You will need to download an install the application. When you run it, you will be given options to configure and

setup a VPN. Communicate with your team to determine appropriate settings. Once configured, you should all

appear to be on a local network and, therefore, will not need to change your router configuration. Just be sure to

specify the endpoint URL with the IP address on the VPN, not your normal local IP address.


To handle the exchange of entities across the network we send Messages, which abstract away from the

underlying libraries for sending/receiving messages and help convert between the application data (i.e., entities)

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and the data payload required for a format/exchange mechanism. There are two main types of Message:

RequestMessage and ResponseMessage, which are translated into HTTP requests and responses by the

NetworkManager. The provided code has the beginning of Message class hierarchy, which can be extended as

required. Moreover, the existing classes are incomplete and can be extended and modified as necessary. The

concrete Message classes for this application will serialise objects into a simple text-based format. Some requests

and responses do not require data and, hence, will not require specific concrete classes but can instantiate

RequestMessage and ResponseMessage directly.

The creation of Messages is supported by the Abstract Factory Design Pattern. This pattern defines an interface

for creating families of related classes, while hiding the specific classes that are created. This allows, for example,

to support many different data types (simple plain-text format, XML, etc.) where each concrete factory class

would create messages that serialise objects into the desired format, although we will only deal with the simple

text-format defined below.

You will need to create an abstract class called MessageFactory as well as a concrete factory class called

PlainTextMessageFactory. The PlainTextMessageFactory will create instances of PlainText…Message as

required, keeping in mind some messages can be handled using RequestMessage and ResponseMessage

directly—for these cases the implementation can be specified on MessageFactory, allowing

PlainTextMessageFactory to simply inherit the default implementations.

Each message creation function of MessageFactory returns either a RequestMessage (or a derived class) or

ResponseMessage (or a derived class) and can be used when creating the message from the sender or when

receiving the data. The interface defined by MessageFactory basically includes a function to create each of the

URL Path/HTTP Method pairs of the REST API described above (refer to section REST-like API). Many of the

functions are small and will reuse the same classes with only changes in parameters. You may also be able to

parameterise the functions themselves to reduce the number of functions required. For example, messages for

GET /custodians

GET /asset-types

GET /assets

GET /maintenance-records

could be defined in a single function—e.g., createGetCollection(collectionType)—that translates the

parameter into the appropriate collection URL path.

The following describes the data format of the message content. It requires that the objects be serialised into a

plain-text format and be deserialised at the other end. You must determine an appropriate method of

serialisation and deserialization: for example, you may use QTextStream and overloaded input/output operators

(>> and <<, respectively) to read and write entities from/to text and subsequently converted into a QByteArray,

which is required for the actual payload (see QString::toUtf8()). Note: if you take this approach you will need to

overload the operators QTextStream not std::istream/std::ostream; there are some differences between

them and the manipulators they supports, so you will need to read the documentation. Note: messages that

contain more than one entity will serialise one entity per line.

The basic format of the data structures the output into fields separated by pipe ‘|’ symbols. To protect against

additional pipe symbols breaking the format, fields that contain user-entered text must be encoded using URL

percent encoding, which is an encoding style used by URLs that encoded unfriendly characters using a percent ‘%’

sign followed by a pair of hex digits. Refer to QByteArray::toPercentEncoding() and


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The data format for serialising Connection objects managed by the NetworkManager is as follows:


For example





The data format for serialising Custodian objects is as follows (ignore line break, serialisation is one entity per



Where fields in angle brackets denote attributes of Custodian, with special instructions included after a colon ‘:’.

For example, <name:%> indicates that the name attribute should be percent encoded and written in that position.

The instruction, ‘iso8601’ instruction for date/time data fields indicates it should be serialised in ISO 8601 format

(see QDateTime::toString and QDateTime::fromString).

For example, an instance of Custodian may be serialised as:



The data format for serialising AssetType is more complex as it needs to serialise the

UserPropertyDefinitions. The format is as follows (ignore line breaks in format definition, serialisation is one

entity per line):


<propertyDefinitions:separated by ‘|’>

If propertyDefinitions.size() is zero (‘0’), no UserPropertyDefinitions will be output and there will be no

trailing pipe ‘|’ symbol.

Each UserPropertyDefinition in propertyDefinitions is serialised as:

<name:%>|<type: ‘int’, ‘double’, ‘string’>[|precision=<precision>]|

<default value:%>|min=<min validator>,max=<max validator>,enum=<enum validator>

Where <precision> is the precision (number of decimal places) of a double and is only present if the type is

‘double’ (the square brackets indicate that the entire field is optional and should only be present if a precision

value is specified), <min validator> is the value of the minimum value validator if present (otherwise empty),

<max validator> is the value of the maximum value validator, and <enum validator> is a colon separated list of the

enumeration values (percent encoded). For example,




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Note: When percent encoding the enumeration values, do not percent encode the colon separators. This allows

the values themselves to contain colons (as they will be percent encoded) while maintaining the separator (which

will not be encoded).

Note: when deserialising the data, if the number of property definitions exceeds the number specified in field 6,

an error response should be provided, i.e., BAD_REQUEST


The data format for Assets is as follows:



<properties.size>|<properties:separated by ‘|’>

If properties.size() is zero (‘0’), no UserProperty will be output and there will be no trailing pipe ‘|’ symbol.

Each UserProperty is serialised as:


Each UserProperty can be reconciled against their definition through name-based look-up on the AssetType.

For example,





Note: %27 is an apostrophe ‘ character

Note: the blank line separates two distinct entities for readability, it should not occur in an output file


MaintenanceRecords are serialised as follows (ignore line breaks in the specification, serialisation is one entity per




For example:


20T00:00:00+09:30|maintenance guy 01|Inspection

Unit Testing

As this is a group project, you will need to work independently for a time before the application starts coming

together into an integrated whole. Until then Unit Testing will be essential in ensuring that the code you are

producing is correct before you begin integrating your code into a complete application. To that end, the Qt Unit

Testing module, Qt Test, has been configured in the provided code for your convenience. Qt Test is quite a simple

Unit Testing framework that integrates nicely into Qt-based applications, allowing testing of the classes with

Signals & Slots and GUIs, and can be used directly from Qt Creator. A Test Case in Qt Test is simply a class that has

private slots (each slot is considered a test) and is registered as a Test Case using a macro. Inside the tests

functions themselves, you use macros such as QVERIFY(…) and QCOMPARE(…, …) to check conditions and log any

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failures of those conditions to hold. You will need to read up on using Qt Test [http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qttestindex.html]

to make use of framework: one particularly useful feature is “data-driven” testing.

To simplify the test setup a little, there is an extra file ‘autotest.h’ that makes it easier to execute multiple Test

Cases at once. Moreover, there is an example test case already setup which demonstrates how to use the

framework as well as how to use the networking APIs required for the project (QHttpServer and


When implementing your Unit Tests keep the following guidelines in mind:

One Test Case per class (or per small number of related classes): e.g., for the AssetRegister class you

would have a Test Case called TestAssetRegister; for UserProperties you could have a single Test

Case that includes the concrete types for int, double, and QString since they are small and strongly


Keep your tests small: small tests make it easier to determine what a test is doing as well as minimises

(accidental) dependencies between parts/variables of the test.

Test only one thing: related to the above but with a different emphasis, testing only one thing improves

the identification of errors by separating assertions (or in the case QVERIFY and QCOMPARE) into

different tests, thereby helping to identify more than one symptom of a bug. The more information you

have about a bug, the quicker you will be able to find and fix it.

Write tests for failure: your tests should initially fail, which helps ensure that your tests are not

accidentally passing.

Give your tests good names: this goes without saying as all function, variable, and class names should be

useful and descriptive.

Note: Although the source files from the main application project area incorporated into the test project

automatically, Qt Creator does not always refresh the test project correctly after adding a file to the application

project, which may result in compilation errors (usually ‘Undefined reference …’). To resolve this, simply run

‘qmake’ on the test project: right-click on the project and select it from the drop-down.


Your code must be documented appropriately using Doxygen comments. Comment blocks must be used in your

header file to document your classes and class members. Private members should also be documented when it is

not obvious for what they are used—but first check if the code can be improved as clean code is better than

comments. Use comments sparingly in source files, document blocks of code (switch statements, if else groups,

loops, etc.) rather than individual statements: do not comment individual statements, unless the outcome of the

statement is not obvious. Optionally, you can add comments to ‘main.cpp’ to document the ‘main page’ of the

generated HTML documentation.

Code Style

You must write you code conforming to the code style set for this course. Remember, consistency is the primary

goal of any style guide: the easier it is to understand your code, the easier it is to maintain (real-world), and

allocate marks (hint-hint).

See http://codetips.dpwlabs.com/style-guide

Version Control

You must use version control to keep track of your progress during implementation, preferably using git. You

should perform regular commits as you implement features and fix errors. Your commit comments should reflect

the context of the changes that were made in each commit—a fellow developer can always diff the contents to

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see exactly what changed but that does not provide the context. You should try to ensure each commit comment

contains a short subject line.

Your submission will comprise your entire version control repository, so it should be specific to the assignment.

For example, if you use git, you must create the git repository in the root directory for your assignment. Do not

commit your assignment to a repository created in a parent folder. Your repository must contain all source files

required to compile and run your program (including a Doxygen config file) but must not include any generated or

extraneous files.

You must use an online version control repository, such as BitBucket, to collaborate with your group. However,

you must ensure that the assignment is private, i.e., cannot be seen by people other than your group.

Implementation Rules and Hints

You have been provided with an initial project that contains everything you need to get started. It contains 3

subprojects: asset_manager, asset_manager_tests, and qhttp-embed. The last is the source code for a simple

HTTP server that is being used for the project. The first is the folder for the main application, it contains:

‘main.cpp’ (in a subfolder called ‘app’), which starts the application and displays the main windows;

‘mainwindow.h/cpp’, which is an empty main window (the same as what you get when you create a new GUI

project), and some files related to the initial Message class hierarchy (in the ‘network’ folder). You are free to

change any of the files in the asset_manager project except the ‘main.cpp’ (you should not have to touch that at

all). The asset_manager_tests subproject has set up customised QTest environment to simplify the creation of

Unit Tests for the project. Moreover, it includes an example test case (TestExample, ‘tst_testexample.h/cpp’)

which does two things: 1) provides an example of a Test Case with some test functions, 2) demonstrates how to

use the Qhttp library and the standard Qt Network Access Manager for performing the network functions, and 3)

illustrates how to use the Message classes to support the networking component—‘tst_testexample.h’ contains

example concrete request and response message types.

You will need to use the Qt data types for this project. You are free to use any of the Qt library classes as you

require. Some suggestions have been provided throughout this specification, but you will need to read the Qt

documentation yourself as we cannot cover everything during class. You can use C++ STL if you wish; however, Qt

classes are generally a better fit for Qt-based GUI applications—there will be less translation to do at the interface

between GUI and your code. You may not use any additional libraries (other than those provided).

Your initial UML class design may be incomplete or incorrect. Your first design should attempt to cover the major

requirements, in particular the identification of the design patterns. Do not worry if you need to revise and

refactor the design as you progress through the assignment. However, the UML design is the primary tool for

communicating the structure of the code with your team members; therefore, it is important that it be kept upto-date

as you progress and that your team members are notified of any changes to the structure—ideally you

will go through a process of discussion and approval before changes are made.

Once you have your initial diagram, it is a good idea to create (non-functioning) class and function stubs. This will

allow your individual team members to begin implementing their portion of the assignment without having

compilation issues due to another portion being incomplete. In particular, this will allow Unit Tests to be created.

Remember: in a test-driven development approach, tests should be written to fail before the implementation is

performed and the tests passed. This is to prevent having tests that accidentally pass.

It is a good idea to commit the source file (but not the PNG or PDF) of your UML class design to version control.

This will allow you to track the evolution of your design as you progress through the assignment.

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It is recommended that you test individual components as you go, rather than trying to test the whole application

through the interface. Writing code to test specific elements will speed up development as you will not need to

constantly enter data through the menu interface. Depending on how you allocate the work, one team member

may be responsible for writing the tests; in this case, it is important to focus on implementing tests for highpriority

components first.

Be sure to check for null pointers before attempting to use an object through a pointer and reset pointers to null

where appropriate.

Consider when and where it is appropriate to use smart pointers vs. bare pointers and the effect this choice may

have on constructors, destructors, etc. Do not forget that Qt provides its own set of smart pointers: refer to the

documentation on QPointer, QSharedPointer, etc. They operate much like the smart pointers of the C++ STL, but

provide additional features, such as thread-safety, that are important within a GUI environment.

Casts in your code should only need to be performed between a base class pointer and a derived class. Be aware

that Qt has its own casting functions that work with the Qt smart pointer classes. Refer to the Qt documentation

for the particular smart pointers to see what functions are available for casting.

Submission Details

You must submit your complete Qt Creator project folder inside a single zip file. The zip file must include all

source files required to compile and run your program (including a Doxygen config file) as well as your version

control directory: e.g., if using git you must ensure the ‘.git’ folder is present in the zip file. It must not include any

generated or extraneous files such as the ‘*.pro.user’ file—the UML image file is the one exception to the no

generated files rule. Place your UML class diagram in your zip file. Your diagram must be submitted in PNG or PDF


Once you have created the zip file according to the specifications, you are required to upload it to the Assessment

Item 3: Project submission via LearnOnline. Only one submission is required per group. The deadline for

submission is 2 November 2018 11:59 PM. After which time the submission will be considered late and attract a

penalty as detailed in the course outline. Please organise ahead of time who will be responsible for submitting the

project to ensure there are no accidental late submissions.

Marking Criteria

Your assignment will be marked both automatically and manually; automatically using unit testing, shell scripts

and static code analysis tools. Your code will be inspected for style – remember consistency is the primary goal of

all style guides, the easier it is to understand your code, the easier it is to allocate marks.

Note: the criteria with negative marks are penalties that will be applied if the submission does not meet the

expected criteria. They are structured such that an otherwise perfect submission will be unable to receive an HD if

and only if the full penalties are applied.

To Be Released

Academic Misconduct

This is a group assignment: your submitted files will be checked against that of other groups, and other sources,

for instances of plagiarism.

Students are reminded that they should be aware of the academic misconduct guidelines available from the

University of South Australia website.

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Deliberate academic misconduct such as plagiarism is subject to penalties. Information about Academic integrity

can be found in Section 9 of the Assessment policies and procedures manual at:


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