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日期:2018-10-21 09:10

Instructor: Siddharth Garg Computing Systems Architecture Lab 0

Lab 0: Single Cycle MIPS

In this Lab assignment, you will implement an instruction-level simulator for a single cycle MIPS processor

in C++ step by step. The simulator supports a subset of the MIPS instruction set and can model the execution

of each instruction.

The MIPS program is provided to the simulator as a text file “imem.txt” file which is used to initialize the

Instruction Memory. Each line of the file corresponds to a Byte stored in the Instruction Memory in binary

format, with the first line at address 0, the next line at address 1 and so on. Four contiguous lines correspond

to a whole instruction. Note that the words stored in memory are in “Big-Endian” format, meaning that the

most significant byte is stored first.

We have defined a “halt” instruction as 32’b1 (0xFFFFFFFF) which is the last instruction in every

“imem.txt” file. As the name suggests, when this instruction is fetched, the simulation is terminated. We

will provide a sample “imem.txt” file containing a MIPS program. You are encouraged to generate other

“imem.txt” files to test your simulator.

The Data Memory is initialized using the “dmem.txt” file. The format of the stored words is the same as

the Instruction Memory. As with the instruction memory, the data memory addresses also begin at 0 and

increment by one in each line.

The instructions that the simulator supports and their encodings are shown in Table 1. Note that all

instructions, except for “halt”, exist in the MIPS ISA. The MIPS Green Sheet from HW1 defines the

semantics of each instruction.

Name Format Type Opcode (Hex) Func


addu R-Type 00 21

subu R-Type 00 23

addiu I-Type 09

and R-Type 00 24

or R-Type 00 25

nor R-Type 00 27

beq I-Type 04

j J-Type 02

lw I-Type 23

sw I-Type 2B

halt J-Type 3F

Table 1. Instruction encodings for a reduced MIPS ISA

Instructor: Siddharth Garg

Skeleton Code

The file “MIPS.cpp” contains a skeleton code for the assignment. You need to fill in the missing code. In

this section, we provide descriptions for each of the components in the skeleton code.


We have defined four C++ classes that each implement one of the four major blocks in a single cycle

MIPS, namely RF (to implement the register file), ALU (to implement the ALU), INSMem (to implement

instruction memory), and DataMem (to implement data memory).

1. RF class: contains 32 32-bit registers defined as a private member. Remember that register $0 is

always 0. Your job is to implement the implement the ReadWrite() member function that

provides read and write access to the register file.

2. ALU class: implements the ALU. Your job is to implement ALUOperation() member function

that performs the appropriate operation on two 32 bit operands based on ALUOP. See Table 1 for

more details.

3. INSMem class: a Byte addressable memory that contains instructions. The constructor InsMem()

initializes the contents of instruction memory from the file imem.txt (this has been done for you).

Your job is to implement the member function ReadMemory() that provides read access to

instruction memory. An access to the instruction memory class returns 4 bytes of data; i.e., the

byte pointed to by the address and the three subsequent bytes.

4. DataMem class: is similar to the instruction memory, except that it provides both read and write


Main Function

The main function defines a 32 bit program counter (PC) that is initialized to zero. The MIPS simulation

routine is carried out within a while loop. In each iteration of the while loop, you will fetch one instruction

from the instruction memory, and based on the instruction, make calls to the register file, ALU and data

memory classes (in fact, you might need to make two calls to the register file class, once to read and a

second time to write back). Finally you will update the PC so as to fetch the next instruction. When the halt

instruction is fetched, you are to break out of the while loop and terminate the simulation.

Make sure that the architectural state is updated correctly after execution of each instruction. The

architectural state consists of the Program Counter (PC), the Register File (RF) and the Data Memory

(DataMem). We will check the correctness of the architectural state after each instruction.

Specifically, the OutputRF() function is called at the end of each iteration of the while loop, and will add

the new state of the Register File to “RFresult.txt”. Therefore, at the end of the program execution

“RFresult.txt” contains all the intermediate states of the Register File. Once the program terminates, the

OutputDataMem() function will write the final state of the Data Memory to “dmem.txt”. These functions

have been implemented for you. Do not modify them.

(Note: You should delete the “RFresult.txt” file before re-executing your program, otherwise the

new results will append to the previous results.)

Instructor: Siddharth Garg

What You Have to Do

1. We have provided skeleton code in the file MIPS.cpp. Finish the code.

A Makefile has been provided for you to compile the source code.

You will be provided with an account on Gauss (gauss.poly.edu). While you can use any

development environment to write and test your code, we will test it on Gauss.

On Gauss, you can compile your design by typing “make” which would create the MIPS

executable. Run the executable using “./MIPS” command.

You are welcome to write your own Makefile to compile the code (for example, if you

add new header files etc) but in this case you must include a “howto.txt” file explaining

how to compile your submitted source code.

Code that does not compile will automatically be given a 0.

2. We have provided a library of test cases containing sample “imem.txt” and “dmem.txt” files

that allow you to test different functions in your MIPS simulator. The imem.txt and dmem.txt

files for the test case you want to run must be placed in the same directory as the source code

before running it.

3. We encourage you to write your own MIPS programs and check your design for different cases.

Some useful references for this lab:

1. A brief introduction to C++ (https://web.eecs.umich.edu/~sugih/pointers/c++.pdf)

2. A reference for the C++ bitset class (http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/bitset/bitset/)

3. A reference to the C++ string class (http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/)

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