ICSI 402 – Systems Programming
Fall 2018 Project Description
Date given: Sep. 20, 2018 Midterm/Final report due: Oct. 18/Dec. 07, 2018
Notes: Programs that produce compiler/linker errors will receive a grade of zero.
What to Submit: For each of the deadlines mentioned above, you should submit via Blackboard
as a single compressed file (i.e., zip): (i) a PDF file with your report, and (ii) your C code (properly
commented). The names and student ids of all team members should be clearly presented at the
beginning of your report.
A. Description. In this project, we will build a simplistic in–memory database accessible
through a naive command–line text–based user interface (i.e., the user types commands in order to
interact with the in–memory database). Your interface should interpret script files, in addition to
accepting one command at a time from the keyboard, and use a user–level library that implements
the in–memory database.
We will start by describing the user interface. The executable of your program must be
named naiveinterface. Your makefile must ensure this. The naiveinterface program must
support the following usage: naiveinterface [scriptfile]. When no arguments are given,
naiveinterface should enter a loop in which it accepts one command at a time as keyboard input
(e.g., using scanf). The user types a command, and then presses ‘return’ on the keyboard
to execute it (i.e., the command will end with a newline character). Your program must block
until the command completes and, if the return code is abnormal, print out a message to that
effect. Alternatively, your program should open the given file (if one is provided) and interpret the
contents as a sequence of commands to execute. You may assume that each line of the script file
corresponds to one command.
Your user interface should accept and support the following commands:
quit: When this command is encountered, naiveinterface should stop processing commands,
prompt the user for confirmation (i.e., “Are you sure you want to exit? All files will
be lost! Y/N”), accept the user input, delete all data structures and intermediate files (if
any) created, and exit.
Output redirection: Your naiveinterface program should allow output to be redirected
to a file (e.g., executing the command srchindx -o ALT indx.txt flightdata > foo.txt
should execute srchindx in the flightdata directory and print its output in file foo.txt).
create: This command is used for creating new files, directories, and links. This is a separate
program that can be executed by naiveinterface, or can be executed from a terminal by
running its executable file. The create program should support the following usage:
– create -f filepath creates an empty, ordinary file whose name is given in the specified
path. The path can be an absolute pathname, a relative pathname, or just a bare
filename, in which case the file should be created in the current directory. The new file
should have permission 0640 specified in octal.
– create -d dirpath creates a new directory whose name is given in the specified path.
The new file should have permission 0750 specified in octal.
– create -h oldname linkname creates a hard link. oldname is the path or name of an
existing file, and linkname is the path or name of the hard link to be created.
– create -s oldname linkname creates a symbolic (i.e., soft) link. oldname is the path
or name of an existing file, and linkname is the path or name of the symbolic link to be
fileconverter: This command is used for converting a binary file containing flight data
records into a set of text files. You can assume that the binary file has been produced
error-free and that records in the binary file correspond one-to-one to records (one for each
line) in the text file. The fileconverter program should support the following usage:
fileconverter infile outdirectory, where parameter infile is the name of the input
file, and outdirectory indicates the directory where the output files are to be stored.
You may assume that each line of the output text file contains information about a single flight
in the format: AirlineCodeFlightNumber OriginAirportCode DestinationAirportCode
<DepartureDate>, where the four items are separated by single whitespace characters and
the format of <DepartureDate> is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM. Note that this format is easily comparable.
For example, a record would look like “AA43 DFW DTW 2016-01-06 11:00”, with
“2016-01-06 11:00” being the DepartureDate.
Given a binary input file, your fileconverter program should produce a collection of text
files (using the create command), such that each file contains only flights operated by a single
airline. The set of files should be stored in outdirectory. For example, all American Airlines
flights should be stored in AA.txt, whereas all Delta flights should be stored in DL.txt.
Additionally, flight records in a text file should be sorted in order of <DepartureDate>.
indexer: This command is used to parse a set of files and create an inverted index, which
maps each airport code found in the files to the subset of files that contain that code.
Your inverted index should additionally maintain the frequency with which each airport
code appears in each file. The inverted index should be maintained in sorted order by
airport code. The executable version of your indexer program must support the following
usage: indexer [inverted-index file name] directory, where the first argument,
inverted-index file name, is the name of a file that your program should create to hold
the inverted index. The second argument, directory, is the name of the directory that contains
files your indexer should index. If only a directory is provided as argument (i.e., the
first argument is a directory), your indexer program should operate on the specified directory
and generate the default index file “invind.txt”. You may assume that files in a directory
cannot have the same name. The index file should be stored in the following format:
<list> term
name1 count1 name2 count2 name3 count3 name4 count4 name5 count5
For example,
“ATL” → (“AA.txt”, 10), (“DL.txt”, 3)
“DFW” → (“DL.txt”, 1)
Note that the above depiction provides a logical view of the inverted index. In your program,
you have to define appropriate data structures to hold the mappings (i.e., airport code → list
of files), the list of records, and the records (file name, count). After constructing the entire
inverted index in memory, only then should your program save it to a file.
Additionally, the mapping is to be maintained in ascending sorted order based on the ASCII
coding of characters (i.e., “A” before “B” and “AA” before “AB”), whereas records in each
list are to be maintained in descending sorted order based on frequency counts of the terms
in the files.
srchindx: This command is used to perform a search over a file or a directory using an
inverted index file. Specifically, your srchindx is to support the following usage: srchindx
flag terms [inverted-index file name] [path], where the argument inverted-index
file name denotes the name of the file that your indexer has created to hold the inverted
index, and [path] is the filename to a file or directory. Given a filename, your program should
search for terms in that filename only. Given a directory, your program should search for
terms in all files in the directory (and subdirectories, if any) recursively. terms is a list of
terms to be used for search and can be 1 or more. If more than one terms are provided, they
will be separated by semicolons (e.g., ALT;DFW). Argument flag indicates if search is to be
performed on origin (-o) or destination (-d) airports accordingly. For example,
o Execution of command srchindx -o ALT;DFW indx.txt flightdata, should search
for records with origin airports ALT or DFW. The search should be performed across
all files under directory flightdata using the inverted index stored in file indx.txt
o Issuing command srchindx -d ALT flightdata, should result in search of records with
destination airport ALT in all files under directory flightdata using the inverted index
stored in file invind.txt (i.e., the default filename for the inverted index).
To facilitate efficient search, your program is to maintain in memory the following two data
– A hash table to store records from the inverted file created by indexer associated with
origin airports. The key will be the origin airport itself. Additionally, you will use
chaining, according to which, each element of the array is the head of a linked list. At
index y in the array, the linked list contains all of the objects whose keys have hash
value y. Thus, to insert an element O with key k into the hash table, the following steps
need to be performed: (i) a new linked list node N needs to be constructed to store O,
(ii) the hash value y = h(k), where h() is a given hash function, must be computed,
(iii) if table[y] is null (i.e., the list at location y is empty), then simply set table[y] = N,
otherwise, insert N into the existing linked list stored in table[y].
– Given a destination airport, your program should construct a binary search tree
(BST), whose nodes store information about each airline flying to that airport, and the
number of flights each airline operates in that airport. Specifically, each node has a key
(i.e., an airline with at least one flight to the given airport), one data value (i.e., the
number of flights to the airport), a left child, and a right child (the children are also
nodes). At the “top” of the tree is a special node, called the root, which is not the
child of any other node. Your BST should keep keys in sorted order, so that lookup and
insertion can use the principle of binary search. Specifically, given a node N with key
k, the left subtree of N should contain only nodes whose keys precede k, while the right
subtree of N should contain only nodes whose keys succeed k in lexicographical order.
Given a set of terms, your program should construct a hash table and a binary search tree
for each of the terms by inserting information from files as listed by the ls program. Your
program should not do any tree rebalancing, and your hash table size will be a function of
your teammebers ids. Specific instructions about the derivation of the hash table size will be
provided around the time of your progress report.
For each of the terms provided in the input, your program should print to stdout, the
– The contents of the hash table, with one array element per line. Each array element
is a list of nodes at that index. Each node should display the origin airport and number
of airlines operating from that airport. Each line should be of the form: index:
listNode1 → listNode2 → · · · → listNodeN → NULL.
– An in–order traversal of the BST. For each node, output the airline code.
Extra Credit: Plot the execution time (in seconds) of your srchindx program to perform a search
given a set of airports. Specifically, draw the following figures:
(i) Running time of your program with and without BST as a function of the number of (a)
airlines, and (b) airports in the database.
(ii) Running time of your program with and without hashtable as a function of the number of
(a) airlines, and (b) airports in the database.
Does the running time of your srchindx program change with the size of the set of airports provided
as input? Try passing in (a) just 1 airport, (b) 10 airports, and (c) 100 airports, and report your
B. Error Handling. For cases not covered by this specification, you may specify and implement
a reasonable behavior. Additionally, your program must detect the following fatal errors.
A wrong number of command line arguments is provided. In this case, your naiveinterface
program should print an error message and stop.
The script file provided could not be opened. In this case, your naiveinterface program
should print an error message and stop.
A pathname given to either of the create,fileconverter, indexer or srchindx programs
cannot be opened. In this case, the corresponding program should print an error message
including the reason for failure (e.g., doesn’t exist) and exit. Note that your naiveinterface
program should not exit in this case, but instead continue executing commands. The only
thing your naiveinterface program should be aware of is whether the program it called
(e.g., srchindx) encountered an error or not.
Wrong number of arguments given to either one of create, fileconverter, indexer or
srchindx programs. The create (similarly for fileconverter, indexer, and srchindx)
program should print an error message and stop. However, your naiveinterface program
should not exit, but instead continue executing commands.
The specified input file provided to fileconverter cannot be opened. In this case, the
fileconverter program should print an error message including the reason for failure and
exit. Note that your naiveinterface program should not exit in this case but instead
continue executing commands.
An invalid command is given to your naiveinterface. In this case, naiveinterface should
print an error message and then continue processing commands.
C. Remarks.
You may not utilize the system() function to complete any of the tasks.
You may not have your naiveinterface program execute any existing bash utility programs
(e.g., ls, ln, mkdir). It must utilize system calls to execute other programs. In turn, these
programs must issue system calls directly (i.e., they too cannot use the system() function or
execute any of the existing bash programs).
When your source code is compiled and linked, it should produce five (5) executable files,
namely, naiveinterface, create, fileconverter, indexer, and srchindx.
Your naiveinterface program should execute each of the list, create, and fileconverter
programs by creating a child process and having that child process execute the corresponding
executable for that command, while the parent process (i.e., the naiveinterface program)
waits for the child process to finish.
The create fileconverter, indexer, and srchindx programs should accept their arguments
via the argv parameter.
For your fileconverter program, you may assume that the given binary file will be non–
empty, and that it will additionally contain the correct representation of each record of the
corresponding text file.
If any part of your programs fails to compile, you will receive a zero on the entire assignment.
D. Structural Requirements. Your submission must at least contain the following files:
1. A C source file named naiveinterface.c with just the main function for your shell program.
2. A C source file named create.c with just the main function for the list program.
3. A C source file named fileconverter.c with just the main function for the fileconverter
4. A C source file named interfaceFunctions.c, which contains functions for handling the
commands (i.e., quit and output redirection) that the shell program must perform.
5. A C source file named input.c with the function char* getLine(FILE* stream). This
function reads one line from the specified file and returns the result as a null terminated
string. Note that this can be used to read from stdin by calling it as getLine(stdin). This
source file can additionally contain helper functions.
6. A header file containing the structure definition(s) for your BST and function prototypes for
functions related to your BSt table, i.e., inserting a node into the table, retrieving the number
of flights given an airline code, and printing the contents of the tree to stdout.
7. A header file containing the structure definition(s) of your hash table and the function prototypes
for functions related to your hash table.
8. The C file hashFunction.c which will be provided to you on Blackboard, and contains a
hash function that you must use in your program.
9. Your makefile should include a clean target.
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