Assignment #2
CS320 Assignment #2
This assignment is designed to familiarize you with C++ programming, tokenizers
and parsers.
This assignment consists of one major requirements.
1) Developing solutions to the problems below.
2) Your assignments will be checked, submitted and graded electronically.
1) Create the following C++ programs/libraries. Your programs will follow the
naming scheme specified: progX_Y.zzz Where X is the assignment number, Y
is the program/library number for the assignment and zzz is the file extension
for the particular language we will be writing that code in. For example, the
first program for the first assignment will be in the file prog1_1.c
(Capitalization matters!). Every driver you write for this class will start by
printing a standardized header. The header will look like this:
Assignment #X-Y, <NAME>, <EMAIL>
Only programs that have entry points will print the header.
Your program must use the strings used in the examples provided. You do not
have any creative leeway in the prompts or the responses. Most of the
grading in this course is done automatically and the autograder is extremely
Please ensure that you commit and push your submission files as well.
Not all of your programs will be a driver (have an entry point). Some of the
programs you write will be libraries for other programs.
Assignment #2
Create a C++ Tokenizer class. This Tokenizer class will consist of both a
header and a class file. You will create the prog2_1.hpp and prog2_1.cpp
This Tokenizer class will have four public methods. First, the
constructor, which will setup/create any internal data structures you need.
Second, the destructor, which will delete any internal data structures you
created during the lifetime of the object.
Third will be a void function that takes a single string argument name
Tokenize. This Tokenize function will tokenize the input string on the space
character. Only the following tokens are valid:
push, pop, add, sub, mul, div, mod, skip, save, get and any valid integer.
If an input string contains a potential token that is not one of those values the
function should throw a std::exception with the message “Unexpected token:
<value>” where <value> is replaced by the unexpected token. (If the input
was “foobar 3.14” only the first bad token ‘foobar’ should cause the
exception, which should read “Unexpected token: foobar”.
Any valid input should then have all of those tokens saved inside the
tokenizer in some sort of queue structure that will return them when
requested by the GetTokens function.
Fourth will be a vector<string> function that takes no arguments
named GetTokens. This function will retrieve a single set of input tokens that
had previously been passed to the function Tokenize in a queue fashion (the
first input to Tokenize is the first output from GetTokens). If there are no
remaining outputs the function should throw a std::exception with the
message “No tokens”.
This Tokenizer class will be used by prog2_1.
Create a driver program that will take a single command line argument
which will be the name of a file. Your program should then Tokenize each line
of that file. Your program 2_2 should Tokenize all of the input before it outputs
anything. If any input line would cause a Tokenization error, print the
following error message:
“Error on line <#>: Unexpected token: <value>”
And stop processing the file. No other output should occur.
If there are no tokenization errors, the tokens should be printed to STDOUT
comma separated, line by line.
Assignment #2
Example compilation:
g++ prog2_2.cpp prog2_1.cpp -o prog2_2
Example execution:
./prog2_2 testfile.txt
testfile.txt contents:
push 3
foobar 3.14
Example run (User input to STDIN highlighted with yellow):
Assignment #2-2, Scott Lindeneau,
Error on line 2: Unexpected token: foobar
Example execution:
./prog2_2 testfile.txt
testfile.txt contents:
push 3
push 3.14
Example run (User input to STDIN highlighted with yellow):
Assignment #2-2, Scott Lindeneau,
Error on line 2: Unexpected token: 3.14
Example execution:
./prog2_2 testfile.txt
testfile.txt contents:
push 3
push 6
pop 6
Example run (User input to STDIN highlighted with yellow):
Assignment #2-2, Scott Lindeneau,
Create a class called Parser (prog2_3.cpp and prog2_3.hpp). The Parser
will have three public functions. The constructor, and destructor as
appropriate and the boolean function Parse which will take a single
vector<string> argument. The parse function will validate that the input
Assignment #2
adheres to the following rules. If an input line is valid the function should
return true. If it is invalid it should return false.
The following tokens must appear by themselves on a single line:
pop, add, sub, mul, div, mod, skip
Any other line that contains a single token is invalid.
The following tokens must appear on a single line of two tokens, in the
correct order:
push <int>
save <int>
get <int>
Any other input is invalid.
Create a driver that tokenizes all of the input lines and then parses all
of the input lines. All of the input should be completely tokenized before any
parsing should be done. On tokenization error your program should print an
error as in prog2_2. On parseing error your program should print: “Parse error
line <#>: <line>” and your program should stop executing. When all input in
valid it should be printed line by line with commas separating the tokens.
Example compilation:
g++ prog2_4.cpp prog2_3.cpp prog2_1.cpp -o prog2_4
Example execution:
./prog2_4 testfile.txt
testfile.txt contents:
push 3
pop 3
foobar 3.14
Example run (User input to STDIN highlighted with yellow):
Assignment #2-4, Scott Lindeneau,
Error on line 3: Unexpected token: foobar
Example execution:
./prog2_4 testfile.txt
testfile.txt contents:
push 3
pop 3
push 6
Example run (User input to STDIN highlighted with yellow):
Assignment #2
Assignment #2-4, Scott Lindeneau,
Parse error on line 2: pop 3
Example execution:
./prog2_4 testfile.txt
testfile.txt contents:
push 3
push 6
Example run (User input to STDIN highlighted with yellow):
Assignment #2-4, Scott Lindeneau,
2) After you have committed your files you will have to grant me developer
access to your repository. To do this you must open the project on,
and open the Members page that is under the settings menu on the right
hand side of the page (It looks like a gear). Add me to your project by typing
in my username: slindeneau and make sure that the project access is set to
You will need to do this for every assignment.
3) The last step involves verifying that everything is working correctly. Please go
Input your first and last name (as it appears on blackboard), your gitlab
username and select the assignment you would like to grade. Verify that all of
the parts of your program work as expected.
Passwords are not required for to function. If your
project does not get graded, you have not given correct access to the correct
developer account on gitlab.
Additional Details
You should be able to investigate any issues you have on your own and spend
the time necessary to understand what is happening overall.
Assignment #2
Late Policy
No late turn in is accepted.
Cheating Policy
There is a zero tolerance policy on cheating in this course. You are expected to
complete all programming assignments on your own. Collaboration with other
students in the course is not permitted. You may discuss ideas or solutions in
general terms with other students, but you must not exchange code. (Remember
that you can get help from me. This is not cheating, but is in fact encouraged.) I
will examine your code carefully. Anyone caught cheating on a programming
assignment or on an exam will result in a zero for the class or assignment.
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