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日期:2018-09-30 05:56

Elec4622/Elec9722 Laboratory Project 2, 2018 S2

David Taubman

September 7, 2018

1 Introduction

This is the second of three mini-projects to be demonstrated and assessed within the regular scheduled

laboratory sessions. This project is due in Week 11. The project is worth a nominal 10 marks, out of the

30 marks available for the laboratory component of the course. However, there are two optional taskss

which attract a lot of potential bonus marks.

In this project, you will implement and understand the Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) filter. LOG

filtering plays an important role in edge detection for image analysis. From an educational point of view,

LOG filters also provide an excellent demonstration of the important connection between discrete and

continuous LSI operators — derivative operators in particular. Further, the project will help to familiarize

you with scale-space concepts. In the remainder of this introduction, we provide a brief overview of the

theory behind LOG filtering.

1.1 The Laplacian Operator in Continuous Space

Let f (s) denote a spatially continuous signal. Throughout this treatment s ≡ (s1, s2) is a two-dimensional

spatial location, although everything works for any number of spatial dimensions. In continuous space, the

gradient operator 8 is well-defined. Specifically, 8f is the vector field

8f (s) = # f(s)

which measures the rate of change of intensity in each of the vertical and horizontal directions.

In the Fourier domain, we know that

where D1 (ω) = jω1 and D 2 (ω) = jω2 are the transfer functions of the horizontal and vertical derivative

operators, respectively. Of course, differentiation is an LSI operator (i.e., a filter), so that differentiation

is nothing other than convolution in the continuous space domain, using PSF’s D1 (s) = F 1 (jω1) and

D2 (s) = F 1 (jω2), respectively.

The Laplacian operator 82produces the scalar field

Figure 1: Horizontal profile of a vertical edge.

In vector calculus, the Laplacian operator is sometimes written as 8 · 8. In fact, in the Fourier domain,

the Laplacian operator behaves exactly like a dot product. Specifically, we have

Of course, the Laplacian operator is also LSI, so that the operation can also be viewed as a convolution in

the space domain.

One important property of the laplacian operator is that it is isotropic. That is, the operation is

invariant to rotation. This is easy to see, since

is circularly symmetric in the Fourier domain, meaning that the operator’s PSF must also be circularly


Together, the second derivative and isotropic properties of the Laplacian operator have useful implications

for its behaviour in the presence of edges. Suppose the spatially continuous image f (s) contains a

vertical edge, so that

f (s1, s2) = fedge (x)|

x=s2 ,

where fedge is the edge profile illustrated Figure 1. A reasonable definition for the location of the edge is

the point s2 = x0 at which ?2

x2 fedge equals 0. Now

82f (s) = 2f (s)

fedge (s2),

since all vertical derivatives of a vertical edge are zero. It follows that the edge location coincides with the

zero crossing of the Laplacian 82f (s). Although we have considered only horizontal edges, the rotational

invariance of the Laplacian operator ensures that the same property should hold for edges of all orientations.

That is, the location of an edge in any orientation is well described by the zero crossings of 82f (s).


1.2 The LOG Operator in Continuous Space

One major problem with the Laplacian operator, as it stands, is that derivatives are very sensitive to noise.

One way to see this is that the Laplacian operator amplifies high frequency components by

This amplification process strongly affects white noise which has constant power at all frequencies. The

noise-free signal itself usually has most of its energy at lower frequencies. Even “high frequency” features

such as sharp edges produce power spectra which are located at DC in the parallel direction and decay as in the transverse direction.

To reduce the sensitivity to noise, we can think of first applying a low-pass filter to the image f (s).

Gaussian filters are a natural candidate since they do not impact the circular symmetry of the Laplacian

operator. The LOG operation may then be expressed in the Fourier domain as

Here, σ2 is the variance of the Gaussian PSF

Notice that instead of low-pass filtering f and then taking the second derivatives of the result, we can just

filter f directly with

In fact

σ is the just 82Gσ, having PSF

It follows that the zero crossings of the LOG filtered image, gσ (s), identify the locations of edges in

the (Gaussian) low-pass filtered original image. The single parameter σ2, determines the scale of the edge

detection process: large values of σ2 eliminate all but the lowest frequency components so that the edges

of larger image features are detected; small values of σ2 allow more rapid changes in the filtered image, so

that the smaller image features can be detected.

1.3 Discrete LOG Filters

As discussed in Chapter 2 of your lecture notes, and also in lectures, Gaussian filtering can be implemented

directly by discrete convolution with PSF

Gσ [n] = Gσ (s)|

s=n ,

so long as the variance is sufficiently large to ensure that Gσ is effectively Nyquist bandlimited — i.e.,


fσ (ω) ≈ 0 for ω ∈/ [π, π]

According to equation (1),

f2σ (ω) also decays exponentially, but grows only

quadratically, so the same argument shows that the LOG operator can be implemented with high accuracy,

by discrete convolution with

so long as σ2 is sufficiently large.

You should expand equation (2), both for your practical implementation in this project and also to

convince yourself that ?2

σ [n] can be well approximated by an FIR filter. You need to make your own

(sensible) judgements concerning the region of support for this FIR filter.

2 Tasks

The tasks presented below build progressively on one another. For demonstration purposes, you may like

to create a separate project for each task, within a single workspace. You can do this by using the “File

→ New → Project” option in Visual C++, replacing the “Create new solution” option with “Add to


Task 1: (3 marks) Write a C/C++ program which can perform LOG filtering on a monochrome or colour

BMP image, writing the result to a new BMP image.

Your program should accept the value of σ as one of its command-line arguments, for testing

purposes. This means that the program should dynamically adjust its filter coefficients (and

filter region of support) according to the value of σ.

For this task, you should implement the FIR filter directly, using floating point arithmetic.

Your program should accept a real-valued scaling factor α as another of its command-line arguments,

that allows the LOG filtered values to be scaled prior to writing them to the output

image file, so as to facilitate visual inspection.

Noting that the sample values output by your LOG filter are naturally centred about 0, you

should add 128 to all values prior to writing the output file.

Be prepared to comment on the images you recover using the algorithm.

Task 2: (2 marks) The LOG filter itself is not separable; however, it is a sum of two separable filters. In

this task, you modify the program created in Task 1 to exploit this separability for a more efficient


Processing should still be performed in floating point arithmetic, for simplicity.

Use release builds to compare the speed of your two implementations (Task 1 and Task 2). Make

an electronic record of your results, but also be prepared to demonstrate the timing during the

laboratory demonstration in Week 10.

Task 3: (2 marks) Modify your program to write a sequence of output images, corresponding to progressively

larger values of σ, so that you can put this image sequence into a single (MFLEX) video file

with the Media Interface tools and play it back. The resulting sequence of images is a type of scale

space. Your modified program should accept arguments that identify minimum and maximum values

for σ, i.e., σmin and σmax, along with the total number of scales Nσ, producing Nσ images whose

scales σ are spaced logarithmically between σmin and σmax.

Task 4: (3 marks) Modify your program from Task 2 or Task 3 (your choice) to produce a candidate edge

map for each scale σ — only one scale if you modify Task 2.4

The output from your program should be an image with only two values: 0 or 255, where 255

corresponds to a potential edge location.

Notionally, the value 255 should be written to locations that correspond to zero crossing in the

underlying spatially continuous LOG-filtered image. However, since you only have a discrete

LOG-filtered image you will have to come up with (or research) an appropriate heuristic based

on the immediate neighbours of each pixel, to determine whether a zero-crossing is likely to

occur nearby.

It is acceptable for your program to work only with monochrome input images, but to support

colour images in this task it is sufficient to perform the same operation on each colour plane,

producing a colour edge map where a non-zero value (255) in any colour plane corresponds to

a potential zero-crossing in the plane’s LOG-filtered sample values.

Task 5: (optional, up to 2 bonus marks) Modify your program from Task 2 to work with integer sample

values and all integer arithmetic — additions, multiplications and shifts.

Task 6: (optional, up to 2 bonus marks) Modify your program from Task 4 to add a simple morphological

dilation stage, in which the potential zero-crossings are considered to be the foreground pixels,

and the structuring set for the dilation operation is the 3 × 3 cross

It is important that you be able to quickly show the edge maps you obtain both before and after

dilation, so both images should be output by your program.

3 Assessment

You should not rely upon implementing this project within the scheduled laboratory sessions. There will

be some opportunity to do this within the first half of the Week 10 laboratory session. However, you must

be prepared to demonstrate your work and be assessed individually at any time in the last half of that

session you cannot expect demonstrators to mark your work only during the final hour of the

laboratory session.

In order to obtain the full marks for any given task, you must have a working program to demonstrate

and you must be able to explain how it works and answer questions very quickly.

You may feel free to re-use code from the previous laboratory sessions, so long as you understand it.

You may also discuss the project with other students in the class, but your programs should be your

own original work. As with assessment tasks in other subjects, UNSW regards plagiarism as a serious

offense; for a first offense, the penalty would be loss of all marks for the project.

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