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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2018-09-07 04:11

Object-oriented design and programming

Learning outcomes

The purpose of this assignment is to target the following learning outcomes:

• Gain confidence modeling a problem.

• Gain confidence programming in C++.

• Apply OOP concepts such as inheritance and encapsulation.

• Apply good coding practices such as naming conventions and code reuse.

1 The Emergency Services System

In this assignment you will simulate the management of an emergency services system. Your program will allow

an emergency services system to manage emergencies by providing functionality to represent users of the system

(staff, civilians), represent emergencies, represent vehicles, assign staff to emergencies, etc. You have been given

headers with class and method declarations for the classes you must implement in parts of this assignment. You

are encouraged to add helper methods or data members to these classes where necessary to structure and simplify

code, but you should not change any existing method declarations (except where specified).

2 Tasks

2.1 Private copy constructors and copy-assignment operators

You will notice in most of the classes we have declared the copy constructors and copy-assignment constructors as

private. This means you are not allowed to pass these types around by value (review the lecture about copying

objects). Instead, you must use pointers to those types. While the declarations are provided inside the respective

header files, you only need to provide simple implementations in the corresponding files to stop compiler warnings

(if any).

2.2 Implement the Vehicle and Address classes [Task 1]

You will need to complete the implementation of the following classes: Vehicle and Address classes. The very first

test only requires you to return your username (formerly known as UPI) inside EmergencyServicesSystem::author().

2.2.1 Implement the Vehicle class

You may add more code to the header, but don’t change the existing method declarations. The Vehicle class holds

the properties of a vehicle which will transport staff to an emergency. Every vehicle has a name and a capacity that

determines how many staff it can transport. You need to declare member variables and implement the constructor,

getName() and getCapacity() methods.


• Vehicle(const string &name,int capacity)

Implement the constructor of the Vehicle class. The parameters passed into this constructor refer to the name

and capacity of the vehicle. You need to set the instance variables name and capacity respectively from these


• getName(), getCapacity()

These methods should return the respective instance variable; the vehicle’s name and vehicle’s capacity (all set in

the constructor).

2.2.2 Implement the Address class

An Address is represented by a number, street, suburb and postcode. The number is a two or three digit positive

number. The street and suburb are strings and you can assume valid values will be used. The postcode contains only

4 numbers, with the first 2 digits between 1-4 and the last 2 digits between 0-9. The postcode will be represented

as a string.

• Address(int number, string street, string suburb, string postcode)

The constructor method sets the initial values of the number, street, suburb and postcode parameters.

• getNumber(), getStreet(), getSuburb() and getPostcode()

These methods return respective instance variables; the number, street, suburb and postcode.

• int number

This number must be a two or three digit positive number. If the number passed in to the constructor doesn’t fit

this criteria, then a default number of 10 should be assigned.

• string postcode

This postcode must be a 4 digit number. The first two digits of the postcode must be between 1-4 inclusive. The

last two digits must be between 0-9 inclusive. If the postcode passed in to the constructor doesn’t meet these

criteria, it should be given the default value of “1111”.

• void changeAddressTo(int number, string street, string suburb, string postcode)

This function sets the new number, street, suburb and postcode values for the respective Address. Similar to the

constructor, any values that don’t fit the previously mentioned criteria should result in the field being replaced with

the default values mentioned above.

2.2.3 Testing Task 1

Testing code in this assignment works in a similar way to Assignment 1. When you are ready to test your code, you

can compile and run the tests by executing the command make test from the command line console. Alternatively

you can use Eclipse or another IDE.

Making sure that your program passes all of the tests you have been given will not guarantee that you will get

100% of the marks for this assignment, but it will mean that you get at least some marks for the parts that work

according to those tests. Writing your own tests or extending the ones you have been given is strongly recommended,

as there are many requirements in this assignment that the existing tests do not cover. Look at the assignment

specifications, and think carefully about which specifications were explicitly mentioned but there aren’t test cases

provided to you (for example, valid ranges of number or postcode).

2.3 Implement the Humans [Task 2]

You will complete the Human, Civilian, Staff, Suspect, Victim, PoliceOfficer, Paramedic and FireFighter

classes defined in the respective header files within the Emergency Services folder (e.g. Emergency Services/Human.hpp).

The implementation files for most of these classes have also already been created for you with blank implementations

for the methods, but some you will need to add yourself before the code compiles. The aim of this task is to create

objects to represent people that will be involved with emergencies. A human instance is identified by their personal


name. If the person is staff, they will have a name and we also want to save their unique staff ID. Moreover, the

staff can also perform a task that’s required at the emergency. Police officers, paramedics and firefighters are three

types of staff that our system wants to save info about. If the staff member is a police officer, their task is to catch

the suspect. If the staff member is a paramedic their task is to treat the victim. The firefighter doesn’t have a

specific task that differs from a general staff member. We should be able to check if a staff member has completed

their job. For a civilian, their name must be saved. Victims and suspects are two types of civilians we would like to

differentiate. If the civilian is a victim, we would like to know if they’ve been treated and by how many paramedics.

If they are a suspect, we would like to know if they’ve been caught and by how many police officers. The following

functions are other functions which are related to classes:

• The Civilian class:

The Civilian class will contain information about the debt owed by the civilian.

void increaseDebt(int debt) Add the given debt to the civilian’s total debt.

void decreaseDebt(int debt) Subtract the specified debt from the civilians total debt. Make sure that the debt

is never negative. If this method is called, and the resulting debt is negative, then it should be set to zero.

Don’t overpay your debt!!

• The Staff class:

The Staff class contains information about whether they have completed their job or not, and the Address of the

emergency they have been assigned to. Information about their name is stored in the Human class. Information

about their ID number (an int) is stored in the Staff class. The staff ID number should be unique. This will start

at 0 for the first staff member created, and increase by 1 for every new staff member.

bool isAssigned() Returns true if the Staff member has been assigned to an emergency.

bool isJobComplete() Returns true if the Staff member has completed their job.

int getID() Returns the unique ID of the Staff member.

void performJob() The staff member should perform their job and update their status accordingly. For a PoliceOfficer

this is making sure their assigned suspect is caught. For a Paramedic this is making sure their assigned

victim is treated. If a staff member doesn’t have any assigned targets they should just store that their job

has been completed. As multiple police officers can be assigned to one suspect, they should still update their

job status to complete even if the suspect has already been caught (more on this in the Suspect class). The

same applies to Paramedics/Victims.

• The FireFighter class:

As firefighters will not have an assigned suspect or victim, they should just store that their job has been completed

to perform their job, the same as any general staff member would.

• The PoliceOfficer class:

The PoliceOfficer class should be able to perform their job as described above, and contain information about the

Suspect that they have been assigned.

void assignSuspect(Suspect* suspect) Assigns the Suspect to this police officer.

Suspect* getAssignedSuspect() Returns the Suspect this police officer has been assigned. If they have not been

assigned it should return null (remember we are using 0 in this course).

• The Paramedic class:

The Paramedic class should be able to perform their job as described above, and contain information about the

victim that they have been assigned.

void assignVictim() Assigns the victim to this paramedic


Victim* getAssignedVictim() Returns the victim this staff member has been assigned. If they have not been

assigned it should return null (remember we are using 0 in this course).

• The Victim class:

The Victim class should be as described above, and contain information about the whether they have been treated

and by how many paramedics.

bool isTreated() Returns true if the victim has been treated by one or more paramedics.

int getAmountTreatedBy() Returns the number of times this Victim has been treated by different paramedics

(multiple paramedics may be assigned to one victim).

• The Suspect class:

The Suspect class should be as described above, and contain information about the whether they have been caught

and by how many police officers.

bool isCaught() Returns true if the suspect has been caught by one or more police officers

int getCaughtByAmount() Returns the number of police officers that caught this victim (multiple police officers

may be assigned to one suspect).

As you can see some of the features are repeated several times. For example, all of these entities have a name.

PoliceOfficers, Paramedics and FireFighters all have an ID and must all perform a job. Some things are unique,

such as only police officers have assigned suspects, only paramedics have assigned victims. You therefore need to

consider your design and where you place members/methods. This decreases the repetition by using inheritance

where appropriate. If you implement methods in a base class, you might have to delete the code for the declarations

and implementations of those methods in the derived classes so they aren’t overridden when you don’t want them

to be. Remember your design will be marked for this assignment!

• Testing task 2

The tests for these additional Human subclasses can be enabled by uncommenting the following line at the top of


// # define ENABLE_T2_TESTS

Once the Task 2 tests are enabled, run make test to execute all of the currently enabled tests. Remember that

not all aspects of these classes are tested in the tests you have been given, so don’t assume the task is complete

once all of the tests pass.

2.4 Implementing the Emergency class [Task 3]

In this section you need to implement the Emergency class. The Emergency class includes information about

the address, suspect, victim, assigned staff and status of the Emergency. You will need to complete the relevant

constructor and getter methods. The emergency class will need to be able to have staff members assigned to the

emergency and stored in a vector. Note that they aren’t assigned at construction of the emergency. An emergency

will also have 4 different Status values which should be defined by a Status enum. These are CRITICAL, ASSIGNED,

TRANSPORTED and COMPLETED. Each emergency will begin in the CRITICAL status. When staff members are assigned

to the emergency, it will change to the ASSIGNED status. When the staff members are transported to the emergency,

it will change to the TRANSPORTED status. If the emergency is in the transported state, it can be resolved by

the assigned staff members. This occurs by all assigned staff members performing their job. After all staff have

performed their job, the emergency will change to the COMPLETE status.

You will need to implement the following:

2.4.1 Emergency(Address *address, Victim* victim, Suspect* suspect)

This constructor sets the emergency with the specified address, victim and suspect. The status is not passed in as

a parameter but instead starts in the CRITICAL status.


2.4.2 getAddress(), getVictim(), getSuspect(), getStatus(), getAssignedStaff()

These methods should return the respective members.

2.4.3 bool assignStaff(Staff* staff)

This method will assign the staff member to the emergency. If the emergency is already in the TRANSPORTED or

COMPLETE status then no staff can be assigned. Otherwise, this should update the staff member to show that they

have been assigned. This should then also ensure that the status of the emergency is set to ASSIGNED. Multiple

staff can be assigned to the same emergency.

2.4.4 bool resolve()

This method will resolve the emergency, so that all jobs have been performed. If the emergency is already in the

COMPLETE status, this should return true. If there are no staff assigned to this emergency it should return false.

Otherwise, every assigned staff member should perform their job, then the status should be updated to COMPLETE

and the method should return true.

2.4.5 Testing the Emergency

Tests for the Emergency class have been included in the test.cpp file provided to you. To enable them, uncomment

the following line at the top of test.cpp:

// # define ENABLE_T3_TESTS

This will enable the tests for the Emergency class. Save the test.cpp file and run make test to execute all of

the currently enabled tests.

2.5 Implementing the emergency services system [Task 4]

The EmergencyServicesSystem class implements the core functionality of the system. It ties together Emergency,

Staff and Victim information and controls interactions between them. You need to implement all of the methods

that are declared in EmergencyServicesSystem.hpp file. You can see the description for methods below:

2.5.1 bool addEmergency(Emergency *emergency)

The addEmergency() method adds the emergency to the list of emergencies (create a vector) of the respective

EmergencyServicesSystem. The method should return false if the emergency is already included. This is when two

emergencies have the same number, street, suburb and postcode values. Otherwise, it adds the emergency to the

emergency vector and returns true.

2.5.2 int getStaffCount()

The getStaffCount() method should return the total amount of staff hired by the emergency services system. See

the following method to see how staff are hired.

2.5.3 void hirePoliceOfficer(PoliceOfficer* policeOfficer) , void hireParamedic(Paramedic* paramedic),

void hireFireFighter(FireFighter* fireFighter)

These methods should add a police officer, paramedic and fire fighter, respectively, to the EmergencyServicesSystem.

You have different options for storing these staff. You could choose to store them in a single vector, or have separate

vectors for each group - or any other implementation you can think of.

2.5.4 bool buyVehicle(Vehicle *vehicle)

The buyVehicle() method adds the vehicle to the list of vehicles (create a vector) of the respective EmergencyServicesSystem.


2.5.5 bool assignStaffToEmergency(Address* address, int num policeOfficers, int numParamedics,

int numFireFighters)

This method tries to assign staff to the emergency associated with this address. If the emergency associated with

this address isn’t in the EmergencyServicesSystem, this method should return false. The parameters indicate how

many of each type of staff are required for this emergency. If there aren’t enough police officers and paramedics

and fire fighters available to be assigned, then this method should return false. Otherwise, this method should

assign the correct number of staff to the emergency and return true. Remember to check that the status of the

emergency is updated appropriately as well as the staff members assigned status (You should have handled this

when implementing the Emergency class).

2.5.6 bool transportStaff(Address* address)

This method tries to transport the staff to the emergency associated with this address. If the emergency associated

with this address isn’t in the EmergencyServicesSystem, this method should return false. If there are no staff

assigned to this emergency, then this method should return false as there are no staff to be transported. The total

capacity available to transport the staff is indicated by the sum of the capacities of all vehicles in the EmergencyServicesSystem.

If the total capacity available is smaller than the number of staff assigned to the emergency, then

this method should return false. Otherwise, the emergency can have its status updated to TRANSPORTED and this

method can return true.

2.5.7 bool resolveEmergency(Address* address,)

This method tries to resolve the emergency associated with this address. If the emergency associated with this

address isn’t in the EmergencyServicesSystem, this method should return false. The staff assigned to this emergency

should also already be transported i.e. the emergency should be in the TRANSPORTED status, or it will return false.

This should call the resolve method of the emergency to ensure all staff complete their jobs and that the status of

the emergency is updated to COMPLETED. You should leave the staff as assigned to this emergency even after it’s


2.5.8 Testing the EmergencyServicesSystem

The tests for the EmergencyServicesSystem class can be enabled by uncommenting the following line at the top

of test.cpp:

// # define ENABLE_T4_TESTS

Once the Task 4 tests are enabled, run make to execute all of the currently enabled tests. Remember that not all

aspects of the EmergencyServicesSystem class may be tested in the tests you have been given, so don’t assume

the task is complete once all of the tests pass.

Important: how your code will be marked

• Your code will be marked using a semi-automated setup. If you fail to follow the setup given, your code will

not be marked. All submitted files must compile without requiring any editing. Use the provided tests

and Makefile to ensure your code compiles and runs without errors. Any tests that run for longer than 10

seconds will be terminated and will be recorded as failed.

• Although you may add more to them (e.g. member variables, #include statements, or helper functions), you

must not modify the interface of classes defined in the following files (e.g. do not delete the existing functions


– Emergency Services/Address.hpp, Emergency Services/Emergency.hpp, Emergency Services/Vehicle.hpp

– Emergency Services/Civilian.hpp, Emergency Services/Human.hpp, Emergency Services/Staff.hpp,

Emergency Services/PoliceOfficer.hpp

– Emergency Services/Paramedic.hpp, Emergency Services/FireFighter.hpp, Emergency Services/Suspect.hpp,

Emergency Services/Victim.hpp


– Emergency Services/EmergencyServicesSystem.hpp

• Do not move any existing code files to a new directory, and make sure all of your new code files are created

inside the Emergency Services directory.

• You may modify test.cpp as you please (for your own testing purposes); these files will not be marked at

all. Be aware that your code must still work with the original test.cpp.

• Your code will also be inspected for good programming practices, particularly using good object-oriented

principles. Think about naming conventions for variables and functions you declare. Make sure you comment

your code where necessary to help the marker understand why you wrote a piece of code a specific way, or

what the code is supposed to do. Use consistent indentation and brace placement.

• Also complete destructors of the classes where appropriate. This set will be manually marked, so be sure to

think about it and use delete for objects created on the heap when they are no longer needed.


You will submit via Canvas. Make sure you can get your code compiled and running via command line

with the test.cpp file provided in the ECE Department Linux (Ubuntu) computers (i.e. where your

labs are). Submit the following, in a single ZIP archive file:

• A signed and dated Cover Sheet stating that you worked on the assignment independently, and that it

is your own work. Include your name, ID number, the date, the course and assignment number. You can

generate and download this in Canvas, see the Cover Sheet entry.

• The entire contents of the src for students folder you were given at the start of the assignment, including

the new files and code you have written for this assignment. Ensure you execute make clean before zipping

the folder so your submission does not include any executable files (your code will be re-built for marking).

• Do NOT nest your zip files (i.e. do not put a zip file inside a zip file).

You must double check that you have uploaded the correct code for marking! There will be no exceptions

if you accidentally submitted the wrong files, regardless of whether you can prove you did not modify them since the

deadline. No exceptions. Get into the habit of downloading them again, double-checking all is there, and compiling

and running the code again.

Academic honesty

• The work done on this assignment must be your own work. Think carefully about any problems you come

across, and try to solve them yourself before you ask anyone for help (struggling a little with it will help you

learn, especially if you end up solving it). If you still need help, check on Canvas (if it is about interpreting

the assignment specifications) or ask in the Lab help clinics (if you would like more personal help with C++).

Under no circumstances should you take or pay for an electronic copy of someone else’s work.

• All submitted code will be checked using software similarity tools. Submissions with suspicious similarity will

result in an Investigative Meeting and will be forwarded to the Disciplinary Committee.

• Penalties for copying will be severe – to avoid being caught copying, don’t do it.

• To ensure you are not identified as cheating you should follow these points:

– Always do individual assignments by yourself.

– Never show or give another person your code.

– Never put your code in a public place (e.g. Reddit, Github, forums, your website).

– Never leave your computer unattended. You are responsible for the security of your account.

– Ensure you always remove your USB flash drive from the computer before you log off.


Late submissions

Late submissions will incur the following penalties:

• 15% penalty for zero to 24 hours late

• 30% penalty for 25 to 48 hours late

• 100% penalty for over 48 hours late (dropbox automatically closes)

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