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日期:2018-04-30 01:52

KIT205 Data Structures and Algorithms

Assignment 1: Data Structures

Due: 27th April, 11:55pm


You work for an education company that develops and runs Massive Open Online Courses

(MOOCs). You have been asked to develop some software to manage student enrolments.

You decide to develop a prototype solution to test the performance of different data

structures and algorithms.

The company will initially only offer a few courses, but that may expand significantly in the

future. More importantly, each course may have many thousands of students – perhaps even

hundreds of thousands. Your software needs to provide the following functions:

1. Add a student

2. Remove a student

3. Enrol student in a course

4. Un-enrol student from a course

5. Print a summary of courses and the number of students enrolled in each course

6. Print an ordered list of students enrolled in a course

7. Print a list of courses that a given student is enrolled in

The number of courses that any student will enrol in is small. Furthermore, there is no

inherent order to the courses, so an ordered data structure is not required. Therefore you

decide to use a simple linked list to store the courses for each student.

The number of students will potentially be very large and, for quick access, sorted data is

required. Initially, you decide to test performance of a binary search tree to store the

students, but you would like to test an AVL tree as well. Note that, for this preliminary testing,

only the student ids will be stored (as long ints).

Assignment Specification – Part A (80%)

For this part of the assignment you will implement a prototype that uses BST to store

students, with each student record containing a list of courses the student is enrolled in. You

must use the BST and linked list code developed in the tutorials, however the data structures

will be modified for the new data (and functions will also require minor modifications to

accommodate these changes). The following definitions MUST be used:

typedef struct listNode{

char *data;

struct listNode *next;

} *ListNodePtr;

typedef struct list {

ListNodePtr head;

} List;

typedef struct bstNode {

long data;

List courses;

struct bstNode *left;

struct bstNode *right;

} *BSTNodePtr;

typedef struct bst {

BSTNodePtr root;

} BST;

The ListNodePtr and List definitions and (modified) linked list functions must be placed in

files stringlist.h and stringlist.c. The BSTNodePtr and BST definitions and

(modified) BST functions must be placed in files bst.h and bst.c.

All remaining code should be placed in a file called main.c that contains the main function

and program logic. This file will contain separate functions for each of the seven operations

listed in the introduction, as well as an eighth function to handle termination. Other functions

may be added if required.

Program I/O

All interactions with the program will be via the console. Operations 1-7 will be selected by

typing 1-7 at the command prompt. Quitting the application will be selected by typing 0. For

example, the following input sequence would add a student with id 123456, enrol that student

in course “abc123”, and then quit the application:







Note that this sequence shows the input only, not the program response (if any). You are free

to add prompts to make the application more user friendly, but this will not be assessed

(although it may be useful).

Program output in response to operations 5-7, should be as minimal as possible. You may

print a header if you wish, but this should be followed by one record per line with spaces

separating data. For example, in response to operation 5, the output might be:

Current enrolments:

abc123 32

def456 0

123def 10236

I/O Restrictions

You may assume that all input will always be in the correct format and contain no logical


 Commands will always be in the range 0-7

 Course names will always be strings less than 100 characters long and may contain any

alpha-numeric characters excluding spaces

 Student ids will always be positive integers in the range 0-999999

 The user will never attempt to add a student to a non-existent course

 The user will never attempt to print data for a non-existent course

 The user will never attempt to print data for a non-existent student

Note: Students that are enrolled in courses may be removed, in which case the course data for

that student should also be removed

Memory Management

Course names should be stored in appropriately size dynamically allocated memory. Names

will always be less than 100 characters long. For example, the course name “abc123” would

be stored in a char string of length 7.

Removing (un-enrolling) a student or removing a course should free all associated dynamically

allocated memory. Removing a course should free all memory for the enrolled students as

well as the course. The quit function should also free all dynamically allocated memory.

Assignment Specification – Part B (20%)

This part of the assignment should only be attempted once you have a fully implemented and

thoroughly tested solution to part A. It would be better to submit a complete part A and no

part B than to submit a partially complete part A and part B.

The requirements for this part of the assignment are exactly the same as for part A except that

an AVL tree must be used to store students, rather than storing them in a BST. The AVL files

should be named avl.h and avl.c. The AVL node definition should be a modified version of

the BST node.

Minimal assistance will be provided for this part of the assignment, especially if you cannot

demonstrate a fully implemented and thoroughly tested solution to part A.


It can be very time consuming to thoroughly test a program like this when all input is done

manually (imagine testing that your solution can manage 10000 students). A common method

of testing code like this is to use input redirection (and possibly output redirection). When

using input redirection your code runs without modification, but all input comes from a file

instead of from the keyboard.

This facility is provided in Visual Studio through the project properties dialog. For example, to

redirect input from a file called “test.txt”, you would add:


to Configuration Properties|Debugging|Command Arguments. This will be demonstrated in


At least one small input test file with sample output will be provided. It is recommended that

you construct larger files to fully test your program.

Assignment Submission

Assignments will be submitted via MyLO (an Assignment 1 dropbox will be created). You

should use the following procedure to prepare your submission:

 Make sure that your project has been thoroughly tested using the School’s lab


 Choose “Clean Solution” from the “Build” menu in Visual Studio. This step is very

important as it ensures that the version that the marker runs will be the same as the

version that you believe the marker is running.

 Quit Visual Studio and zip your entire project folder along with a completed

assignment cover sheet

 Upload a copy of the zip file to the MyLO dropbox

History tells us that mistakes frequently happen when following this process, so you should


 Unzip the folder to a new location

 Open the project and confirm that it still compiles and runs as expected

o If not, repeat the process from the start

KIT205 Data Structures and Algorithms: Assignment 1 - Data Structures

Synopsis of the task and its context

This is an individual assignment making up 10% of the overall unit assessment. The assessment criteria for this task are:

1. Implement basic functionality for a console-base application

2. Implement and test a linked list to store courses

3. Implement and test a BST to store students

4. Implement and test an AVL tree to store students

A significant and extremely important part of software development is thorough testing. Small programming errors may attract a large penalty if the error is something

that should have been picked up in testing! Please try to complete your program early to leave enough time for testing.

Match between learning outcomes and criteria for the task:

Unit learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit you will be able to … Task criteria:

1. Transform a real world problem into a simple abstract form that is suitable for computation

2. Implement common data structures and algorithms using a common programming language

3. Analyse the theoretical and practical run time and space complexity of computer code in order to select algorithms for

specific tasks

4. Use common algorithm design strategies to develop new algorithms when there are no pre-existing solutions

5. Create diagrams to reason and communicate about data structures and algorithms


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