EN 560.601 - Spring 2019
Homework #10
Due on 12PM May 1st, 2019
This problem set contains significant portion of coding. So please attach
your code and the result in your HW.
1. Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model
Consider a continuous predator-prey model, where rabbit is the prey
and fox is the predator. Let x(t) and y(t) be the population of the
rabbits and fox, respectively. The birth rate of the rabbits population
is proportional to its own population: αx(t). The death rate, on the
other hand, is proportional both the rabbit and the fox populations:
βx(t)y(t), meaning that the more the fox are, the more quickly the
rabbits will disappear. The reverse holds for the fox population: the
birth rates depends on the fox population as well as how many rabbits
are there as food: δx(t)y(t). The death rate of the fox population is
proportional to its own population: γy(t). Thus the following LotkaVolterra
equations are obtained:
dt = αx βxy
dt =γy + δxy
It is hard to find the analytic solutions for x(t) and y(t). However, a
conserved “energy” E(x, y) can be defined for checking the consistency
of the numerical solutions:
E(x, y) =δx + γ ln x βy + α ln y
You have done that in HW4.
In this exercise, take α = γ = 0.5 and β = δ = 0.01.
Use ode45 to solve the Lotka-Volterra equations and obtain x(t) and
y(t) for t between t = 0 and t = 50, given at time t = 0, x(0) = 100
and y(0) = 80. With the default settings, the number of time steps
taken should be 133.
ANSWERS: In the graph plot(t,x(t),t,y(t)), you should find
that the solutions x(t) and y(t) seems to be periodic and oscillate
somewhere between 10 and 120. These are the non-stationary steady
state solutions. By taking dx/dt = dy/dt = 0 in the Lotka-Volterra
equations, one finds that the non-zero temporal means of x(t) and
y(t) are γ/δ = α/β = 50. Therefore, the point (x, y) = (50, 50) is
an “attractor” in the phase diagram plot(x(t),y(t)), and the trace
x(t), y(t)
should form a closed orbit around the attractor. However,
if you make the phase diagram, you will see that the path is actually
not closed due to numerical instabilities, i.e. the Lotka-Volterra equations
are stiff with respect to ode45. The numerical instabilities can
be revealed by checking the “constancy” of the energy function. If you
plot E (x(t), y(t)) as a function of t, you will see the irregularity of the
energy evolution.
* Define dE1 as the difference between the maximum and the minimum
values of E
x(t), y(t)
for the ode45 solutions.
The stiffness of the system can be dealt with by using a better ODE
solver. Repeat the above calculations using the Trapezoidal RuleBackward
Differentiation Formula (TR/BDF2) solver ode23tb. The
trace in the phase diagram is “more” closed.
* Define dE2 as the difference between the maximum and the minimum
values of E
x(t), y(t)
for the ode23tb solutions.
Another way to deal with the numerical instability is to reduce the
tolerance of the ODE solver. Use odeset to redefine the relative tolerance
RelTol to 10?6 and calculate
x(t), y(t)
using ode45 with the
options set by odeset.
* Define dE3 as the difference between the maximum and the minimum
values of Ex(t), y(t)
for the ode45 solutions with the adjusted
Please plot everything as requested above and find dE1, dE2, dE3 .
2. In class, we give an improved numerical method for solving ODE, called
Heun’s method. Heun’s method is a two step method. Here is the
(a) Use the Taylor expansion to determine the local truncation error k. What is the global truncation error Ek?
(b) Consider the equation y
0 = f(y) with f(y) = λy. Here λ is a
constant. Please derive the iteration relations for yi+1 and yi
Since we don’t want yi blows up to +∞, we can get the stability
condition for Heun’s method. Assume λ is a real number, please
compute the range of it where the scheme is stable as a function
of λ.
(c) Implement this algorithm in MATLAB. Please test your algorithm
with the example presented in class,
000 + u
0 + cos(t)u = 0, u(0) = 1, u0
(0) = 1, u00(0) = 0
in the time domain [0, 10] with dt = 0.02. Use ode45 to estimate
the true solution utrue in the same time domain. Find the L2
error norm(u-utrue).
3. Consider the boundary value problem (Note: this is S-L problem)
with φn(4) = 0 and φn(4) = 0. Note φn is normalized to 1, i.e,
2dx = 1. For this calculation, use x ∈ [4, 4] and choose
xspan = 4 : 0.1 : 4. Find and plot the first three normalized eigenfunctions
and eigenvalues n. Be sure to use a forward- and backwarddifferencing
for the boundary conditions.
4. Consider the following linear system
This is a discrete version of Poisson’s equation: φ = ρ.
Construct the A matrix above for a 99 × 99 system. Set k = 63 and
construct a ρ (rho) vector according to the following rule:
ρj = 2(1 cos(kπ/100)) sin(j kπ/100).
(a) Please program the Jacobi and Gauss-Siedel methods for solving
this problem. Start the iteration with an initial guess φ as a column
of ones. Continue to iterate until every term in the vector φ
converges to within 10?4 of the same term in the previous iteration,
i.e, norm(phi(:,i+1)-phi(:,i),inf)<=1e-4.
(b) In the last part, we find out the Jacobi method needs 5129 iterations
to reach the convergent condition. however, the Gauss-Seidel
method only takes 2566 iterations to reach the same condition. So
the Gauss-Seidel is almost twice faster than Jacobi method. We
would like to show it by analyzing the eigenvalues of iterative matrices
for each method. Let’s remind the iterative systems for each
method. If the linear system of equations is Ax = b,
Jacobi method: xk+1 = Db, where A = D T. (1)
Gauss-Seidel method: xk+1 = L
b, where A = L U. (2)
Define xt as the true solution of the linear system and the error as
ξk = xk xt
. Show the iterations of xk will converge to the true
solution xt
if the iterative systems are stable for both methods.
Find the first 5 largest eigenvalues(in absolute value) of iterative
matrices for each method in MATLAB. Are these two iterative
systems stable?
5. This is the continuation of the last problem. There is another iterative
method to solve the linear system of equations, called Successive
over-relaxation(SOR). This time the matrix A is decomposed into a
diagonal matrix component D, and Strictly lower and upper triangular
components L and U:(This L matrix is different from the one in G-S
A = D + L + U,
Its iteration relations is
xk+1 = (D + ωL)
(ωU + (ω 1)D)xk + (D + ωL)
where ω is a constant, called relaxation factor. The range of ω is
0 < ω < 2.
(a) Show when ω = 1, this method degenerates to Gauss-Seidel method.
(b) Write down the iterative matrix for this method.
(c) Please write a code to find the constant ω to minimize the spectral
radius of this iterative matrix (the largest eigenvalue in absolute
value) for the Poisson’s equation problem.
(d) Use this optimal ω to implement SOR. How many iterations do
you need to reach the same convergent condition? How much this
method faster than the Gauss-Seidel method?
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