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您当前位置:首页 >> Matlab编程Matlab编程

日期:2018-12-04 10:17

Math 373-Fall 2018 Midterm Project 3 Due: 6:15pm, 7 November

Work through each of the following problems. Be sure to read the midterm project

guidelines found in the resources section on sakai. Turn in all coding portions digitally and

the handwritten analysis portions in class. Both portions must be turned in by the due


1. (9 points) Getting started with multi-step methods

(a) Consider a 2 step implicit multi-step algorithm of the form

xn+1 = c1xn + c0xn1 + h (α2f(tn+1, xn+1) + α1f(tn, xn) + α0f(tn?1, xn1)) n ≥ 1.

Show that this method is consistent if and only if

c0 + c1 = 1 and α0 + α1 + α2 ? c0 = 1.

(b) Determine the conditions on the coefficients, (c0, c1, α0, α1, α2), for which the method in (a) is

consistent, but unstable.

(c) There is a unique choice for the coefficients, (c0, c1, α0, α1, α2), which makes the method in (a) have

order 3. Find these coefficients, show that they are unique, that the method has order 3, and that

it does not have order 4.

(d) Implement the Adam’s fourth order predictor-corrector method (algorithm 5.4 in B&F) in MATLAB.

It should be a function called ms4 which is capable of the following call

ms4(f,(t0, tf , h), x0) ← (t, x) are vectors representing a discretized solution to the initial value


˙x = f(t, x), x(0) = x0 t ∈ [t0, tf ]

in the sense that xn ≈ x(tn), evaluated with a step size of h. Use rk4 from midterm project 2

for steps 2-5 of the algorithm.

Investigating a nonlinear oscillator

The remaining exercises focus on numerical simulation of a model for nonlinear oscillation. The motion

of an idealized point-mass at the end of a rigid pendulum is described by solutions to the 2nd order

initial value problem

¨θ + γ

˙θ + sin(θ) = 0 θ(0) = θ0

˙θ(0) = ˙θ0

where θ(t) is the angle formed by the pendulum and an imaginary vertical line after t units of time and

γ ≥ 0 is a constant which determines the amount of damping. For each exercise you should consider the

equivalent equation written as a vector field on R



2. (7 points) Linear approximation of the pendulum

(a) For this exercise you will need to implement a linear solver based on Gaussian elimination with

pivoting. It should be called linearsolver and should be capable of the following calls

linearsolver(U, b) ← x satisfies the linear equation Ux = b where U is an n × n real, nonsingular,

upper triangular matrix and b is a column vector of length n. Your function should compute x

directly by back substitution.

linearsolver(A, b) ← x returns the solution to Ax = b where A is any n × n real nonsingular

matrix. In this case your function should use Gaussian elimination with pivoting to obtain an

upper triangular linear problem, and then compute the solution by recalling linearsolver.

linearsolver(A, B) ← X where both B and X are matrices with n rows. The j

th column of X

is the vector xj which satisfies Axj = bj where bj is the j

th column of B. In this case your

function should first compute an LU factorization for A, and then compute each column of X

using 2 calls to linearsolver with upper triangular matrices.

Your function should return an error if the matrix input is singular. You may not use the builtin

MATLAB linear solver, lu, or inv functions. However, you may use the builtin functions triu,

tril, and rank as needed.

(b) Write a MATLAB function called solvelinearIVP which calls linearsolver to solve the linear

homogeneous initial value problem

˙x = Ax x(0) = x0

where A is a real n × n matrix and x0 is a column vector of initial data. It should be capable of

the following call

solvelinearIVP(A, x0) ← x where x is a function handle for the exact solution to the initial value

problem (i.e. the call x(t) should evaluate the solution at time t).

Your function should call your linearsolver function and may also call the builtin functions eig

and exp.

(c) Classify the qualitative dynamics which arise from the solutions to pendulum equation linearized

around an equilibrium. Your analysis should consider the possible linearizations at any equilibrium

solution, as well as the effect of varying γ ∈ [0, ∞). Use this analysis to make a script called

linearized pendulum dynamics which calls solvelinearIVP for each type of dynamics and plots

solutions for initial conditions chosen uniformly on the unit circle.

Make a separate plot for each linear equation. Choose enough initial conditions and an integration

time for each plot so that it captures the qualitative dynamics. Use each plot to confirm that the

trajectories behave as predicted by your analysis.

3. (9 points) Investigating the nonlinear pendulum

The remaining exercises focus on studying a model for nonlinear oscillation. The motion of an

(a) Suppose f is a vector field on R

2 of the form f(x, y) = (y, g(x)) for some scalar function g. Show

that the function

H(x, y) = 1




Z x


g(s) ds

is constant along all trajectories of the equation ( ˙x, y˙) = f(x, y). In other words, solutions of this

ODE lie on level curves of H.

Compute H for the undamped pendulum equation and write a script called calibrate step size

which plots level curves of H in the domain [?π, 5π] × [0, 5]. Begin with a step size h = 10?1 and

plot trajectories from initial conditions uniformly along the line segment between (0, 0) and (0, 5)

and integrated for t = 30 time units.

Repeat this procedure, decreasing h by a factor of 10 each time, until all plotted solutions appear

to align with the level curves of H. Make a separate plot for each attempt and leave all of the code

for each plot intact. For the remaining exercises involving ms4 and the pendulum equation, use

your final step size to compute solutions.

(b) Use ms4 to compute a solution to the IVP with γ = 0, θ0 =



˙θ0 =



2 for t ∈ [0, 40],

and plot this trajectory segment in the (θ, ˙θ) plane. What is wrong with the solution computed

by ms4? Does this picture mean that ms4 is numerically unstable? Can this problem be fixed

by decreasing the step size, increasing the order of integration, or other measures? Explain your

answers thoroughly.

(c) Suppose the pendulum is held along the vertical line in the “up” position (θ0 = π) and then pushed

with some initial velocity so that it begins to swing. If γ > 0, then the pendulum will lose energy

along its trajectory and converge to a stable equilibrium. Hence, no matter how large the initial

velocity, the pendulum can only complete a finite number of revolutions around the circle.

Suppose we are interested in trajectories which complete exactly 2 revolutions. Define a function,

g : [0, 10] → (0, ∞), by g(x) = γx where γx is the maximum possible damping such that for given

initial velocity, ˙θ0 = x, the pendulum completes exactly 2 revolutions. Make a MATLAB script

called revolution plot which produces a plot of the graph of g. You may use ms4 for performing

integrations and any code from previous projects as needed.

(d) This portion should be completed after finishing 2(c). Make a script called pendulum dynamics

and repeat the plots from linearized pendulum dynamics for all equilibrium solutions in the

domain [?π, 5π] × [?5, 5]. The solutions for each linearized equation should be centered over the

corresponding equilibrium and colored distinctly.

For each initial condition integrated in one of the linearized equations, use ms4 to compute the

trajectory for the nonlinear equation. Integrate each for 20 time units and plot the solutions in a

distinct color and with thicker lines to distinguish it from the linearized solutions.

Write a few sentences for each plot which describes the regions for which the nonlinear solutions are

well approximated by the linearized solutions, and the regions where they are poorly approximated.

What do thee regions have in common? Identify characteristics of the motion for the linear equations

which are not present for the nonlinear motions and vice versa. Be specific.

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